Playground reviews, ratings, photos and maps in the North West area of Melbourne.
The North West is the area between the Hume Highway and the Western Freeway, and includes the Melton and Calder Highways.
Select a link below to view details of playgrounds in this region.
Alternately, the Melbourne Playgrounds Maps are Google maps showing playground locations with links to the reviews. There is also a map showing the BEST playgrounds in this region.
Use the Extended Search to search for playgrounds in a certain area with particular facilities such as shade, secure fencing, BBQ, shelter or toilets.
The BEST playgrounds in the North West of MelbourneWe have created a document in PDF format which has a summary of the best playgrounds in the north west region of Melbourne. It includes playgrounds in Ascot Vale, Braybrook, Broadmeadows, Burnside Heights, Coburg, Craigi(03)
The BEST playgrounds in the North West of Melbourne
Frontier Park Playground, Frontier Avenue, AintreeAintree has become the playground capital of Melbourne and this new playground is a fantastic addition with huge slides, a range of fun and engaging areas, water play area, basketball court and small skatepark.
Some b(03)
Frontier Park Playground, Frontier Avenue, Aintree
Cnr Woodlea Boulevard and Frontier Avenue,Aintree,
A J Davis Reserve Playground, Roberts Road, Airport WestColourful structure with wave slide, inclined walkway, ladder with square rungs, shop front, tic-tac-toe, walkway, disks on a vertical pole, inclined climber, hanging disks and monkey bars. Also rocker suspended from pol(03)
A J Davis Reserve Playground, Roberts Road, Airport West
Abelia Court Playground, SunburyElevated rectangular platform with small slide, fireman's pole, tic-tac-toe, abacus, ladder and climber. Springer and swings. Unshaded seat and grassy area with some slope.
Addicott Way Reserve Playground, Addicott Way, Taylors HillA lot of effort (and money) has gone into creating a nice environment but the reality of the playground is that there are only two swings. Shaded and unshaded tables, BBQ and big grassy area.
Addicott Way Reserve Playground, Addicott Way, Taylors Hill
Aintree Reserve Playground, Aintree Boulevard, AintreeA four level viewing tower with internal steps stretches high above the playground. Unfortunately someone forgot to attach a slide to the tower - that would have been truly epic.
The area of the playground is almost a(03)
Alice's Playspace, Errington Reserve, Main Road East, St AlbansA lovely playspace which stretches along the side of an oval with a series of concrete paths and areas to provide access to all the equipment. A long rocky (and dry) river winds the entire length of the playground from t(03)
Alice's Playspace, Errington Reserve, Main Road East, St Albans
Allenby Road Playground, HillsideThe centrepiece of the playground are two elevated platforms joined by a rope net. The structure has a tightly wound spiral tunnel slide, high ladder, rope net ladder and fireman's pole.
Also a sandpit with digger, b(03)
Amarco Crescent Playground, MaribyrnongA tiny playground for young kids with swings, a game where you spin a disk and connect heads to an animal's body, little springer and a structure with steps, scrambling wall and metal slide.
Unshaded metal table, sea(03)
Anderson Road Playground, SunburyStructure with wave slide, ladder, speak and listen system, shop front, abacus, climber bridge, balance beam and monkey bars. Single swing without safety chain and two springers. Limited grassy area and unshaded seats.
Apollo Road Playground, Taylors LakesThe playground is dominated by a tower with a tunnel slide. Around the tower is a cube climbing frame, climbing wall, steps and dual wave slides. Also swings, log steppers and small rocker.
Shelter with table, water (03)
Arbour Boulevard Central Reserve Playground, Arbour Boulevard, Burnside HeightsSmall playground in a grassy area surrounded by roads. There is a modern climbing structure with ladders and slide, four person rocker, stand-on spinner and swings. Unshaded seats.
Arbour Boulevard Central Reserve Playground, Arbour Boulevard, Burnside Heights
Arbour Boulevard North Reserve Playground, Arbour Boulevard, Burnside HeightsThe playground is quite spread out and areas are hidden by rows of bushes. The main structure has a wooden tepee with scrambling wall, rope bridges, metal slide and a thick rope traverse.
Also a swing with a thick ro(03)
Arbour Boulevard North Reserve Playground, Arbour Boulevard, Burnside Heights
Arbourton Park Playground, Muster Drive, AintreeA fun playground which is dominated by a huge bug like creature. To get into the innards of this bug either climb a high ladder or up a rope tunnel. To get out and down, head for the sloping rubber mat slide. Running aro(03)
Arbourton Park Playground, Muster Drive, Aintree
Cnr Muster Drive and Arbourton Avenue,Aintree,
Arcade Way Reserve Playground, Arcade Way, Keilor EastPlayground is set in a big grassy area with curved slide, scrambling wall, shop front, ladder with square rungs, steering wheel, rigid walkway, smaller slide, binoculars, stepping stones, abacus, balance beam, monkey bar(03)
Arcade Way Reserve Playground, Arcade Way, Keilor East
Arnolds Creek Reserve Playground, Claret Ash Boulevard, Melton WestA long wooden structure. At the higher end is a big wave slide, climbing wall, scrambling wall, rope bridge, monkey, bars, hanging disk traverse and step bridge.
In the middle is a vertical rope net, climbing cube wi(03)
Arnolds Creek Reserve Playground, Claret Ash Boulevard, Melton West
Ashkanasy Reserve Playground, David Avenue, Keilor EastStructure has two slides, ladder with square rungs, chain bridge, monkey rungs, walkway, standard ladder and steering wheel. Springer and swings.
Shaded seat. Fenced except for an area with an open style gate. Minima(03)
Ashkanasy Reserve Playground, David Avenue, Keilor East
Attwood House Community Centre Playground, Erinbank Crescent, AttwoodA simple playground beside the Attwood House Community Centre which has two swings and a structure with low slide, small ladders, walkway and steering wheel.(03)
Attwood House Community Centre Playground, Erinbank Crescent, Attwood
Australia Drive Playground, Taylors LakesColourful structure (in a lurid orange and lime green type of way) which has three slides, climbing wall, small ladder, rope cylinder bridge, inclined walkway, climbing mat wall, steering wall, disks on a vertical pole, (03)
Avondale Heights Reserve Playground, Doyle Street, Avondale HeightsThis playground has a cramped and squashed feel - like hiding in the pantry during a game of hide and seek (but without the sauce smell). Structure has monkey bars, climber, crooked fireman's pole, crooked ladder, vertic(03)
Backhaus Avenue Playground, SunburyTiny wooden structure with steps, steering wheel, abacus and wave slide. Springer and two swings (one without safety chain and the other cut from a car tyre). Some grassy area.
Barrington Crescent Playground, Gladstone ParkA small nicely landscaped block with three swings, one unshaded seat and one unshaded table.
Barrymore Road Reserve Playground, Barrymore Road, GreenvaleStructure with wave slide, fireman's pole, climbing wall, curved climber, walkway, ladder, hanging disks, small slide, monkey bars, flying fox, balance beam and cubby with abacus and shop front. There is a ramp for acces(03)
Barwon Street Reserve Playground, Jacaranda Drive, Taylors HillFairly large modern climbing frame, stand alone metal slide, see-saw, stand-on spinner and swings. Shelter with seats and BBQ. Large grassy area.
Barwon Street Reserve Playground, Jacaranda Drive, Taylors Hill
Beecroft Drive Playground, WestmeadowsTiny structure with slide, General Store shop front and ladder. Also standalone tic-tac-toe, springer and swings. Unshaded table and seats. Sloping grassy area.
Benaud Close Playground, Keilor EastElevated square platform with access via a standard ladder or ladder with square rungs. Structure has a wave slide, abacus, shop front, little seat underneath, fireman's pole and steering wheel. Also swings. Shaded seats(03)
Biggs Street Reserve Playground, Biggs Street, St AlbansNicely presented playground which has a huge double cone shaped climbing frame and a structure with dual wave slides, fireman's pole, steps, shop front, chain bridge, monkey rungs and balance beam with obstacles. Also a (03)
Biggs Street Reserve Playground, Biggs Street, St Albans
Bills Park Playground, Coburns Road, Melton WestOld playground with old fashioned metal climbing frame in the shape of a cube, two person pommel bounce and swings. No grassy area. No seats.
Blind Creek Parklands Playground, Beckview Crescent, SunburyA path leads down from #16 to a secluded location next to concrete path and creek. The fun colourful structure has dual wave slides, big scrambling wall, high fireman's pole, shop fronts, ladder, rope bridge, curved slid(03)
Blind Creek Parklands Playground, Beckview Crescent, Sunbury
Bloomdale Avenue Playground, Diggers RestA medium-size pyramid rope climbing frame, lots of soft mounds of different sizes with the biggest having climbing holds and a metal slide, log steppers, birds nest swing, standard swing with safety chain and structure w(03)
Bloomdale Park Playground, Peppercress Street, Diggers RestGood sized structure for different aged kids. The high end has a wave slide, climbing wall, ladders, fireman's pole, walkway and a step disk bridge leads down to hanging disks and monkey rungs, a rope traverse, bridge wi(03)
Bloomdale Park Playground, Peppercress Street, Diggers Rest
Bloomsbury Drive Reserve Playground, Bloomsbury Drive, Taylors HillThe playground has a burnt orange colour - which is how I felt on a hot day (but I was just a bit crispier). The main structure has two wave slides of different heights, steps, rope bridges, rope net ladder, fireman's po(03)
Bloomsbury Drive Reserve Playground, Bloomsbury Drive, Taylors Hill
Boathouse Reserve Playground, The Esplanade, Caroline SpringsLocated at the north eastern end of Caroline Lake. The playground has a number of elements including a metal tunnel slide, single sit-on swing, whale springer, stand-on spinner, structure with three twisted sheets at eac(03)
Boathouse Reserve Playground, The Esplanade, Caroline Springs
Bonfield Reserve Playground, Bonfield Street, KeilorA huge reserve and the playground in the south west corner looks like something out of a Dr Seuss book. A big jumble of logs and nets with a hammock and big steep metal slide reached by a wooden ladder or by an adventuro(03)
Boronia Drive Playground, HillsideThe playground has a flying fox with disk seat, big twirling disk to sit on and spin around, changers to hit against pipes to make music/noise, small birds nest swing, two standard swings, little see-saw, a nice sandpit (03)
Botanica Springs Linear Reserve Playground, Burrawang Close, BrookfieldA bridge leads over to the west side of the creek where there is a very simple playground with a climbing frame, spinning disk to sit on and three unshaded seats.
Botanica Springs Linear Reserve Playground, Burrawang Close, Brookfield
Botanical Drive Reserve Playground, Botanical Drive, Caroline SpringsWooden structure with curved slide, shop front, climbing wall, steering wheel, binoculars, hanging disks, tic-tac-toe, rope ladder and clock. Two springers and swings. Unshaded seats. About 30m away is a shelter with tab(03)
Bourke Street Playground, Essendon WestPlayground is set on a steep slope - a case where one leg shorter than the other is a distinct advantage. Structure with a wave slide, walkway, climbing wall, ladder, fireman's pole, tunnel, tic-tac-toe and steering whee(03)
Bradford Avenue Playground, GreenvaleTwo structures close together. The higher one has no slide but sloping parallel bars, scrambling wall, chain bridge, balance beam with obstacles, monkey rungs, trapeze bar and suspended ladder. Also two stand-on spinner(03)
Brees Road Playground, Keilor EastCompact structure on a steep block with wave slide, fireman's pole, chain ladder and monkey bars. Horizontal bars, fish springer and swings. Shaded seat.
Bridgefield Town Park Playground, Bridgefield Parkway, RockbankA fun playground with two tall towers. One tower has a wave slide, climbing wall, arched ladder and shop front. The other tower has ladders leading up to the highest level but no slide.
Also a big sandpit, large rope(03)
Bridgefield Town Park Playground, Bridgefield Parkway, Rockbank
Brimbank Park Play Space, Brimbank Road, Keilor EastA beautifully crafted Play Space with natural elements most suited for younger kids with a few exciting elements for the older kids. At the top of the hill overlooking the playground area is a huge artificial hollow tree(03)
Brimbank Park Play Space, Brimbank Road, Keilor East
Brimbank Park Playground, Park Drive (Car Park B), Keilor EastVery basic structure with metal slide, rope frame ladder and fireman's pole. Springer and large circular rocker.
Big shelter with tables, BBQs, unshaded tables and seats plus very big grassy area. Toilets nearby.
Brimbank Park Playground, Park Drive (Car Park B), Keilor East
Brimbank Park Playground, Park Drive (Car Park C), Keilor EastElevated structure with rigid rope ladder, wooden ladder, fireman's pole, spiders web climbing frame and enclosed rope ladder. No slide. Old wooden car towing a wagon, bike springer, horse springer and large circular roc(03)
Brimbank Park Playground, Park Drive (Car Park C), Keilor East
Broadmeadows Valley Park Playground, Barry Road, WestmeadowsThe higher structure has a wave slide, climbing wall, rope net ladder, rope bridge, curved ladder, disk traverse, traverse of spinning metal circles and rope net climbing wall.
The smaller, lower structure has a dual(03)
Broadmeadows Valley Park Playground, Barry Road, Westmeadows
Brookside Village Park Playground, Hepburn Way, Caroline SpringsRed and yellow plastic structure with spiral slide, short dual straight slides, tightly wound spiral ladder, steps and monkey bars.
Shaded and unshaded tables with BBQs. Shelter. Unshaded seats and grassy area.
Brookside Village Park Playground, Hepburn Way, Caroline Springs
Bulla Street Railway Playground, Green Street, BullaMain structure in the shape of a red train (in the likeness of James from Sodor) must get good marks- especially since it is with ten metres from the Bulla Hill miniature railway.
Bulla Street Railway Playground, Green Street, Bulla
Bullion Park Playground, Woodlea Boulevard, AintreeThere is a battleground between housing estates for the best playground and this is a winner of the battle and possibly the war. Towering above the playground is a huge twisting tunnel slide. Kids were being spat out the(03)
Bullion Park Playground, Woodlea Boulevard, Aintree
Cnr Woodlea Boulevard and Quarry Road,Aintree,
Burnside Heights Recreation Reserve Playground, Tenterfield Drive, Burnside HeightsIt must be time to get a new set of glasses because I had trouble finding any play equipment in a huge expanse of landscaping, strategically placed rocks and logs, myriad of twisting narrow paths and expanse of sandy are(03)
Caitlyn Street Playground, SunburyInsects on steroids - a huge grasshopper and huge orange snail which may have been on steroids AND radiation. Colourful structure with wave slide, inclined walkway, tic-tac-toe, abacus, monkey rungs, stepping stones, fir(03)
Calder Rise Reserve Playground, Patterson Avenue, KeilorStructure with big long wave slide, smaller wave slide, tunnel, abacus, shop front, hanging disks, walkway, steps, pipe with clanger, telescope, steering wheel and climbing wall. There is also a speed boat on rockers, hu(03)
Caleb Way Playground, Fraser RiseA simple wooden structure with metal slide, various ladders, tricky walkways, climbing wall and scrambling wall. Also a balance beam, chin-up bars and two swings.
Shelter and two tables and unshaded seats. Quite a la(03)
Cambrian Way Reserve Playground, Cambrian Way, Melton WestTotally enclosed by a fence but without a gate! Structure has a thin, spindly feel - like Justin Madden. Includes a wave slide, climbing wall, ladder, hanging disks and ropes, monkey bars, log roll and flying fox. Two sp(03)
Cambrian Way Reserve Playground, Cambrian Way, Melton West
Caroline Springs Town Centre Recreation Reserve Playground, The Crossing, Caroline SpringsLocated next to the ovals. Structure is set off in a stylish burgundy and black colour scheme and has a wave slide, rope ladder, curved ladder, scrambling wall, traversing area with hanging chains, another smaller slide,(03)
Caroline Springs Town Centre Recreation Reserve Playground, The Crossing, Caroline Springs
Cascade Drive Playground, AintreeA fully fenced playground next to a wetlands area. There is a low wooden structure with a wave slide, tunnel, walkway and steps, a cube climbing frame with climbing wall, rope nets and ladders, log balance course, three (03)
Cashat Park Playground, Ashgrove Drive, Deer ParkAre we in Flemington or Deer Park because there's a line of five horse springers just waiting to be ridden. Also a play structure (is that a stable?) with metal slide, scrambling wall, shop front, some play equipment for(03)
Centennial Park Playground, Woollahra Parade, Taylors HillWooden structure with a high end which has a wave slide, ladder, walkway, telescope, disks on a vertical pole, flying fox and climber plus a low end for younger kids which has hanging disks, tunnel, cylinder which you ro(03)
Centennial Park Playground, Woollahra Parade, Taylors Hill
Central Park Avenue, CraigieburnA tiny playground north of the main playground which has a balance beam next to a pond and a set of swings with an unshaded table.
Central Park Reserve Playground, Tamboritha Boulevard, Weir ViewsWooden structure with wave slide, rope ladder, shopfront and fireman's pole. Also a spinning disk (very hard to turn), sandpit, birds nest swing, tunnel and log steppers.
Shelter with two tables and BBQs, water tap, (03)
Central Park Reserve Playground, Tamboritha Boulevard, Weir Views
Century Park Playground, Reiffel Avenue, SunburyOne structure has a vertical chain climbing frame, chain ladder and ladder with square rungs. Another structure has a wave slide, maze panel, clock, word panel, walkway and steps. There is also a cute round table with se(03)
Chateau Promenade Playground, DeansideSet in a large grassy rectangle is a playground with play structures for different ages. The larger and higher structure has dual wave slides, steep single wave slide, scrambling wall, tunnel, shopfront, rope net ladder,(03)
Chateau Rise Playground, SunburyA tower at the top of the hill is a starting point for a big metal curved slide. The entrance to the slide can be reached either by steps, rope bridge or metal ladder.
At the bottom of the slide are two in-ground tra(03)
Chetwyn Drive Playground, Kings ParkTraversing type structure without a slide which has sloping parallel bars, chain ladder, ladder with square rungs, climber, flying fox, balance beam, steering wheel, long curved chain traverse, chain bridge, flying fox a(03)
Chifley Drive Reserve Playground, Chifley Drive, MaribyrnongA modern climbing structure with rope section, metal slide, ladder and fireman's pole. Also a sit-on carousel and birds nest swing. Unshaded table and next to a huge grassy area which is a dog off leash area.
Chisholm Drive Linear Reserve Playground, Kyneton Lane, Caroline SpringsSingle swing without safety chain. Shelter without seats ... and also playground without a good rating. Seems to be a common thread around "without". Unshaded seats and next to a pond with lots of reeds.
Chisholm Drive Linear Reserve Playground, Kyneton Lane, Caroline Springs
Churchill Avenue Playground, TullamarineSmallish structure with wave slide, ladders, shop front, abacus and climber. See-saw, two old springers and swings. Minimal grassy area. No seats.
Clarian Street Playground, CairnleaNice setting along a row of gum trees beside a lake with water birds. Wooden structure with climbing wall, ladder, shop front, fireman's pole, wave slide, curved slide, lovely duck panels, inclined balance beam walkway, (03)
Clarke Avenue Playground, St AlbansOld structure with wave slide, tic-tac-toe, shop front, curved ladder, steering wheel, horizontal climber, spiral ladder, fireman's pole and horizontal bars. Two horse springers and swings. Basketball court and unshaded (03)
Cliff Harvey Lagoon Reserve Playground, Flora Street, KeilorThe playground is centred around a hill and some lovely big spreading trees. A series of ramps and steps lead up to the top of the hill where there are three blackboards and a curved slide. The ramps have fireman's poles(03)
Cobblestone Green Village Reserve Playground, Cobblestone Green, Caroline SpringsThe park has two sections separated by more than 100m. One area has a four person pommel bounce, swings, see-saw and horse springer. This area has a shelter with table, unshaded table and BBQ. On the other side of the pa(03)
Cobblestone Green Village Reserve Playground, Cobblestone Green, Caroline Springs
Collinson Street Playground, Keilor ParkEnclosed playground with a gate (broken). Simple structure with slide, spiral ladder and fireman's pole. Swings and springer. Seats with possible shade.
Community Hub Playground, HillsideA case of plastic - fairly fantastic. Plastic structure with tunnel slide, steep straight slide, a smaller straight slide, two curved climbing walls and a cubby underneath. Big grey plastic donkey springer, plastic bike (03)
Conrad Street Playground, St AlbansPlayground is well fenced except for two gaps for entry. Structure has a curved slide, rigid frame ladder with curved footholds, climbing wall, steps, maze panel and hanging disks. Standalone wave slide and a rope climbi(03)
Conservation Avenue Playground, Weir ViewsA tall tower with steps inside which lead up to a big curved tunnel slide. On the sides of the tower are a curved slide, disks on a vertical pole, climbing wall, ladders, rope spiders web climbing frame and a climbing cu(03)
Coopers Hill Drive Playground, WestmeadowsIn the middle is a very tall tower with a high and steep wave slide and fireman's pole reached by a ladder or rope bridge connected to a rope spiders web climbing frame, rope tunnel and rope traverse. This area also has (03)
Copernicus Way Playground, Keilor DownsTwo smallish structures . One has a metal slide, disks on a vertical pole, curved climber/ladder, horizontal bars and rope climbing frame. The other one for younger kids has a metal slide, shop front, steering wheel, lad(03)
Cranwell Square Playground, Caroline SpringsWooden structure with two wave slides, climber, shop front, steps, steering wheel, walkway, ladder, disks on a vertical pole, spiders web rope climbing frame and monkey bars. Also see-saw, two springers and swings.
Cyril Clements Reserve Playground, Meredith Street, Kings ParkA nice playground which has a structure with climbing wall and rope ladders, a birds nest swing, standard swings, cute car springer, cute (it's becoming my most used word at this playground) little table for little kids (03)
Cyril Clements Reserve Playground, Meredith Street, Kings Park
Dalkeith Avenue Playground, TullamarineThis equipment has seen better days - like about 30 years ago! The structure which is old, run down and covered in graffiti has two wave slides, spiral ladder, shop front, telescope, steering wheel, steps and balance bea(03)
Dalkeith Court Playground, SunburyLocated beside a bike trail which follows the creek. Lots of equipment packed together in one structure with dual slides, spiral slide, wave slide, high monkey rungs, fireman's pole, cubby area underneath, ladders, walkw(03)
Darwin Street Playground, Taylors HillModern climbing frame with rope climbing square, hanging disks, climbing wall and disk you stand on and rotate around a vertical pole. Swings and stand-on spinner.
Large shelter with tables, unshaded seats, water tap(03)
Davitt Drive Playground, Deer ParkA great quirky tower in the corner with a big tunnel slide, colourful climbing walls, climbing nets and birds nest swing. There is a some gymnastics needed to get to the top of the slide and you really need to earn the r(03)
Delahey Recreational Reserve Playground, Copperfield Drive, DelaheyWhen the highlight of a playground is a bright orange dinosaur springer then you just know that this will not be a top rating playground. Structure with wave slide, ladder, rigid bridge, shop front, balance beam, monkey (03)
Delahey Recreational Reserve Playground, Yeats Drive, DelaheyThe playground was upgraded and now includes a huge atom shaped rope climbing frame, scary birds nest swing with a huge arc, see-saw, standard swings and a structure with dual wave slides, rope climbing wall, tunnel, clo(03)
Delbridge Drive Playground, SydenhamAn exciting playground which has a high frame with scary high rope ladders and baskets, a big rope cone which spins around and a small curved tunnel slide. Also nice sandpit with sand play equipment, four swings (one wit(03)
Denton Avenue Playground, St AlbansSmall old structure with metal slide, fireman's pole, ladder with odd shaped steps, climber, monkey bars and horizontal bar. Also see-saw, two springers and swings. Unshaded seats, basketball court and big grassy area.
Destination Drive Playground, GreenvaleA huge rope climbing frame, pelican springer, four person seesaw, rodeo board (which twists and rocks and two people have to battle to get the other person off), flying fox with disk seat, swings and a structure with dua(03)
Diggers Rest Recreation Reserve Playground, Plumpton Road, Diggers RestSmall structure which was totally enclosed by a fence with a gate - unfortunately the gate was locked which seems to defeat the purpose of having a playground there. Small structure without a slide but has a walkway, cur(03)
Disraeli Street Playground, St AlbansA basic fully fenced playground with three swings, unusual inverted U-shaped see-saw and structure with slide, little rope climbing net and unusual ladder.
Unshaded table and seat, outdoor gym and small grassy area.
Dixon Field Playground, Robertson Street, GisborneFully fenced playground with safety gate which has two structures. The higher one has a slide, shop front, fireman's pole, chain bridge, monkey bars and monkey rungs. The smaller structure for toddlers has a small slide,(03)
Dixon Field Playground, Robertson Street, Gisborne
Dobell Avenue Playground, SunburyA simple playground with a fun maze panel, swings, spinning disk, see-saw and wooden structure with metal slides, vertical rope net and scrambling wall.
Unshaded seats and grassy area at the back surrounded by fences(03)
Dowling Street Playground, KealbaLarge standalone slide, four person rocker with two horse seats and single swing without safety chain. Grassy area and no seats.
Drummond Street Playground, GreenvaleA small playground with swings, seesaw, stand on spinner, wagon springer and structure with curved slide, abacus, rope ladder, disks on a vertical pole, steering wheel and fireman's pole.
Huge grassy area (which is a(03)
Duke Street Playground, Sunshine NorthA playground in a nice elevated position with good views. The main structure has a wave slide, scrambling wall, disks on a vertical pole, fireman's pole, climber, ladder, steps, walkway, abacus, curved slide, climbing m(03)
Dumosa Court Playground, St AlbansStructure with metal slide, walkway, spiral and straight ladders, speak and listen system, chain bridge, telescope, horizontal bar, shop front and monkey bars. No swings but a little rocker. No seats and no grassy area.
Earlington Square Playground, Mockridge Avenue, BurnsideLow structure with wave slide, ladder, fireman's pole, walkway, small slide, spiral ladder and monkey bars. Two springers and three swings.
BBQ set in a stark ugly location, shelter with seat, huge basketball court, (03)
Edgbaston Parade Linear Reserve Playground, Edgbaston Parade, Caroline SpringsSet in an olive grove is a small playground with in-ground trampoline, inverted V-shaped climbing frame, swings and climbing structure with rope net, metal slide, steps and fireman's pole.
Unshaded table and seats, t(03)
Edgbaston Parade Linear Reserve Playground, Edgbaston Parade, Caroline Springs
Egerton Way Playground, DelaheySmallish structure but some other nice elements. The structure has curved and wave slides, shop front, abacus, ladder, hanging disks, telescope, chain ladder and walkways. Huge atom shaped rope climbing frame, standard s(03)
Eisner Street Playground, St AlbansSmall structure without a slide and includes a spiral helix ladder, fireman's pole, chain bridge, steps and ladder with unusual steps. Two swings without safety chain. Some grassy area and no seats.
Elford Court Playground, CairnleaStructure with wave slide, tree ladder, curved ladder, chain bridge, monkey rungs, chain traverse and stepping stones. Two springers and swings. Shaded seats, big basketball court and unshaded table. Some grassy area. Th(03)
Elmhurst Park Playground, Elmhurst Road, Gladstone ParkThe highlight of the playground is a tower with a big twisting tunnel slide. The slide entrance is reached by climbing up a hanging metal tunnel to the first level and then a series of rope net ladders to the tunnel slid(03)
Elmhurst Park Playground, Elmhurst Road, Gladstone Park
Embleton Chase Playground, Weir ViewsCompact structure with two towers. The higher end has a twisting slide, shopfronts, tic-tac-toe, clock, ladder, rope bridge, monkey rungs, rope spiders web climbing frame and another rope climbing frame. A rope net bridg(03)
Emil Court Reserve Playground, Emil Court, MeltonSmall structure with wave slide, steps, fireman's chain pole and steering wheel. Train springer. No swings. Unshaded seat, some huge shady trees and some grassy area.
Eric Boardman Memorial Reserve Playground, Learmonth Street, SunburyWooden structure with wave slide, tic-tac-toe, steps, ladder with square rungs, inclined balance beam, monkey bars and vertical spiders web rope climbing frame. Area with abacus, shop front, clock and steering wheel pane(03)
Eric Boardman Memorial Reserve Playground, Learmonth Street, Sunbury
Eric Boardman Memorial Reserve Playground, Mitchells Lane, SunburyHop over to the playground next to the Sunbury Kangaroo's ground. Structure has a wave slide, curved slide, walkway, ladder, steps, hanging disks, shop front, fireman's pole, maze panel, vertical rope climbing frame, cli(03)
Eric Boardman Memorial Reserve Playground, Mitchells Lane, Sunbury
Erinbank Crescent Playground, WestmeadowsThe highlight is a big atom shaped climbing frame with rope ladder and bridges which leads to a big metal slide. To the side are swings and log balance circuit.
30m away is the main structure with two wave slides, ro(03)
Etzel Reserve Playground, Etzel Street, Airport WestTwo playground areas close together for different ages. Bigger structure has no slide but it does have a horizontal climber, ladders, crooked fireman's pole, parallel bars, steering wheel, climbing mat, monkey rungs and (03)
Etzel Reserve Playground, Etzel Street, Airport West
Evergreen Avenue Playground, AlbanvaleThis is a playground for climbers. A medium-sized rope pyramid climbing frame, standalone metal slide, vertical poles with climbing holes, vertical square rope climbing net, four person rocker, birds nest swing, two stan(03)
Eyre Street Playground, WestmeadowsStructure with curved slide and straight slide at the ends plus walkway, curved ladder, fireman's pole and steering wheel. Another structure with monkey rungs, balance beam and chain traverse. Two bike springers. No swin(03)
Fairbank Avenue Playground, Gladstone ParkAn old aeroplane springer which has as much chance of getting off the ground as a Tiger Airways passenger when they were grounded. Small structure with wave slide, abacus, fireman's pole and ladder. Swings. Smallish gras(03)
Fawcett Place Playground, SunburyOld rundown structure with two slides, tic-tac-toe without symbols, steps, walkway, spiral ladder and curved ladder. Bike and fish springers. Swings. Next to a large sloping grassy area. Unshaded seat.
Featherwood Drive Playground, AintreeSpread out playground most suited to younger kids. There are plenty of balance and climbing opportunities, a big thick suspended rope would you can spin around, wooden see-saw, dual wave slides on a mound and three swing(03)
Fescue Place Playground, DelaheyStructure with metal slide, tightly wound spiral ladder, fireman's pole, tic-tac-toe, chain bridge, monkey rungs and balance beam. Swings and see-saw. Basketball court, unshaded seats and some grassy area.
Fieldstone Way Playground, BrookfieldFrog and pelican springers, swings, standalone spinner and structure with two wave slides, climbing wall, fireman's pole, shopfront, rope ladder, vertical rope net, clock, balance beam with obstacles and monkey rungs.
Fisher Grove Playground, TullamarineStructure with long wave slide, steps, inclined walkway, numeral and alphabet panels, climbing wall and disks on a vertical pole. Also space age rocker and swings. Unshaded seat. No grassy area.
Forrest Street Playground, SunburyStructure with two wave slides, difficult rope ladder, steering wheel, chain bridge, monkey rungs and hanging disks. Horizontal bar, horse springer, separate monkey rungs and swings.
Basketball court, table with roof(03)
Fraser Court Playground, SunburyModern climbing structure with small slide, scrambling wall and rope climbing frame. See-saw, cup which you sit in and spin around plus swings. Unshaded seats and some limited grassy area.
Friendship Place Playground, Fraser RiseAll paths lead to a mound with a tall tower with a steep fast wave slide and a tall twisty slide. The slides are reached by climbing a mesh of ropes inside the tower.
There is also a balance circuit, vertical poles w(03)
Galaxy Land Playground, Belleview Drive, SunburyWe loved the old playground which was bursting with colour and a mass of slides. Maybe one day we will appreciate this upgrade a bit more, although the new version is excellent.
The highlight is a tower with steps le(03)
Galaxy Land Playground, Belleview Drive, Sunbury
Cnr Belleview Drive and Betula Terrace,Sunbury,
Gardiner Reserve Playground, Aitken Street, GisborneWithin Gardiner Reserve is a basic structure with wave slide, fireman's pole, abacus, shop front, inclined bridge, horizontal bar and chain traverse. Swings and see-saw. Unshaded tables and seats and next to an oval.
George Street Reserve Playground, George Street, Taylors HillStructure with slide, fireman's pole and ladder with square rungs. Swings and a row of four stand-on spinners. Unshaded tables and some grassy area.
George Street Reserve Playground, George Street, Taylors Hill
Geranium Drive Playground, SunburyThe playground has a big parrot shaped metal climbing frame, spinning disk, huge climbing wall, tennis rebound wall, basketball half court and basic skatepark.
There's a shelter with table, unshaded seats and wat(03)
Gilligan Recreation Reserve Playground, Millett Road, Gisborne SouthStandalone slide with ladder for access and a fireman's pole. Swings and a fireman's pole. Swings and see-saw. Next to six tennis courts.
Under a roof is a BBQ and table, another shelter with table plus unshaded table(03)
Gilligan Recreation Reserve Playground, Millett Road, Gisborne South
Cnr Millett Road and Lock Road,Gisborne South,
Gisborne Adventure Playground, Brantome Street, GisborneBig adventure playground with a number of different areas. The main structure has a series of ramps leading to flat sections with dual wave slides, tunnel slide, small curved slide, abacus, variety of panels, shop front,(03)
Gladstone Park Reserve Playground, South Circular Road, Gladstone ParkTwo structures - one has a wave slide, climbing wall, fireman's pole, scrambling wall, chain bridge, horizontal bar and monkey bars. The other has a wave slide, spiral ladder, straight ladder, telescope, steering wheel, (03)
Gladstone Park Reserve Playground, South Circular Road, Gladstone Park
Gosse Court Playground, SunburyOld structure with two metal slides, shop front, big curved parallel bars, climber, curved ladder and steps. Wagon rocker, springer and swings. Unshaded seat and big grassy area.
Goulding Park Playground, Aspire Boulevard, PlumptonAn extensive structure which has a spiral slide, dual wave slides and a smaller wave slide. Connecting these slides together is a walkway, vertical rope climbing net, tic-tac-toe, clock, tunnel, various ladders, hanging (03)
Goulding Park Playground, Aspire Boulevard, Plumpton
Cnr Aspire Boulevard and Rowling Street,Plumpton,
Gowrie Court Playground, SunburyLots of rubber covered chain ladders, bridges and traverses plus wave slide and parallel sloping bars. Two springers, stand-on spinning disk and swings.
Basketball court. Unshaded seats and some fairly limited grassy(03)
Green Gully Reserve Playground, McCrae Boulevard, Keilor DownsA delightful playground which is dominated by a tower on a mound with a big spiral slide and a curved slide. To get to the slides you need to climb up a rope tunnel which is too difficult for many young kids. The side of(03)
Green Gully Reserve Playground, McCrae Boulevard, Keilor Downs
Greenhills Reserve Playground, Robert Court, GisborneCircled by a gravel path is a structure with curved slide, steps, abacus, tunnel, inclined climber bridge with half circles, fireman's pole and flying fox. About 20m away are swings, bike springer and see-saw. Unshaded t(03)
Greenhills Reserve Playground, Robert Court, Gisborne
Greenvale Drive Playground, GreenvaleAn extensive set of play structures. The biggest and highest structure has a wave slide, climbing wall, high rope bridge, various ladders, vertical rope net, spiders web rope climbing frame, hanging disk traverse, monkey(03)
Greenvale Gardens Playground, Greenvale Gardens Boulevard, GreenvaleOn the north side of a large reserve is a playground which has a simple skatepark, basketball half court with basketball and netball rings, shelter with two tables, water tap, toilets, outdoor gym, unshaded seats and big(03)
Greenvale Reserve Playground, Section Road, GreenvaleThe highlight of this fully fenced playground is a huge tower with two tunnel slides - one huge and twisty and the other a more gentle curved slide. To get to the slides there is a chain tunnel to climb to the first leve(03)
Greenvale Reservoir Park (North) Playground, Somerton Road, GreenvalePlayground located at the Blue Wren Picnic area. Structure with wave slide, steps, walkway (broken), spiral ladder, fireman's pole, steering wheel and climbing mat. Swings and stand-alone flying fox.
Unshaded tables (03)
Greenvale Reservoir Park (North) Playground, Somerton Road, Greenvale
Greenvale Reservoir Park (South) Playground, Somerton Road, GreenvaleHigh multi-level wooden structure which is ideal for games of hide and seek because it has lots of levels, stairs and dead-ends. Also includes a spiral slide, wave slide, metal frame ladder, bouncy walkway, horizontal ba(03)
Greenvale Reservoir Park (South) Playground, Somerton Road, Greenvale
Greenvale Tennis Club Playground, Section Road, GreenvalePlayground is located next to the Greenvale Tennis Club and is busy with racquet bearing kids on tennis days. Wooden structure with curved and wave slides, fireman's pole, shop front, ladder, walkway, climbing wall, dis(03)
Greenvale Tennis Club Playground, Section Road, Greenvale
Gretel Grove Reserve Playground, Gretel Grove, MeltonGood playground for swingers since there are four swings (one with safety chain). Structure with wave slide, shop front, chain bridge, stepping stones and monkey bars. Springer. Unshaded seat and limited flat grassy area(03)
Gretel Grove Reserve Playground, Gretel Grove, Melton
Grizzly Bear Park Playground, Alaska Road, TruganinaA delightful playground which tells a story based around an Alaska theme starring a huge rotund Grizzly Bear which has been gorging on salmon from the local river.
Can you follow the bear tracks and find the Griz(03)
Grizzly Bear Park Playground, Alaska Road, Truganina
Grosvenor Street Playground, NiddrieFully fenced playground with gates. Structure has two slides, shop front, chain ladder, spiral ladder, walkway, steps and monkey rungs. Springer and swings.
Unshaded seat and limited sloping grassy area. There are ni(03)
Gruner Street Playground, SunburyJacob's techni-coloured coat has nothing on this playground. Greens, blues, reds and yellows abound on a structure with wave slide, chain bridge, steering wheel, steps and climber. To complete the rainbow effect is a mu(03)
Gurnung Drive Playground, CairnleaThe crowning glory of the playground is a huge frog with a golden crown which you climb up the back of to reach a slide. Also a see-saw, fish, springer, bird springer and two swings.
Two unshaded seats and some grass(03)
Haddon Hall Drive Playground, AttwoodStructure is in the shape of a large wooden boat with two slides, steps, shop front, steering wheel, lovely animal paintings, fireman's pole, chain ladder and cubby underneath with port holes. Another wooden structure wi(03)
Hallcroft Road Playground, GreenvaleA pleasant area which has a birds nest swing, two standard swings, seesaw, skateboard springer, maze panel, 'Tell the Time' panel, stand-on spinner, pipes to hit a clanger against and an extensive structure with single w(03)
Hannah Watts Park, Junior Playground, Reserve Road, MeltonThe playground is located in the middle of the park and consists of a number of areas fairly close together. There is a large wooden maze, a wooden structure with a ramp leading to a platform with lookout box, small slid(03)
Hannah Watts Park, Junior Playground, Reserve Road, Melton
Hannah Watts Park, Senior Playground, High Street, MeltonThe playground has been upgraded and the highlight is definitely a three story high tower with a massive tunnel slide accessed by steps. The main tower is connected to a smaller tower by a tunnel and has disks on a verti(03)
Hannah Watts Park, Senior Playground, High Street, Melton
Hansen Reserve Playground, Parkview Street, Airport West"All aboard the Airport West express. Train leaving the platform in two minutes!" A slight train theme with train track, signal and train with two carriages separated by chain bridges. There is also a structure with big (03)
Hansen Reserve Playground, Parkview Street, Airport West
Harcourt Crescent Playground, Gladstone ParkStandalone slide with ladder and fireman's pole plus swings. Unshaded table and seat. Small grassy area.
Note: This playground has been upgraded since this review.
Harricks Crescent Playground, AttwoodTwo areas with equipment separated by about 30m. One structure has a wave slide, shop front, straight ladder, ladder with square rungs, telescope, rigid frame bridge, curved monkey bars, chain traverse, log wall and hori(03)
Harrington Reserve Playground, Harrington Road, Airport WestTiny structure with slide and steering wheel. Also see-saw and swings. No grassy area. Possible shaded seat.
Harrington Reserve Playground, Harrington Road, Airport West
Heatherlea Crescent Playground, Keilor EastThe only way up to the wave slide is a long chain bridge or climbing wall. Also monkey bars, high horizontal bar, fireman's pole, shop front and clanger to hit against pipes. Springer and swings.
Shaded and unshaded (03)
Heron Park Playground, Glenelg Boulevard, Taylors HillWooden structure with two wave slides, walkway, tunnel, fireman's pole, shop front, steering wheel, steps, flying fox, scrambling wall and monkey rungs.
Shelter with shaded seats about 30m away. Water tap (not workin(03)
Heron Park Playground, Glenelg Boulevard, Taylors Hill
Heysen Drive Reserve Playground, Wright Court, SunburyA decent play structure with two wave slides, fireman's pole, rigid frame climber, bridge with half circle steps, climbing wall, rope net traverse, shop front, clock panel and steering wheel panel. Also a stand-on spinne(03)
Highcombe Crescent Playground, St AlbansGood structure if you like to traverse. The whole structure is made from chains covered in rubber. Includes dual wave slides, steering wheel, binoculars, steps, ladder, balance beam walkway, General Store shop front, bri(03)
Hillgrove Central Park Playground, Lightsview Boulevard, RockbankSet between the wetlands area and the road, there is a medium sized pyramid rope climbing frame, two metal slides, big sandpit, music area with drums and xylophone, three in-ground trampolines, three swings (one standard(03)
Hillgrove Central Park Playground, Lightsview Boulevard, Rockbank
Hillside Recreation Reserve Playground, Royal Crescent, HillsideSpread out equipment next to a skatepark, basketball court and oval. One structure has a wave slide, ladder with square rungs, fireman's pole, monkey rungs, log roll, monkey bars, horizontal bar and balance beam. The oth(03)
Hillside Recreation Reserve Playground, Royal Crescent, Hillside
Hilltop Park Playground, Peak Road, GreenvaleMore show than substance. Set atop a big mound is a basic playground which has a bird's nest swing, small and wide metal slide, four metal pipes like the ribs of a whale and an in-ground trampoline in one area.
At th(03)
Homestead Park Playground, Morton Boulevard, Taylors HillLocated next to very old historic rusted tin homestead - please don't sneeze or it might fall down! I'm sure you don't want to be guilty of historical vandalism.
The playground is divided by a shelter with two tables(03)
Homestead Park Playground, Morton Boulevard, Taylors Hill
Huart Reserve Playground, East Esplanade, St AlbansLowish wooden structure with two wave slides, balance beam, tunnel, shop front, speak and listen system, abacus, steering wheel, telescope, fireman's pole and ladders. Stand-on spinner, pelican springer and three swings (03)
Huart Reserve Playground, East Esplanade, St Albans
Hudson Place Reserve Playground, Hudson Place, MeltonSmall structure with wave slide, steps, fireman's chain pole and steering wheel. Train springer. No swings. Unshaded seat and some grassy area.
Hudson Place Reserve Playground, Hudson Place, Melton
Hume Tennis Centre Playground, Marathon Boulevard, CraigieburnThe playground is beside the Hume Tennis Centre and has lots of play opportunities. There are two play structures for different ages.
The larger structure is very extensive and has high dual wave slides, curved slide(03)
Hume Tennis Centre Playground, Marathon Boulevard, Craigieburn
Hyton Close Playground, WestmeadowsFairly minimal equipment which includes a structure with wave slide, unusual shaped chain ladder, standard ladder and scrambling wall. Also a circle on an angle which revolves around, springer, stand-on spinner and swing(03)
Inglewood Park Playground, Inglewood Drive, Burnside HeightsNicely landscaped area with some limited play equipment and some weird and wild wooden sculptures. There is a big circle with mounds of different sizes to jump across plus swings. Shelter with lovely seats made from poli(03)
Inglewood Park Playground, Inglewood Drive, Burnside Heights
International Gardens Reserve Playground, Cordelia Grove, St AlbansA wooden structure with two wave slides, scrambling wall, shop front, fireman's pole, walkway, steps, rope bridge and monkey rungs. Also a little sea-saw, three swings and an inverted U-shaped see-saw which rotates aroun(03)
International Gardens Reserve Playground, Cordelia Grove, St Albans
Isabella Williams Memorial Reserve Playground, Opie Road, Deer ParkThe playground design references the western's plains past volcanic activities. Tall climbing walls, nets and three long slides, including a yellow-covered twisted slide, emerge out of the volcano. Colourful play surface(03)
Isabella Williams Memorial Reserve Playground, Opie Road, Deer Park
J.A. Moushall Reserve Playground, Moushall Street, NiddrieThis playground ticks a few boxes because it has shade from the trees and id fully fenced with safety gate. Structure with curved slide, climbing wall, shop front, fireman's pole, steering wheel, steps, monkey bars and b(03)
J.A. Moushall Reserve Playground, Moushall Street, Niddrie
J.H. Allan Reserve Playground, Park Drive, Keilor EastAn all-abilities playground with shade sails over most of the playground. Ramps and various walkways lead progressively higher to a spiral slide. The ramped area also includes a wave slide, ladder with circular rungs, st(03)
J.H. Allan Reserve Playground, Park Drive, Keilor East
Jackman Crescent Playground, KeilorVery sparsely laid out playground which includes a structure with big wave slide, steps and chain climbing frame. Also swings, four person rocker which has two horse seats and two springers. Shaded seat and minimal grass(03)
Jackwood Park Playground, Jackwood Grove, AintreeAnother spectacular Aintree playground with the highlight being a tower with two high twisting tunnel slides which are reached by a rope ladder. There is no easy way up to these slides and you need to earn the right to (03)
Jackwood Park Playground, Jackwood Grove, Aintree
Cnr Pioneer Drive and Jackwood Grove,Aintree,
Jai Court Reserve Playground, Jai Court, BurnsideFully fenced playground with a wave slide, spiral ladder, shop front, steps, walkway, small wave slide and climbing mat. Smallish grassy area with unshaded seats. Shelter with table and BBQ.
Jamieson Street Reserve Playground, Adelaide Street, St AlbansA big atom shaped rope climbing frame provides access to a big tunnel slide. Around here is a large sandpit, some balance trails with logs and stumps, mound with metal slide, birds nest swing, harness swing, standard swi(03)
Jamieson Street Reserve Playground, Adelaide Street, St Albans
John McLeod Reserve Playground, Hume Street, Deer ParkStructure with a metal slide, little climbing wall and steps plus a small cone shaped rope climbing frame, sit on carousel, sea-horse springer and swings.
Unshaded table and seat. Rocky area to explore and next to a (03)
John McLeod Reserve Playground, Hume Street, Deer Park
John McMahon Reserve Playground, Lancefield Road, SunburyA huge reserve with four large ovals. The playground which is on the northern side has a bike pump track, outdoor gym, two shelters each with two tables, BBQs, netball court, toilets and water tap.
The spread-out(03)
John McMahon Reserve Playground, Lancefield Road, Sunbury
John Paul Drive Reserve Playground, John Paul Drive, HillsideSmall structure with two wave slides, telescope, walkway, small sloping parallel bars, spiral ladder and monkey bars. Also four swings, small panel and a cute wooden car with steering wheel on very solid springs. BBQ and(03)
John Paul Drive Reserve Playground, John Paul Drive, Hillside
Judith Street Playground, Keilor EastStructure with high spiral slide, inclined walkway, little seat, shop front, ladder with square rungs, climbing wall, tunnel, speak and listen system, steps, balance beam, monkey bars and wave slide. Wombat springer and (03)
Judy Court Reserve Playground, Judy Court, MeltonSmall structure with wave slide, steps, fireman's chain pole and steering wheel. Cute train springer and swings. Unshaded table and seats and some grassy area.
Keilor Lodge Reserve Playground, Tasman Crescent, Taylors LakesLocated next to a soccer field (with permanent goals) and an oval. Structure with a wave slide, curved slide, climbing wall, steps, shop front, ladder, steering wheel, spiders web rope climbing frame, monkey rungs and un(03)
Keilor Park Hall Reserve Playground, Thea Court, Keilor ParkLocated next to the Community Centre. Nicely put together playground with some lovely landscaping. I love the purple hued grasses bordering the playground.
Main structure has two roofs for some shade and includes two(03)
Keilor Park Hall Reserve Playground, Thea Court, Keilor Park
Keilor Park Recreation Reserve Playground, Stadium Drive, Keilor ParkA colourful green and black soft mound with poles which support a large rope climbing area with lots of rope nets. On the side of the mound are two small slides and a flying fox with disk seat.
A toddler area is pack(03)
Keilor Park Recreation Reserve Playground, Stadium Drive, Keilor Park
Keilor Recreation Reserve Playground, Old Calder Highway, KeilorLong structure with spiral slide, big curved climber, hanging ladder, long walkway, wave slide, climbing wall, ladder, inclined balance beam, steeping disks on poles and monkey rungs. Another smaller structure with wave (03)
Keilor Recreation Reserve Playground, Old Calder Highway, Keilor
Keith Avenue Playground, SunburyStructure with curved slide, climber, tunnel, steps, spiral ladder and abacus. Wagon springer, see-saw and swings. Unshaded seat and big slightly sloping grassy area.
Kelman Court Playground, WestmeadowsPlayground is only suitable for younger kids. Structure with long sloping climber with circles, small slide, abacus and chain ladder. Springer with horse seats. No grassy area and unshaded seat.
Kelvin Close Playground, NiddrieStructure with slide, steps, steering wheel, tunnel, shop front, rigid metal ladder, walkway, climber, fireman's pole, abacus, chain traverse and monkey bars. Wombat springer and swings.
Unshaded seats, water tap and(03)
Kevin Flint Memorial Reserve Playground, Furlong Road, CairnleaThe playground may not have a lot of equipment but the location is lovely with a huge grassy area at the higher level and Cairnlea Lake with waterbirds below.
There is also a huge atom shaped climbing frame, four per(03)
Kevin Flint Memorial Reserve Playground, Furlong Road, Cairnlea
Killarney Lakes Reserve Playground, Old Park Drive, MeltonFairly basic playground located next to a lake with ducks. Wooden structure with wave slide, ladder, fireman's pole, disks on a vertical pole, shop front, binoculars, climber, flying fox, stepping disks, chain traverse a(03)
Killarney Lakes Reserve Playground, Old Park Drive, Melton
Kings Park Reserve Playground, Gillespie Street, Kings ParkThe playground has lots of separate elements. There is a small structure with slide, ladder, rigid walkway, fireman's pole and ladder with square rungs. Another structure with steps, wave slide and spiral ladder. Also ve(03)
Kings Park Reserve Playground, Gillespie Street, Kings Park
Kingsley Drive Playground, SunburyVery basic playground with a steep slide, ladder, fireman's pole and climbing mat wall. See-saw and swings. Unshaded seat and limited sloping grassy area.
Kirkham Drive Playground, GreenvaleNice area with a pond but the playground equipment is disappointing. Structure with slide, various types of ladders, climber frame, telescope, walkway, fireman's pole, steps, chain bridge and cubby area with steering whe(03)
Kirkton Park Playground, Dunvegan Drive, KurunjangStructure with wave slide, ladder, binoculars, inclined climber, chain traverse and monkey bars. Swings. Big shelter with seats. Big grassy area.
Kirkton Park Playground, Dunvegan Drive, Kurunjang
Kiwanis Park Playground, Timbertop Road, SunburyVery large modern climbing frame with nets, hanging disks, climbing wall, suspended horizontal ladder, monkey bars, suspended circles to climb through and suspended bridge. Also bike springer, stand-on spinner and swings(03)
Kurung Drive Reserve Playground, Unicorn Way, Kings ParkA tall thin tower with steps followed by mini climbing walls up to the top of the big curved tunnel slide. The tower has a number of pipes which can be hit to create the "Tower of Din", climbing wall, smallish dual slide(03)
Kurung Drive Reserve Playground, Unicorn Way, Kings Park
Lachlan Court Playground, SunburyStructure with curved slide, spiral ladder, climber walkway, steps, abacus and small slide. Standalone flying fox, see-saw, two springers and swings. Unshaded seat and some grassy area dotted with trees.
Lachlans Field Playground, Saronvale Crescent, HillsideLively, colourful structure with curved slide, scrambling wall, fireman's pole, ladder, disk stepping bridge, climbing wall, hanging disks and monkey rungs. Two springers and swings. Unshaded table and seat plus huge gra(03)
Lachlans Field Playground, Saronvale Crescent, Hillside
Lackenheath Drive Playground, TullamarineStructure with two wave slides of different sizes, ladder with semi-circle rungs, shop front, steering wheel, rope bridge, hanging disks, monkey bars, steps, clock and disks on a vertical pole. See-saw, springers and swi(03)
Lagoon Drive Playground, AintreeA fenced playground with gates at both ends. There is a mound slide, three swings, forest of poles, log and stump balance course, rocker, speak and listen system and birds nest swing.
Shelter with concrete seats.
Lake Chamoun Playground, Parklea Avenue, CairnleaOne for the waterbird enthusiast. Located next to a large lake with lots of different waterbirds. A lovely setting next to a wetlands area with four unshaded tables, BBQs, water tap and grassy area.
The simple playgr(03)
Landau Place Playground, Avondale HeightsThere are lovely views of the Melbourne CBD from this playground. Structure has two wave slides, fireman's pole, little cubby, rigid walkway, tic-tac-toe, climber and ladder. Springer. No swings and unshaded seat.
Larisa Reserve Playground, Larisa Road, St AlbansUnusual playground with a main structure and lots of separate elements like a circular fitness course. The main structure has a big wave slide, disk on a vertical pole, abacus, shop front, scrambling wall, walkway, speak(03)
Larwood Close Playground, Avondale HeightsStructure with very unusual shaped ladder, wave slide, steps, steps, shop front, walkway, steering wheel, rigid frame ladder and tic-tac-toe. Seat with possible shade. Small sloping grassy area.
Lawson Street Playground, SunburyStructure with wave slide, clock, ladder with square rungs, hanging disks, shop front, abacus, steering wheel and small ladder. Old wooden tractor springer and swings. Grassy area with cricket pitch. Unshaded seats.
Leicester Square Playground, TullamarineA fenced playground with the hum of the Tullamarine Freeway as a background noise. The purple and green structure has a slide, tightly wound spiral ladder, climbing wall, rope net wall and disk traverse. Also two swings (03)
Leo Dineen Reserve Playground, Dorothy Street, TullamarineRed and yellow with a dash of grey thrown in for good measure. Structure has wave and curved slides, high rope cage bridge, ladder with horizontal hoops, climbing wall, steps, disks on a vertical pole, steering wheel, cu(03)
Leo Dineen Reserve Playground, Dorothy Street, Tullamarine
Ligar Street Playground, SunburyPlayground is set in a huge grassy area. Structure with straight metal slide, curved climber, chain bridge, ladder with square rungs, monkey bars and log roll. See-saw and swings. Shaded seats.
Lionheart Avenue Playground, Taylors LakesA wooden structure with two wave slides, fireman's pole, monkey rungs, net climbing wall, rope bridge, scrambling wall and steering wheel. Also three swings with long chains (= huge rush when get to the top of the arc), (03)
Lions Park Playground, Riddell Road, SunburyPlayground is suited to younger kids. There is a panel with moving parts, ladybird springer, birds nest swing, two other swings, stand-on spinner, see-saw, revolving donut, small structure with rope ladders and steep sli(03)
Little Blind Creek Reserve Playground, Centenary Avenue, KurunjangJust swings without safety chain. Unshaded seat in grassy area dotted with trees.
Little Blind Creek Reserve Playground, Centenary Avenue, Kurunjang
Little Blind Creek Reserve Playground, Tulloch Avenue, KurunjangPlayground structure is bursting to the seams with play elements including dual wave slides, vertical spiders web climbing frame, climbing wall, shop front, high chain bridge, chain ladder, steps binoculars, various pane(03)
Little Blind Creek Reserve Playground, Tulloch Avenue, Kurunjang
Longmire Court Playground, SunburySloping grassy area which has a structure with an inclined climbing wall, small slide, shop front and vertical square rope climbing frame. Also stand-on spinner, springer and swings. Unshaded table and seat.
Longtan Avenue Playground, SunburyA simple playground next to a biodiversity conservation area. I'm sure that biodiversity includes snakes!
There is an elevated platform with metal slide reached by steps, scrambling wall, rope tunnel or rope ladder. (03)
Lucas Terrace Reserve Playground, Lucas Terrace, Taylors HillBeautifully landscaped playground with some really unique elements. There is a slope with metal slide and multiple fun routes up to the slide including using giant jigsaw puzzle pieces as footholds. Also two narrow woode(03)
Lucas Terrace Reserve Playground, Lucas Terrace, Taylors Hill
Malone Circuit Playground, DeansideLocated in the Attwell Estate. A rope skirt leads up to the entrance of a big slightly twisting tunnel slide. There is also a birds nest swing, spinning carousel, springer, see-saw, log steppers, stand-on spinner and lit(03)
Maple Crescent Playground, St AlbansA massive birds nest swing towers over the playground which has a structure with wave slide, shop front, ladder with hoops, standard ladder, walkway, climbing wall, rope bridge and monkey rungs. Also a kangaroo springer (03)
Marlo Drive Reserve Playground, Lady Penrhyn Drive, Melton WestThe playground has a wooden boat shaped play structure with dual wave slides at the stern (the back for landlubbers), cubby, shopfront, fireman's pole, speak and listen system, ramp, ladders, maze panel, curved slide, ba(03)
Marlo Drive Reserve Playground, Lady Penrhyn Drive, Melton West
Marquee Circuit Playground, GreenvaleA set of standalone equipment including a huge line of percussion pipes with clangers (enough for the Greenvale Symphonic Orchestra to practice here), interesting metal slide with the option of either a ladder or climbin(03)
Maud Jan See Chin Reserve Playground, Oldershaw Road, MeltonStructure with curved slide, ladder, shop front, steering wheel, walkway, ladder with square rungs, long chain bridge, chain traverse, log roll, horizontal bar and flying fox. Frog springer, stand-on spinner, bike spring(03)
Maud Jan See Chin Reserve Playground, Oldershaw Road, Melton
McEwen Drive Playground, SunburyIt is possible to traverse around all four sides of a rectangular structure. It has a climbing wall, wave slide, steps, speak and listen system, hanging disks, abacus, steering wheel panel, monkey rungs, shop front, tic-(03)
McShane Drive Playground, KealbaWonderful set of old swings which includes one swing with a horse seat. Magical. There is also a high standalone slide and four person see-saw with two horse seats. Shaded seat and grassy area.
Mellon Court Playground, SunburyStructure with wave slide, steps, tunnel, scrambling wall, fireman's pole, chain bridge and flying fox. Also a see-saw, two springers and swings. Unshaded seats and some grassy area.
Melton Recreational Reserve Playground, Reserve Road, MeltonPlayground is located next to the oval. Uninspiring structure with wave slide, various ladders, chain bridge, balance beam, tunnel, fireman's pole and shop front. Also an albino koala springer and swings. Split by the ro(03)
Merion Reserve Playground, Fairways Boulevard, Deer ParkStructure with curved slide, telescope, abacus, disks on vertical poles, walkway, twisted sheet for climbing, climbing mat wall and music panel. Four person rocker and stand-on spinner. No swings.
Unshaded seats. Abo(03)
Merion Reserve Playground, Fairways Boulevard, Deer Park
Messara Park Playground, McCubbin Drive, Taylors LakesIn one word - interesting. In two words - very interesting. A super quirky playground which has what looks like an oversized pizza oven covered in climbing holds, a tunnel through the centre and a metal slide on one side(03)
Messara Park Playground, McCubbin Drive, Taylors Lakes
Middle Park Village Playground, Reston Way, Melton SouthA tall tower is the start for a twisting metal tunnel slide. Getting to that slide is tricky - there are a couple of circular nests to get through to a rope level and a rope ladder to the top rope level where you deserve(03)
Middle Park Village Playground, Reston Way, Melton South
Millbank Drive Playground, Deer ParkColourful purple, orange and red structure with spiral slide, curved slide, long tunnel (you could easily hibernate in here for winter), steps, shop front, rope ladder, tic-tac-toe, climbing wall, clock, steering wheel a(03)
Monte Carlo Reserve Playground, Riviera Road, Avondale HeightsTwo playground areas next to each other. There is a wooden structure with a lot of ramps leading to a spiral slide and high fireman's pole. The structure also has a steep little slide, tic-tac-toe, chain ladder, normal l(03)
Monte Carlo Reserve Playground, Riviera Road, Avondale Heights
Moorland Park Playground, Longwood Avenue, CairnleaWooden structure with curved slide, climber, chain bridge, flying fox, stepping stones and chain traverse. Two springers and no swings. There are half shaded concrete blocks for seats and unshaded table. Grassy area.
Moorland Park Playground, Longwood Avenue, Cairnlea
Morcambe Crescent Playground, Keilor DownsThere is a definite blue and yellow theme going on here. The large grassy area is scattered with blue and yellow rocks. The structure also has a blue and yellow theme with two wave slides, suspended ladder, climbing wall(03)
Morley Court Playground, Keilor DownsA simple playground with the highlight being four beautiful carvings of Australian wildlife perched on top of poles - a blue tongue lizard, wallaby, frog and eagle.
There is a mound with dual wave slides and a rope t(03)
Moyangul Drive Playground, Keilor EastTwo structures - one has a wave slide, scrambling wall, inclined climber, monkey rungs and disk stepping stones. The other small structure has a slide, climbing mat wall, fireman's pole, shop front and abacus. Also swing(03)
Muirfield Drive Playground, SunburyPlayground only contains a metal climbing structure in the shape of half a sphere and swings. Unshaded table and limited grassy area.
Muirfield Street Playground, Deer ParkWild, weird and wacky - everything has an unusual touch to it. The structure has a curved slide, straight slide, unusual ladders, tit-tac-toe, climbing walls, long tunnel, shop front and steps.
Shelter with tables, u(03)
Myuna Drive Playground, Kings ParkStructure with grotty wave slide, ladders with square rungs, chain ladder, shop front, standard ladder, climber, chain traverse and monkey rungs. Also standalone wave slide, cute bike springer and single swing without sa(03)
Napoli Park Playground, Napoli Circuit, GreenvaleIt is a totally delightful experience for parents to visit this playground. The landscaping with paths, interesting trees and plantings, including lavender is a joy. The playground has enough interest to keep younger kid(03)
Navan Park Playground, Centenary Avenue, Melton WestIncludes a very good range of equipment. There is a "Sky Surfer" for teenagers (stand up and surf on the suspended surfboard! With practice a circular loop can be achieved), circular bar which twists and turns around, "M(03)
Navan Park Playground, Centenary Avenue, Melton West
Neil Heinze Reserve Playground, Emerald Street, NiddrieThe playground cascades down the hill like a series of pools of woodchips - a lovely effect. The top level has a buggy with two steering wheels and a big toothy grin and the next level down has a rocker with four seats ((03)
Neil Heinze Reserve Playground, Emerald Street, Niddrie
Norm Raven Reserve Playground, Glitter Road, Diggers RestStructure with slide, walkway, ladder with square rungs, steps, high balance beam, straight and curved ladders, hanging disks and horizontal bar. Swings and springer.
Basketball court. Shelter with BBQ and tables. Al(03)
Norma Court Playground, Avondale HeightsSmallish structure but there are three slides (a steep wave slide, tunnel slide and curved slide), very high fireman's pole, tic-tac-toe and ladder. Also springer and swings. Shaded seat and some sloping grassy area.
Normanby Drive Playground, GreenvaleOld dilapidated equipment covered in graffiti. Structure has a curved slide, climbing mat, steps and abacus. Standalone flying fox, swings and springer.
Unshaded tables and seats. Basketball court in a huge grassy ex(03)
North Terrace Playground, Taylors HillA quirky modern climbing frame, rodeo battle board on springs, see-saw, swings and structure with vertical rope net, metal slide, ladder, climbing wall and fireman's pole.
Shelter with two tables and BBQs, grassy cir(03)
Northgate Linear Park Playground, Scarvell Crescent, Caroline SpringsCute playground with a big tractor and three cow springers. Unshaded seats and limited grassy area.
Northgate Linear Park Playground, Scarvell Crescent, Caroline Springs
Northumberland Road Playground, Sunshine NorthHigh wooden structure with wave slide, two climbing walls, cubby areas with seats underneath, various ladders, walkway, tic-tac-toe, monkey bars and steps on vertical poles. A small low structure has a wave slide, rigid (03)
Nugget Park Playground, Nugget Place, AintreeIt wouldn't be an Aintree playground without a big tunnel slide and this place delivers with a high, steep tunnel slide reached by a tall curved ladder. The slide is complimented by an extensive play structure with steep(03)
Oakden Park Playground, Conrad Street, St AlbansBe prepared for an assault on the eyes - an American military assault has nothing on this. Lurid orange and lime green is only slightly toned down by some brown poles and rope. The structure has a wave slide, fireman's p(03)
Oarsome Drive Playground, DelaheyA fun and colourful play structure with metal slide, steps, disks on a vertical pole, vertical rope net and a climbing cube with fun climbing walls, ladders and rope net. Also a little see-saw, vertical rope climbing net(03)
OConnors Paddock Playground, Pinewood Crescent, CairnleaA wooden structure with two wave slides, shop front, scrambling wall, tunnel, rope bridge, monkey bars, rope net climbing frame, fireman's pole, steps and steering wheel. Beside this is a climbing area with vertical pole(03)
ODonnell Drive Playground, Caroline SpringsCube shaped structure with hanging disks, monkey rungs, fireman's pole, ladder with square rungs, high horizontal bar, climbing wall of vertical chain ladders and balance beam. No swings.
Unshaded tables but without (03)
Off Stump Park Playground, Noble Way, SunburyLowish wooden structure with wave slide, rope ladder, shop front, ladder, walkway, steps and monkey bars. Also see-saw and single swing without safety chain. Unshaded seat and big grassy area.
Old Canning Street Playground, Avondale HeightsPlayground is located in a park next to the Maribyrnong River. The main structure has a lot of traversing elements and includes two slides, walkway, various ladders, fireman's pole, shop front, various monkey bars, chain(03)
Oldbridge Boulevard Playground, Weir ViewsTwo areas of play equipment. For older kids there is a structure with wave slide, fireman's pole, climbing wall, ladder, steering wheel panel, walkway, disks on a vertical pole, vertical rope net, balance beam with obsta(03)
Opal Place Playground, St AlbansStructure with wave slide, tree ladder, fireman's pole, tic-tac-toe, inclined walkway and shop front. Standalone flying fox, see-saw and swings. Unshaded seats and grassy area.
Orbis Avenue Playground, Fraser RiseIn one corner is a structure with a big curved tunnel slide, rope net bridge, monkey bars, rope bridge, fireman's pole, scrambling wall, speak and listen system and shop front. Steps lead up to the slide.
There are f(03)
Orchid Avenue Playground, Melton WestThe highlight of the playground are some great carvings of animals. Sit in one of the carved canoes and be very afraid of a menacing alligators and crocodiles. Alternately enjoy the goofy frogs or wombats.
The playgr(03)
Orchid Square Playground, SydenhamThe playground was upgraded in 2013 and now includes a structure with slide, inclined walkway, disks on a vertical pole, steering wheel, abacus, ladder, chain bridge, balance beam with obstacles, monkey bars, monkey rung(03)
Overland Reserve Playground, Parkside Avenue, Keilor EastNext to an oval and structure has a wave slide, climbing wall, cubby with seat, ladder, rigid walkway, steering wheel, inclined balance beam, fixed disks on hanging poles and chain traverse. Swings. No seats. Water tap. (03)
Overland Reserve Playground, Parkside Avenue, Keilor East
Overton Close Playground, GreenvaleStructure with two metal slides, shop front, steering wheel, big curved metal climbing frame, climber, curved ladder and steps. Swings and two springers. Some grassy area.
Packard Street Reserve Playground, Taylors Road, Keilor DownsNicely landscaped playground with a funky modern climbing frame with slide and another structure with curved slide, shop front, ladder with square rungs, steps, abacus, climbing mat, clock, tic-tac-toe, block steps and c(03)
Packard Street Reserve Playground, Taylors Road, Keilor Downs
Padley Park Playground, Vincent Avenue, St AlbansTiny structure with wave slide, steps, shop front, fireman's pole and steering wheel. Swings and two springers. Unshaded seat and grassy area.
Parklea Way Playground, Thornhill ParkExtensive structure with dual wave slides, single wave slide, scrambling wall, various ladders, vertical rope net, hanging disk traverse, clock panel, rope bridge, abacus and shop front.
Also a stand-on spinner and b(03)
Parklea Way Playground, Thornhill Park
Cnr Parklea Way and Morningside Drive,Thornhill Park,
Parkview Drive Playground, SunburyStructure with a curved slide, ladder, scrambling wall, chain bridge, fireman's pole and ladder with square rungs. Another structure with elevated cubby area, climbing mat ladder and straight slide. Also a springer. Abou(03)
Parkview Street Playground, Melton WestWooden structure with spiral slide, shopfront, monkey bars, balance beam with obstacles, disk step bridge, climbing wall with cubby underneath. A walkway leads to a lower area with steep wave slide, steps, ladders, clock(03)
Parkwood Green Reserve Playground, Catherine Drive, HillsideAn old high structure with wave slide, spiral ladder, fireman's pole, chain bridge, monkey bars, chain traverse and balance beam. There are some new elements including a lovely train play structure and a little slide wit(03)
Parkwood Green Reserve Playground, Catherine Drive, Hillside
Patterson Avenue Playground, KeilorAn attractive "oasis" type playground which is fenced and has safety gates. Unfortunately the equipment is very limited with a large standalone slide with steps, see-saw, horse springer and swings.
Unshaded table, BB(03)
Paul Avenue Playground, Keilor EastCorner block with a structure which has a wave slide, rigid frame ladder, tunnel, steering wheel, shop front, abacus, fireman's pole, steps, monkey bars and bridge with steps at different heights. Also see-saw, wombat sp(03)
Pavillion Circuit Playground, SunburyThe playground is set in a quiet area and has a tower with dual wave slides, steps, rope ladder, shop front and tic-tac-toe. Also a see-saw, swings and a lovely waterplay area with a mushroom spray and pump with water ta(03)
Pennell Avenue Playground, St AlbansA big climbing structure with rope section, climbing wall and hanging steps. Also a standard structure with curved slide, spiral ladder and shop front. Stand-on spinner, springer and swings. Unshaded seats and limited gr(03)
Pennyroyal Park Playground, Parkleigh Drive, KurunjangQuirky playground with a soft mound (in a state of disrepair) with three thick metal poles to slide down on, a big rope climbing frame, speak and listen system, log steppers, sandpit and swings.
Shaded and unshaded s(03)
Pennyroyal Park Playground, Parkleigh Drive, Kurunjang
Peregrine Reserve Playground, Ledge Walk, Keilor EastThe playground has a medium size pyramid rope climbing frame, ninja type course with balance bars, stepping logs, suspended balance beam, hanging rope used to move from one stump to another and a climbing wall on one sid(03)
Peregrine Reserve Playground, Ledge Walk, Keilor East
Phelan Court Playground, TullamarineWooden structure with a steep wave slide, spiral ladders, standard ladder, walkway and fireman's pole. See-saw and swings. Unshaded seat and limited grassy area.
Pioneer Park Playground, Carrington Street, SydenhamAn old and new structure. The older one has a curved slide, curved ladder, steering wheel, abacus, chain bridge, climber and monkey rungs. The newer one has a tunnel slide, climbing mat wall, binoculars, chain bridge, st(03)
Pioneer Park Playground, Carrington Street, Sydenham
Pipemakers Park Play Space, Van Ness Avenue, MaribyrnongA lovely playground which is nature based and has Indigenous themes throughout. Two massive tunnel slides tower over the playground. The first slide can be reached by a rope tunnel ladder and a high log ladder leads to t(03)
Pipemakers Park Play Space, Van Ness Avenue, Maribyrnong
Pipit Way Playground, SunburyThe playground has a dual flying fox with disk seats, four swings, logs steppers, three interesting metal kangaroos sculptures, big rope cup with ladders and slide.
Shelter with two tables and water tap. There is a f(03)
Plate Street Playground, SunburyJust swings and a shelter with two tables. There is a grassy area with a fun bike circuit for young kids with concrete paths splitting and twisting at a number of points. Two unshaded seats.
Plover Street Reserve Playground, Scott Street, MeltonSomeone has thoughtfully put an old couch under a tree beside the playground. Unfortunately you could provide a TV (with remote) and this playground would still be hopeless. Old structure with curved slide, shop front, l(03)
Plover Street Reserve Playground, Scott Street, Melton
Porter Court Playground, Deer ParkNeglected playground covered with litter. See-saw, springer, rotating orb with hand wheel and single swing without safety chain. Unshaded seat.
Proctor Crescent Playground, Keilor DownsA really cute playground based on a fishing theme. A chance for Dad to introduce his kids to the joy of fishing without the risk of puncturing their fingers with a hook or falling into the water.
A big trawler sails (03)
Punjel Drive Reserve Playground, Punjel Drive, Diggers RestLovely cobalt blue structure with unusual steps up to a platform with walkways, fireman's pole, slide, chain bridge, balance beam and ladder. Swings and springer. Large grassy area but very noisy from the traffic on the (03)
Raleigh Street Playground, WestmeadowsStructure with metal slide and unusual shaped climber. BBQ under a shelter and unshaded table. Near a fairly busy road.
Renfew Court Playground, GreenvaleBasic wooden structure with two slides, ladder with square rungs, chain bridge, monkey rungs, walkway, shop front, steering wheel, binoculars and abacus. Swings and shaded seat. Big grassy area which is quite well fenced(03)
Rhonda Street Reserve Playground, Towe Street, Avondale HeightsJungle green structure with curved slide, disks on vertical poles, steering wheel, tic-tac-toe, fireman's pole and ladder. Also four wheel bike springer and swings. Unshaded seats. Some grassy area but sloping.
Rhonda Street Reserve Playground, Towe Street, Avondale Heights
Riviera Reserve Playground, Riviera Road, Avondale HeightsTwo playground areas - an older and a newer one. The old one has a spiral slide, fireman's pole, ladders, steep wave slide, inclined climber, ramp and tic-tac-toe. The newer structure has a wave slide, ladder, inclined (03)
Robert Barrett Reserve Playground, Rosamond Road, MaribyrnongMost of the wooden playground is under shade sails. The higher structure has a steep wave slide, scrambling wall, ladders, bridge with half circle steps, clock panel, hanging disk traverse and monkey bars. The lower stru(03)
Robert Barrett Reserve Playground, Rosamond Road, Maribyrnong
Robert Bruce Reserve Playground, Gould Street, Deer ParkSad playground with broken swing (no seat), see-saw and horse springer. Next to oval. Toilet block was locked but no longer functional. Located next to car parking area.
Robert Bruce Reserve Playground, Gould Street, Deer Park
Rolling Meadows Park Playground, Curtis Avenue, SunburyThe playground could do with some more woodchips and a good weed. Structure has dual wave slides, spin the boomerang to find the animal panel, shear the sheep panel, steps, high balance beam walkway, chain bridges and su(03)
Rolling Meadows Park Playground, Curtis Avenue, Sunbury
Rose Hedge Reserve Playground, Roseleigh Boulevard, SydenhamYou are going to have to slay the dragon to play here. The dragon is erupting with force out of the ground and be prepared for a burst of fire out of those nostrils. The dragon is protecting a tower castle with a big spi(03)
Rose Hedge Reserve Playground, Roseleigh Boulevard, Sydenham
Rosehill Park Playground, Rachelle Road, Keilor EastMain structure has a wave slide, ladder, two different climbing walls, fireman's pole, climber, fixed disks on vertical poles and monkey rungs. Big standalone flying fox, vertical chain spiders web climbing frame, four w(03)
Rosehill Park Playground, Rachelle Road, Keilor East
Rosehill Park Playground, Rosehill Road, Keilor EastSome modern stuff. One piece of equipment has two metal arcs and you push back and forth on a foot pad in an arc. There is also an unusual swing. Shelter with table, water tap and big grassy area.
Rosehill Park Playground, Rosehill Road, Keilor East
Rosina Drive West Reserve Playground, Rosina Drive, MeltonStructure with wave slide, inclined walkway, abacus, fireman's pole, monkey rungs, shop front and stepping stones. Whale springer and swings. No seats and grassy area.
Rosina Drive West Reserve Playground, Rosina Drive, Melton
Ross Watt Reserve Playground, Station Road, New GisborneSwings with chains so long that you would go into orbit if you let go. A structure with wave slide, shop front, steering wheel, ladder, fireman's pole, telescope and inclined climber with circles. Another structure with (03)
Ross Watt Reserve Playground, Station Road, New Gisborne
Rudstone Bend Playground, GreenvaleVery simple structure with curved slide, fireman's pole, steering wheel, ladder and climbing mat. Horse springer and swings. Unshaded seat and some grassy area.
Rutherglen Way Playground, Taylors LakesStructure with curved slide, steep climbing mat wall, shop front, tic-tac-toe, fireman's pole, climber, chain traverse, horizontal bar and monkey bars. Swings, basketball court and unshaded seat. Some grassy area.
Ruthven Street Playground, SunburyTwo long structures - one has a curved ladder, vertical spiders web climbing frame , monkey bars and flying fox. The other has a wave slide, climbing walls, rigid frame bridge, balance beam, shop front, clanger to hit ag(03)
S.F. Hedger Reserve Playground, Broadmeadows Road, TullamarineA fairly uninspiring playground. There are a series of rubber covered chains for climbing and a traverse with a high rotating circle. A smaller structure has a slide, steps, steering wheel, shop front, panel mirror and a(03)
Salamander Drive Reserve Playground, Taylors LakesWooden structure with wave slide, fireman's pole, shop front, chain ladder, telescope, walkway, steps, steering wheel and spiral ladder. Large sit on spinner, musical panel and three swings. Unshaded table and seat, bask(03)
Salina Walk Reserve Playground, Salina Walk, Caroline SpringsSquare structure with monkey rungs, hanging disks, fireman's pole, ladder with square rungs, balance beam and hanging ladder wall. Shaded seat and unshaded tables (without any seats!) plus grassy area out of site of the (03)
Salina Walk Reserve Playground, Salina Walk, Caroline Springs
Scarlet Oak Reserve Playground, Scarlet Oak Avenue, Melton WestStructure with wave slide, shop front, ladder, fireman's pole, tunnel, chain traverse and monkey bars. No swings. Springer. Shelter with table, BBQ and big grassy area.
Scarlet Oak Reserve Playground, Scarlet Oak Avenue, Melton West
Serenity Park Playground, Sedate Drive, RockbankPlayground for scramblers with lots of log balance routes along one side of the playground. Also swings, stand-on spinner, cute little log see-saw, tower with ladder, scrambling wall and wave slide plus sloping spiders w(03)
Settlers Creek Park Playground, Broughton Avenue, Melton SouthA fun and unusual playground. At the centre is an elevated platform with challenging bridges to cross, various wonky ladders, rope net ladders, rope spiders web climbing frame and a curved metal slide. Beside this is a w(03)
Settlers Creek Park Playground, Broughton Avenue, Melton South
Shalimar Place Reserve Playground, Shalimar Place, Melton WestStructure with curved slide, abacus, curved ladder, walkway, ladder with square rungs, fireman's pole, set of stepping disks which lead up to the highest level, balance beam and chain traverse. Swings and cute horse spri(03)
Shalimar Place Reserve Playground, Shalimar Place, Melton West
Shearwater Meadow Reserve Playground, Meadowview Way, CairnleaNice setting next to some lakes but the play structure is rather limited and includes a curved slide, climber, shop front, fireman's pole, chain bridge, flying fox, monkey bars and stepping stones. No swings. Whale sprin(03)
Sheffield Park Playground, Border Boulevard, SunburyWooden structure with areas connected by a walkway and climber with half circles. The structure has a wave slide, fireman's pole, chain ladder, flying fox, area with little seats, spiral ladder, shop front and scrambling(03)
Sheffield Park Playground, Border Boulevard, Sunbury
Silvan Court Playground, St AlbansFairly high structure with wave slide, climbing walls, scrambling walls, walkway, tunnel, chain ladder, ladder with circle rungs, inclined climber, disks on vertical poles, stepping stones and monkey bars. Nice standalon(03)
Sirdar Street Reserve Playground, Sirdar Street, MeltonStructure with wave slide, high fireman's pole, binoculars, rigid frame ladder, zigzag climber, balance beam with obstacles, standard balance beam, horizontal bar and flying fox. Swings. Big grassy area and unshaded seat(03)
Sirdar Street Reserve Playground, Sirdar Street, Melton
Solomon Drive Playground, KeilorAn assault of the eyes by bright orange, yellow and purple. The highlight is a huge atom shaped rope climbing frame (if only physics was this exciting at school). Also large standalone wave slide, smaller standalone wave(03)
Splendour Circuit Playground, Diggers Rest The playground is surpassed by the excellent outdoor gym beside it. The climbing structure has a variety of ladders and traverses. There are bouldering balls with hand holds.
Shelter with two tables and BBQs, water t(03)
Springlake Village Park Playground, Springlake Avenue, Caroline SpringsStructure with dual wave slides, single wave slide, curved climber, spiral ladder, ladder with square rungs and tic-tac-toe. Another structure with vertical square rope climbing frame, monkey bars, chain traverse, balanc(03)
Springlake Village Park Playground, Springlake Avenue, Caroline Springs
Spyglass Court Playground, SunburySmall, old structure with wave slide, telescope, spiral ladder, steps, walkway and climber with circles. Three swings on long chains and shelters without seats. Concrete paths cross the area for bike riding. Shaded seats(03)
St Genevieve Central Park Playground, Kipling Circuit, Diggers RestThe playground has a high structure with metal slide, lots of different ladders, rope net traverse, steep sloping parallel bars, fireman's pole and swaying bridge. Frame with six swings and a speak and listen system. The(03)
St Genevieve Central Park Playground, Kipling Circuit, Diggers Rest
St Georges Avenue Reserve Playground, St Georges Avenue, Caroline SpringsWooden structure with steep wave slide, small wave slide, climbing wall, shop front, cubby, fireman's pole, chain bridge, walkway, steering wheel, steps, monkey rungs and flying fox. Train springer but no swings.
St Georges Avenue Reserve Playground, St Georges Avenue, Caroline Springs
Stagecoach Crescent Playground, SydenhamBlue, red and yellow structure with wave slide, climbing wall, shop front, bridge with steps, monkey bars, hanging disks and steering wheel panel. Climbing frame with two circles with rope spiders webs, stand-on spinner (03)
Station Road (East) Playground, GisborneLocated within a few minutes walk of an adventure playground and so it has a lot of competition. Structure has dual slides, long tunnel, abacus, climber, steps and flying fox. Another climbing structure with hanging ladd(03)
Station Road (West) Playground, GisborneLocated within a few minutes walk of an adventure playground and so it has a lot of competition. Structure has dual slides, long tunnel, abacus, climber, steps and flying fox. Another climbing structure with hanging ladd(03)
Stefan Drive Reserve Playground, Stefan Drive, Melton WestStructure with two wave slides, ladder, walkway, fireman's pole, shop front, tic-tac-toe, chain bridge and flying fox. No swings.
Unshaded tables, BBQ and grassy area. Circular concrete path around the playground are(03)
Stefan Drive Reserve Playground, Stefan Drive, Melton West
Stockade Way Playground, AintreeThe highlight of the playground are some mounds with a forest of green poles with disks at various heights. It is possible to traverse between the poles. This area also has a slide, sloping parallel bars, thick rope brid(03)
Stone Ridge Park Playground, Duloe Rise, Melton SouthTwo separate structures of different heights. One more and we could have invited Goldilocks.
The higher structure has a wave slide, climbing wall, disks on a vertical pole, ladder and vertical rope net. The lower str(03)
Stone Ridge Park Playground, Duloe Rise, Melton South
Suffolk Road Playground, Sunshine NorthA fully fenced playground with a surf rider swing where you stand on the board and hang on with your arms.
The main structure has a wave slide, curved slide, climbing wall, fireman's pole, steps, steering wheel, shop(03)
Sugargum Reserve Playground, Sugar Gum Drive, HillsideTwo areas close together. One area has a structure with wave slide, fireman's pole, ladder with square rungs, shop front, walkway, climber, chain bridge, balance beam, flying fox and monkey bars. This area also has two s(03)
Sunbury Rotary Park Playground, Ligar Street, SunburyThis is the Rotary Adventure Park and you do need to be rather adventurous to tackle this equipment. There is a structure with big wave slide, huge curved climber, steep steps, curved slide, monkey rungs and monkey bars.(03)
Sunbury Rotary Park Playground, Ligar Street, Sunbury
Tangemere Avenue Playground, TullamarineOne for the slide fanatics - three singles and a double. The structure also has a cubby house, curved ladder, walkway, chain ladder, steps, tunnel, shop front and fireman's pole. Large two sided climbing wall, stand-on s(03)
Tarella Drive Playground, Keilor DownsA fun swing with a character face on top but the other equipment is limited to a standalone slide, horse springer and see-saw. Grassy area and unshaded seat.
Taylors Creek Linear Park Playground, Old Calder Highway, KeilorStructure with curved slide, steps, rope climbing wall, horizontal curved climber, shop front, pipe bridge, telescope and a swing which moves in all directions. Also a cute see-saw, cone shaped climbing frame which can b(03)
Taylors Creek Linear Park Playground, Old Calder Highway, Keilor
Taylors Hill Central Park Playground, Taylors Hill Boulevard, Taylors HillA walkway leads to a very high platform with big wave slide, scrambling wall, fireman's pole and spiral ladder. Another structure has a high flying fox, horizontal bars, balance beam with obstacles, lower flying fox, cha(03)
Taylors Hill Central Park Playground, Taylors Hill Boulevard, Taylors Hill
Taylors Hill Recreation Reserve Playground, Calder Park Drive, Taylors HillA real fun colourful playground with All Abilities access which is mainly suited to younger kids. The main structure has a series of zigzag ramps for access, curved slide, small wave slide, tunnel, shop front, clock, maz(03)
Taylors Hill Recreation Reserve Playground, Calder Park Drive, Taylors Hill
Taylors Hill Sports Park Playground, Taylors Hill Boulevard, Taylors HillA colourful structure with a high and low end. At the high end is a wave slide, scrambling wall, shopfront, ladder, spiders web rope climbing frame, horizontal bars and monkey bars with a ramp to the lower part which has(03)
Taylors Hill Sports Park Playground, Taylors Hill Boulevard, Taylors Hill
Taylors Lake Linear Park Playground, Taylors LakesThe playground has been upgraded and now includes a tower with big spiral tunnel slide. There is a rope rope tunnel ladder which leads up the tower to the slide. A huge ramp leads to a rope horizontal tunnel which enters(03)
Taylors Lake Linear Park Playground, Taylors Lakes
Tenterfield Park Playground, Tenterfield Drive, Burnside HeightsA super playground with a "town" theme stacked full of interesting, colourful elements. The main structure is a big ramp with different fun panels on the sides, tunnel slide, curved slide, tunnel, cubby area, spiral ladd(03)
Tenterfield Park Playground, Tenterfield Drive, Burnside Heights
Terence Street Playground, SunburyA fairly simple playground with a pirate theme. You can walk the plank balance bridge, scramble up the scrambling wall, slide down the slide or fireman's pole or scale the climbing wall. Also a shark springer (waiting fo(03)
The Avenue Playground, Caroline SpringsA drab brown and grey structure which has a high and low end for different ages. The high end has a wave slide, fireman's pole, scrambling wall and ladders with a slanting balance bridge leading down to a small but steep(03)
The Best Playgrounds in AintreeAintree, which is a new suburb in the north west of Melbourne, has the highest density of great playgrounds anywhere in Melbourne. There are many spectacular playgrounds within walking distance of each other.
Our top (03)
The Crossway South Playground, Avondale HeightsSet in a large area of un-mown wild grasses. Structure with wave slide, fireman's pole, shop front, ladder, inclined walkway, monkey bars and two types of monkey rungs. Swings. No seats.
The Esplanade Playground, SydenhamWooden structures set in a grassy area dotted with trees. The larger structure has a big curved slide, climbing wall, ladder with circle steps, monkey bars and long curved flying fox (broken). The small structure has a s(03)
The Grange Village Park Playground, The Grange, Caroline SpringsThe playground surface is composed of small stones and has a nice obstacle course with balance beams, suspended, horizontal rope ladder, climbing net, rope traverse, suspended bridge and monkey rungs. Also a birds nest s(03)
The Grange Village Park Playground, The Grange, Caroline Springs
The Outlook Reserve Playground, Oxford Dr, HillsideHuge pyramid rope climbing frame, two springers, three stand-on spinners and swings (without safety chain). Unshaded table and seats. About 100m away is a huge shelter with table and BBQ. Large grassy area and water tap.(03)
The Outlook Reserve Playground, Oxford Dr, Hillside
The Point Reserve Playground, Caesia Way, Caroline SpringsBeautifully ringed by native vegetation. The wooden structure has a metal slide, high fireman's pole, high chain ladder, walkway, climber, binoculars, steps, abacus, monkey bars, horizontal bar, hanging disks and balance(03)
The Point Reserve Playground, Caesia Way, Caroline Springs
The Regency Reserve Playground, Topaz Drive, HillsideWooden structure with wave slide, high spiral slide, shop front, high chain bridge, tunnel, steps and fireman's pole. See-saw and swings. Unshaded seats, unshaded table, BBQ and grassy area.
The Regency Reserve Playground, Topaz Drive, Hillside
The Village Green Playground, SunburyTwo structures - one has a wave slide, steps, chain bridge, monkey rungs, monkey bars, shop front and Blacksmith's 'shoe the horse' panel. The other structure has a wave slide, tunnel, shop front, steering wheel, walkway(03)
Thompson Street Reserve Playground, Davis Avenue, Avondale HeightsPlayground is set at the top of a hill with nice views below. Coincidentally the shaded seats look towards the view and not the playground. Structure with two metal slides, scrambling wall, rigid walkway, climber, vertic(03)
Thompson Street Reserve Playground, Davis Avenue, Avondale Heights
Tollkeepers Parade Playground, AttwoodStructure with dual slides, steps, walkway and ladder with square horizontal rungs. Tractor and blue whale springers and swings. Unshaded table and seats. Water tap and limited grassy area.
Toolern Vale Recreation Reserve Playground, Diggers Rest Road, Toolern ValeThe playground is located opposite the General Store and has a structure with wave slide, disk on a vertical pole, rigid frame bridge, monkey bars, hanging disks, chain traverse, distorting mirror, spiral pipe with a bea(03)
Town Centre Lake Reserve Playground, Lake Street, Caroline SpringsPlayground is comprised of a large blue lobster with little steps leading from its tail to its head. Located next to Lake Caroline and there are metal wire seats (I imagine they make marks on the back of your legs like b(03)
Town Centre Lake Reserve Playground, Lake Street, Caroline Springs
Trade Park Reserve Playground, Catherine Avenue, TullamarineOld structure with wave slide, horizontal climber with circles and steps. Springer and swings. Shelter with table and grassy area. Next to the Tullamarine Tennis Club.
Trade Park Reserve Playground, Catherine Avenue, Tullamarine
Trentham Drive Playground, Gladstone ParkSet on a huge block with a concrete path running around the edge which is suitable for bikes. The main structure has a wave slide, climbing wall, shopfront, steering wheel, traverse of disks on poles, small wave slide, l(03)
Tullamarine Reserve Playground, Derby Street, TullamarineWe are in Tullamarine so a playground with an airport Control Tower is very appropriate. Spot the planes as they take off and land from the Control Tower. The main structure has steps, enclosed ladder and inclined climbe(03)
Tullamarine Tennis Club Playground, Catherine Avenue, TullamarineSmall playground next to the Tullamarine Tennis Club with swings, seesaw, in-ground trampoline and structure with wave slide, climbing wall, shop front, disk step bridge, hanging disk/monkey rungs traverse and rope trave(03)
Tullamarine Tennis Club Playground, Catherine Avenue, Tullamarine
Tulsa Drive Playground, SunburyOld, dilapidated playground next to an oval. One structure has a wave slide, spiral ladder, fireman's pole and a climbing mat wall. Another has high monkey bars and tic-tac-toe. Also see-saw, log roll, springer and swing(03)
Turnberry Drive Playground, SunburyStructure with slide, fireman's pole, horizontal bar, chain bridge, flying fox, chain traverse, steering wheel and shop front. Two springers, four person see-saw and single swing without safety chain. Shaded seat and lim(03)
Tussock Reserve Playground, Kangaroo Crescent, AintreeA fun playground with an obstacle/balance course running around the playground area. There is also a huge cube shaped climbing frame with lots of rope nets, vertical rope ladder and hammock which connects at the roof to (03)
Ultimo Walk Reserve Playground, Kirribilli Boulevard, Taylors HillTwo fairly limited structures. The smallest has a wave slide, abacus, alphabet panel, steering wheel, tic-tac-toe and steps. The larger one has a wave slide, spiral ladder, fireman's pole, hanging ladder, climber, chain (03)
Ultimo Walk Reserve Playground, Kirribilli Boulevard, Taylors Hill
University Park Playground, Kingsley Street, St AlbansThe playground is set outside the main part of University Park School which is surrounded by high fences to stop access to the school. However, the playground is accessible to the general public.
The playground has a(03)
University Park Playground, Kingsley Street, St Albans
Verona Drive Playground, Keilor LodgeOn an elevated area is a wooden castle structure which can be reached (with some difficulty) by either a suspended log walkway or an even more difficult pole with notches. The reward is the chance to go down a big metal (03)
Wahgunyah Reserve Playground, Paringa Drive, St AlbansWooden structure with wave slide, fireman's pole, straight ladder, tunnel, spiral ladder, walkway, steps, inclined climber with half circles, shop front and small flying fox, At the top of a hill with rocky sides is a cu(03)
Wahgunyah Reserve Playground, Paringa Drive, St Albans
Waterfield Park Playground, Waterview Drive, CairnleaA fun playground with the highlight being a tower with a big tunnel slide and small wave slide. The tower also has a climbing wall, shop front, rope ladder and steps which lead up to the slides. Also a big bus on rockers(03)
Waterfield Park Playground, Waterview Drive, Cairnlea
Cnr Waterview Drive and Clare Brennan Drive,Cairnlea,
Watergardens Shopping Centre Playground, Watergardens Cct Road, Taylors LakesSoft surfaces with mounds containing tunnels, reed shaped steppers and an enclosed tower with horizontal rope nets connected by internal rope ladders.
Shaded tables and some seating. Located outside near Hunky Dory.
Watergardens Shopping Centre Playground, Watergardens Cct Road, Taylors Lakes
Waugh Street Playground, SunburyThe playground has a lot of wooden logs sticking out of the ground whose only purpose seems to be obstructing my view of the playground.
There is a mound with curved slide, long rope net climbing frame, beetle spring(03)
Weather Station Park Playground, Bowes Avenue, Airport WestThree playground areas spread along a line. One area has ramp access to a structure with a slide, scrambling wall, abacus, curved ladder and walkway. There is also a green train with two steering wheels, tic-tac-toea and(03)
Weather Station Park Playground, Bowes Avenue, Airport West
West Esplanade Playground, St AlbansBright structure with wave slide, shop front, fireman's pole, rope bridge, spiders web rope climbing frame and stepping disks. Sit-on spinner and swings. Shaded and unshaded tables.
West Melton Drive Reserve Playground, Westmelton Drive, Melton WestA touch old but has a good amount of equipment. Main structure has a wave slide, shop front, ladder, ladder with square rungs, walkway, abacus, curved ladder, steering wheel, inclined climber, chain bridge, another wave (03)
West Melton Drive Reserve Playground, Westmelton Drive, Melton West
West Melton Recreation Reserve Playground, James Cook Drive, Melton WestOne structure has a wave slide, climbing wall, distorting mirror, rigid frame bridge, hanging disks and a high bar. The other structure made from rubber covered chains has climbing and traversing elements. Unshaded seat (03)
West Melton Recreation Reserve Playground, James Cook Drive, Melton West
Westlake Drive Reserve Playground, Southdean, Melton WestStructure with wave slide, fireman's pole, inclined walkway, monkey rungs, chain traverse and stepping stones. Two springers and swings. Unshaded tables and seats plus a grassy area bordered by roads.
Westlake Drive Reserve Playground, Southdean, Melton West
Whiteley Parade Playground, Taylors LakesAm I in Sydenham or the Serengeti? A huge zebra structure is the centre piece of the playground and has two wave slides, curved rope and solid ladders, little balance beam walkway and some fun panels - there are cute gi(03)
Wichill Close Playground, GreenvaleStructure with wave slide, chain ladder, steps, ladder, long curved monkey bars, fireman's pole and spiral ladder. Also springers and swings. Unshaded seat and limited grassy area.
Willowbank Estate Playground, Parkview Street, GisborneLimited grassy area which has a decent structure with a steep wave slide, smaller slide, fireman's pole, tic-tac-toe, shop front, tunnel, spiral ladder, walkway, clock, binoculars, monkey rungs and balance beam with obst(03)
Willys Avenue Playground, Keilor DownsPlayground is set next to a hug grassy expanse. Structure with wave slide, steering wheel, shop front, abacus, ladder with square rungs, fireman's pole, walkway, sloping parallel bars, steps, climbing mat bridge, chain t(03)
Wilton Fields Village Park Playground, Wimbledon Boulevard, StrathtullohA fun playground which has a big curved tunnel slide reached by a tangle of ropes in a tower. The tower is connected by a rope bridge to an elevated structure with rope net ladder and metal slide. Also an old-fashioned s(03)
Wilton Fields Village Park Playground, Wimbledon Boulevard, Strathtulloh
Wiltshire Boulevard Reserve Playground, Wiltshire Boulevard, Thornhill ParkThe centre piece set high on a mound is a big rope climbing frame with a tricky route up into the head of an animal which I suspect is a fox. There is an elevated rubber walkway leading to this climbing frame. On the sid(03)
Wiltshire Boulevard Reserve Playground, Wiltshire Boulevard, Thornhill Park
Cnr Wiltshire Boulevard and Rachel Way,Thornhill Park,
Windsor Gardens Reserve Playground, Windsor Gardens, Caroline SpringsSimple structure with metal slide, scrambling wall and fireman's pole. Shelter without seats, unshaded seats and grassy area.
Wireless Reserve Playground, Wireless Drive, AintreeAn unusual playground with the highlights being a massive metal wave slide which could generate more heat than a furnace in summer (be warned), a very tall pyramid rope climbing frame, huge arc with a birds nest swing an(03)
Witchwood Close Playground, AlbanvaleOld structure with climber, fireman's pole and monkey bars. Family size see-saw and two springers. No swings. Unshaded seat and some grassy area.
Woodlea Town Playground, Fields Street, AintreeA small but fun playground in front of the Woodlea Town shopping centre.
There is an elevated platform which can be reached by a ladder with hoop steps or an interesting rope bridge with wooden slats for steps. To ge(03)
Wyong Street Playground, Keilor EastLocated at the Centreway Shopping Centre area. The playground receives some shade from the trees. Structure has a tunnel slide, rope climbing frame, speak and listen system, shop front, abacus, climbing wall, panel with (03)
Yale Walk Playground, Kings ParkVery old with lots of graffiti. One structure has a metal slide, steering wheel and long gently sloping parallel bars. Another structure has two levels and a spiral ladder. Also a log roll but no swings. Unshaded seat an(03)
Yarmouth Avenue Playground, St AlbansStructure with curved slide, ladder with square rungs, steps, steering wheel, standard ladder, vertical rope traversing frame and monkey bars. Fish springer, swings and small bird's nest swing which rotates in all direct(03)
Yellowgum Boulevard Playground, SunburyOld and rusty - make sure your tetanus shots are up to date. Structure with slide, curved ladder, tic-tac-toe, shop front, walkway, tunnel, climber, steps and telescope. Two pelican springers and swings. Unshaded seats a(03)