Top 50 Playgrounds in Melbourne and Geelong

We have reviewed every playground in Melbourne and Geelong and these are the pick of the crop. Click on the link to each playground for more information such as facilities list, full review and location map. Each playground also has a link to a slideshow of photos of the playground.
Central Melbourne
Skinners Park, Dorcas Street, South MelbournePhoto Slideshow

Skinners Park is open in the late afternoons weekdays and on weekends and is staffed. It is recommended for children aged 6-12 but our four year old loved it.
The playground has a eclectic mix of things to do including basketball/soccer court (under shade cloth), chicken house, cubby house in a tree with large curved slide, very long chain traverse, pond, trampoline, various cubby houses, structure from shipping containers, old fashioned slide, artwork, swings, see-saw, climbing net and many other things to explore.
Set amongst trees so there is quite a lot of shade. There is so much colour splashed about that you feel assaulted by it and I was very happy to enjoy a white wall afterwards.
Maritime Cove Community Park Playground, The Boulevard, Port Melbourne
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A brilliant place space created by the Port of Melbourne using re-purposed equipment to create a Maritime themed park. The playground weaves equipment such as a Crows Nest, channel markers, marine bollards, coloured buoys, rail lines, ladder bridge and steel buoys into a fun and exciting play environment.
Standing high upon the playground is a lookout tower with a spiral slide which takes some effort to reach the slide. Take your pick from wooden ladders, rope ladders or a wibbly wobbly bridge to reach the first level of the tower. Then scramble up a vertical rope tunnel to get to the top of the slide. Unfortunately after all that effort the slide wasn't very slippery or maybe I just had high friction pants on.
The base of the tower has a wooden bridge which leads to a traverse across a thick rope and another traverse across a thin rope bridge to the site of sand play heaven. In this area there are lots of buckets, channels, chain pulleys and cranes to move sand about. This is a brilliant area for budding construction workers to practice their future career. You can also scale the Crows Nest. Crows never had it so good.
At the northern end is an area for the younger kids which has a water play area with hand pump where you can pump water through a series of channels and tables, an old fashioned metal kaleidoscope, car tyre on springs, a big metal disk which rotates and moves around, a long wall with lots of sand play equipment, sea lion sculpture, turtle sculpture, wooden pyramid with tiny metal slide, wooden boat, really interesting mechanical sand digger and a shiny black block with slits which you can hit with a clanger to make truly beautiful music. Normally I don't like the sound of clangers but this one could only be described as melodious.
On the western side is a concrete area which has some water sprays on top of some tall poles. I'll leave it to you to work out the devious ways to get the sprays working but one tip is to investigate the wonderful see-saw made from a wooden pole.
A metal ladder from a ship has been turned into horizontal traverse. There is a high ropes course to traverse across which includes a number of elements including some thin ropes, net and spiders web. A large buoy has climbing holds and there is a wonderful area where logs are piles up in all sorts of directions to make a fun and exciting climbing area.
On the beach side is a boardwalk with a fun and innovative exercise area for both the body and mind which includes a fantastic log sawing station. Can you become the Australia log sawing champion?
Royal Park Nature Playground, Gatehouse Street, Parkville
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An award winning playground with natural play elements including an area of high rope traverses, large climbing structure made from logs and ropes, water play area and landscaped areas. The playground is most suited to older kids (at least five years old).
In the centre of an amphitheatre with rock step sides is a wonderful ropes course with rope traverses, elevated horizontal logs and ladder and rope net. The elements are at different heights but some of the course is high enough to give Mum a few nervous twitches. On the sides of this amphitheatre are three metal slides - one slide is steep, fast and twisty, another slide is shorter but very steep and the third slide is wide with a gentler pace. Located above this area are six swings (some with safety chains) and overlooking the whole playground is a steep grassy hill which provides endless fun rolling down the side of the hill.
There is a lovely water play area with hand pumps, a couple of water sprays and channels to control the flow of water down to the sandpit below.
At the lower part of the playground is a huge log and rope climbing structure, another (dry) sandpit since it is separate from the water play area, birds nest swing and metal skeleton of a dinosaur. Other elements include a metal and tree branch hut, lots of natural play elements such as huge rocks and logs and a large area landscaped with native and indigenous plants and bushes with paths winding through them.
There are two areas with picnic tables, water taps and BBQs plus unshaded seats scattered about. There are no shelters or shade and toilets have now been added.
Parking can be a bit problematic during the week but is free and more available on Saturday afternoons and Sundays. The surrounding areas have one or two hour parking during the week.
Geelong, Bellarine and Surf Coast
Geelong Play Space, Eastern Park Cct, GeelongPhoto Slideshow

Beautifully crafted play space which has a variety of different areas and is fully fenced. The fencing is hardly necessary since no-one is going to want to leave this fun and interesting play space. There is a Pirate ship with rope ladder on the side, tyre steering wheel with paddles to make music, wave slide and device which makes noise as you go past it. This area has a wide, sloped climbing wall, stand-on spinners and two springers.
Across a musical bridge is an area with three sheep springers, a bamboo tunnel, cottage ruin, sun dial, stepping stones of various shapes through the trees, sound machines scattered about, sandpits, hand pump, big maze made from different coloured pavers, creek spring, dragon fly and swings.
There are shaded and unshaded seats scattered about and quite a lot of shaded areas, a water tap which makes interesting sounds when it is used and toilets. Outside the fenced area is a large shelter with tables and BBQs.
Inner North
Malahang Reserve, Oriel Road, Heidelberg WestPhoto Slideshow

Practice your verbs before visiting Malahang Reserve because kids can play, jump, swing, slide, climb, run, skate and execute a multitude of other verbs at the playground which has a great range of playground equipment spread across a large area, a Skate Park and a BMX dirt-track.
The playground includes multiple flying foxes including one with a seat with harness, huge double pyramid rope climbing frame, huge swinging basket, family size see-saw, fantastic huge structure with a paddle steamer theme, spinning cups with hand wheel and a variety of swings including a "comfy chair" and tyre swings.
There is a separate boat shaped structure for toddlers with ramp, block steps, coloured balls and a number of educational boards.
There are plenty of seats (without shade), big shelter with BBQs and tables, toilets and basketball court.
Harmony Park, Gaffney Street, Coburg
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This is Harmony Park except when Mum and Dad tell the kids that it is time to go home, then it's anything but harmony. This large, beautifully created play space has lots of interesting play elements and is not a place which the kids will be keen to leave.
The main wooden structure has a huge tunnel, big wave slide, rope ladder and climbing wall. This leads to an area with a series of different bridges, area with car tyres which make sounds when you jump on them, large hammock and another area with large pyramid rope climbing frame, hanging disks, traverses and swings without safety chain.
There is a large sandpit under shade sails with digger and conveyor belt, car shaped structure with tunnel, music making equipment and steering wheels, little hillock with slide, speed-boat on a rocker, see-saw, swings with safety chains and a huge plastic seat swing.
The playground area has two shelters with table and seats. There is also a huge shelter with tables and BBQs plus unshaded tables and seats. Large rocky landscaped area, tactile impressions sculpture created by local schools and artists, toilets and water tap. There is a basketball and Skate Park nearby plus large grassy area.
There is good All Abilities accessibility. Even when wood chips are used, there are paths leading to the equipment.
Coburg Lake Reserve, Murray Road, Coburg
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What goes up must come down. Get ready to plummet to earth. After climbing up multiple levels of ladders you reach two great metal slides. The "smaller" one is fairly straight and opens up into a flat area at the bottom and the higher, faster slide has a big twist before opening up at the bottom. This slide can be frightening for little kids. The slide tower also has two panels to play Four in a Row or Reversi, balls on a vertical pole, plastic covered climbing wall and fireman's pole.
There is a also a structure with dual wave slides, nice cubby house which is raised and accessible by a climbing wall with fruit holds, metal slide, shop fronts and a pulley system for hauling wood chips, a birds nest swing, largish disk carousel with hand-holds which spins around and standard.
The playground is right next to lake with obligatory ducks (and geese) and so you need to be vigilant, although the chances of the kids moving away from the huge slide tower are about as high as snowflakes in Death Valley during summer.
There are plenty of unshaded tables, shaded and unshaded seats, toilets, BBQs, water tap and some lovely curved wooden seats for parents which overlook the lake.
Victory Park, Langs Road, Ascot Vale
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Huge wooden adventure playground with an enormous array of slides (tunnel, wave and spiral), walkways (tyres, chain, wooden, rubber), multiple towers with lots of levels, sandpit, bronco tyre and suspended platform rides, monkey bars, monkey rungs, flying foxes and swings (standard and unusual styles).
Most of the area is fenced except for the section furthest from the road. There are undercover tables and BBQs, toilets and water tap. There is a kiosk available at the Ascot Vale Sports & Fitness venue next door.
Bundoora Park Play Space, River Red Gum Avenue, Bundoora
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A great fun Play Space which is fully fenced and linked to a cafe. There are lots of fun elements including a wooden wall maze with things to find such as a horse, big sandpit with digger, huge scale bull-ants, large carousel where you stand and get pushed around (hopefully by an accommodating parent), big red tractor with trailer, water tank with a ladder and slide, hammock, swings including one with a harness, lots of cute springers, mound with two sets of dual slides and three stand-on spinners, standalone spiral slide with steps, large flat rope climbing frame and water course area with bridges and a water pump.
There are shelters with tables and seats, shaded and unshaded seats and water taps. Plenty of access for all with concrete paths and soft spongy areas around most of the equipment.
Mornington Peninsula
Casey Fields, Berwick-Cranbourne Rd, Cranbourne EastPhoto Slideshow

This playground has as much sand as the Gobi Desert - actually more sand than the Gobi Desert. An excellent playground with All Abilities access to all the play structures. The main area of the playground has a large sandpit with two play structures with lots of sand play opportunities.
Further across is a large boat and see-saw in a sandpit. Across from this is a twisted pipe climbing frame and multiple swings.
At the top of the hill is a birds nest swing, a steep curving slide (too slow to generate real excitement according to the kids - and Dad) and big soft mounds with ledges to assist climbing which are connected together with rope bridges. There is a separate long rope bridge which leads to a large pyramid rope climbing frame.
There are shelters with table and BBQs, unshaded seats and tables, limited shaded seats, water tap and toilets. A path leads to a lake and there is plenty of grassy areas and ovals nearby.
Ballam Park Reserve, Cranbourne Road (East), Frankston and Ballam Park Reserve, Cranbourne Road (West), Frankston
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Have you read "A Tale of Two Playgrounds" by Charles Dickens, set in Frankston during the See-saw Revolution? If not, rush down to Ballam Reserve in Frankston. It will be a revolutionary experience.
The park has two big playground areas. The big brother (for older kids) on the west side has lots of ramps and elevated walkways, spiral, long wave and curved tunnel slides, many wooden and chain climbing walls, ladders, huge chain climbing frame, real flying fox, monkey bars, stand-on spinning disks, curved ladders, see-saw and horizontal bars. Four swings and one has extra handle and harness. There is a separate playground area enclosed with a fence without a gate with unusual swing, large tractor tyres embedded in the ground, multi-tier structure for hauling up sand from a large sandpit, boat structure and three springers.
The playground situated on the east side of the Park (best suited for younger kids) has a very extensive wooden structure with lots of tunnels, ramps and walkways at different levels. It includes large front of wooden truck, four way springer, spiral slide, four swings, spiral ladder, flying fox, large cubby house, monkey bars, maze, couple of medium sized slides including a tunnel slide, climbing frame in the shape of a house, little curved climbing walls, horizontal bars and fireman's pole. Lots of areas for exploration.
Ballam Park is home to a huge area of open space featuring a basketball half-court, tennis wall, walking trails, ovals and an athletics track. There is plenty to do for people of all ages, with shade and barbecues provided in the large picnic area.
Eliston District Park Playground, Waterman Drive, Clyde North
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Calling all adventure seekers - there is plenty on offer here at this incredible playground. Let's start with a huge three storey tower with two massive slides which spit kids out into a depression in front of the tower. A seat is conveniently provided for parents to watch the mayhem. The slides can be reached by spiral stairs and a big sloping rope net provides an alternative way of getting to the first level. One slide launches off level 2 while the faster, straighter slide launches off level 3 - pick your adrenaline poison.
Apart from the huge slides we also love soft, colourful surfaces and there are plenty of these which form hills with climbing holds and slides and gullies with rope climbing nets perched above them or balance beams over them. This area is the 'Big Kids Playground' and also has a nice climbing wall, flying fox with disk seat, standard swings, basket swing and a circle which you spin around on your arms.
On the other side of the picnic area is the 'Little Kids Playground' with a nice sandpit under shade sails with lots of sand play equipment, mound with dual wave slides, swings, in-ground trampoline and an area of ramps with tunnels, bridges, ladders and balance beams.
The picnic area in the centre of the play areas has a shelter with two tables, unshaded table, BBQs and water tap. There are also an additional two unshaded tables on the side of the playground area.
The park has lots of other facilities including a skate park, three fitness stations, half basketball court, community garden, orchard and a big grassy lawn area.
North East Melbourne
Wombat Bend Playspace, Duncan Street, Templestowe LowerPhoto Slideshow

A real firecracker of a play space and we're not talking about a little sparkler here! There isn't a huge amount of play equipment but it is beautifully crafted together amidst a nicely landscaped area and is fully fenced. There is a variety of innovative play equipment for different sizes and abilities.
There is a wooden maze with mirrors and buttons to press. Our kids had a ball pressing the buttons and listening to the funny voices. Also musical bridge, sandpit, family sized see-saw, cube with rope climbing frame on side and top, two real flying foxes, double slides down a small embankment, hidden cubby and a fantastic bat wing carousel with hanging seats which parents push around. The thrill of the ride depends on how energetic the parents are! Did I mention the fantastic bat wing carousel? Yes, I think I did.
The playground has a native garden with paths galore. There is a BBQ, water tap and a few sheltered tables inside but lots of picnicking opportunities along the river outside including toilets.
The playground is in Finns Reserve which connects to the Main Yarra Trail via a swing bridge and is also the start of the Ruffey Creek Linear Trail.
Bayswater Park, Mountain Highway, Bayswater
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This playground has more punch than a Muhammad Ali vs. Joe Frazier bout and more bite that a Mike Tyson fight. This is a playground with lots of unique features. If you have become a bit jaded with playgrounds then this is like throwing a bucket of cold water over your face.
Under a shelter is a full size red steam engine (James from Sodor), railway platform with benches under cover complete with wooden fat controller (that is what he is made out of and not a reflection of his acting ability in the TV series), ticket window and a smaller wooden train with two carriages. This is all sheltered under trees.
This is next to a large high wooden structure based on curved ramps which includes wave slide, rigid balance beam, fireman's pole, musical pipes, high rope bridge, musical bridge, rope and wooden climbing walls, ladders, twin large metal slides, shop window, cubby houses, monkey bars, flying foxes, horizontal bars, roman rings, two swings without safety chain which can be swung around in a circle by a muscular member of the family, large climbing frame in an elephant shape with a slide as a trunk, two hippos lolling about in a rubber lake (Henrietta and Horatio), tiles and artwork on a brick wall and decorated with animals and either gremlins or lemurs gone ferrel.
There is another area with large sandpit and mechanical scoop. Huge climbing frame with a large slide to get down (requires good climbing skill), hopscotch area, large goanna on a stump and five swings without safety chain arranged in a pentagon shape and everyone swings towards the centre.
The playground is fenced but it is spread out and it can be difficult to keep track of the kids. Plenty of picnic tables in the area.
Hays Paddock, Longstaff Street, Kew East
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This is the original all-abilities playground in Melbourne. Great for young, old, disabled and able-bodied kids. A large enclosed area full of discovery. This has been feted as one of the best playgrounds in Melbourne for a number of years. It is a beautifully crafted Play Space rather than an Adventure Playground. It is adventure with a little a - certainly if you equate Adventure with adrenaline. Nevertheless it packs a lot of punch - many slides and swings, large butterflies flying above, large see-saw, ring of toadstools to jump across, springers, large rope climbing frame, large hammocks to swing back and forth, big sandpit and other additions.
One good aspect is that most landing zones have a soft springy base - landing on this was like being Neil Armstrong bouncing on the moon in zero gravity. The playground area is fenced with safety gates. Outside is a wetlands area with a bird hide overlooking this area inside the playground. There is a also a learner's bike circuit. There are toilets outside the playground area.
Montrose Community Playground, Mt Dandenong Tourist Rd, Montrose
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Fantastic community playground which was built in 2008 and has good All Abilities access. This is the type of playground where it is easy for parents and kids to play together although Mum and Dad might have trouble fitting into all the buildings in the miniature town.
The central area has two large pyramid rope climbing frames and there is a long ramp on one side which leads via a high rope bridge to a beautifully painted wall with an Australian bush setting and an area with some climbing walls. To the side is a huge lady-bug springer, four swings without safety chains and a birds nest swing.
Elsewhere there are two swings with safety chains, swing with harness and another birds nest swing. Plenty of other equipment and a circular path leads past a series of shop fronts including the fire station.
An area with four BBQs and tables (some shaded), water tap, toilet and some limited shade for the playground from the trees.
McKenzie Reserve, Bell Street, Yarra Glen
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It's no bull that this is a fantastic playground even though you may be confronted with humongous dung beetles rolling their balls of dung. The playground is centred around a huge wooden structure and is surrounded by concrete paths with soft surface paths providing access to the equipment.
The main structure has spiral and curved slides, scrambling wall, lots of ramps and tunnels, balance beams and rope climbing frame. Some of the decking of the structure is under a shady tree which is centrally positioned.
There is also a huge pyramid rope climbing frame with a rope bridge for entry, big sandpit with a shaded area, row of balance beams made from metal and barrels, big carousel which you can spin around, huge birds nest swing (which is quite high off the ground), five swings (including one with a harness), family sized see-saw, soft mounds on a sea of wood chips, huge spinning disk, those humongous dung beetles and other sculptures.
There is a shelter inside the play area plus shaded and unshaded tables and seats scattered about. Outside the play area is a shelter with tables, BBQ, water tap, toilets, grassy area and more tables.
Ruffey Lake Park, Victoria Street, Doncaster East
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A super adventure playground which includes a super slick curved tunnel slide which our kids absolutely loved and Dad generated enough static electricity going down it to power Melbourne for the next week. There are also steps and ladders up a look out tower, very long aluminium slide down a hill from a hut (similar to that which winter downhill skiers shoot out of), various swings, huge sandpit, musical bridge and smaller slides. Most of the equipment is under cover.
At the top of the hill is a very interesting climbing frame, huge gecko (big enough for the fly population of Melbourne to be in a state of fear)and two flying foxes.
There are plenty of BBQs and tables scattered about. Some BBQs are so close that the smell of cooking food drives you crazy with hunger - so don't come on an empty stomach. Toilets, water tap and some space for ball games although it is hilly. The playground can get very busy on weekends and parking can be a pain.
Bollygum Adventure Playground, Whittlesea-Kinglake Rd, Kinglake
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A magical playground with a theme based around the book 'Bollygum' by Garry Fleming. Both parents and children can enjoy this wonderfully crafted Play Space.
Wander along the shady paths and dry watercourse and explore each enchanting element. Start at the Bower Bird's nest with its shiny blue trinkets, then past a large shady sandpit and cross one of the bridges to Platypus's House and make a pretend fire in the huge hearth. Be careful not to scare platypus with the screeching from the music cylinder next to his house. Wander down the shady path, past the log bridges and massive log seat to Wombat's House which has beautiful carved murals on the walls, tunnel slide, spiral slide, distorting mirrors, speak and listen system and lots of unusual equipment to make sounds (not too loud though because Wombat might be snuggled up and sleeping).
Stop for a while at the dry creek for a spot of fishing with rods and reels provided. Have a play with the mechanical digger in the big sandpit and then head to an area with lots of traversing elements such as a chain traverse, flying fox, bridge, monkey bars and hanging disks.
Head back up the hill to the main structure with Frogmouth's House and a climbing wall, ladders, walkways, wave slide, abacus, rope ladders, thin balance walkway, long high rope bridge for the daring kids, fireman's pole, dual metal slides (with shade sails above) and various fun musical instruments.
There are five swings including two birds nest swings and a swing with a seat.
Plenty of shady seats including many shaped from logs, unshaded tables, water tap, toilets and BBQ. Limited grassy area which is not suitable for ball games. Next to an excellent Skate Park. A visit to this playground is something to be treasured.
Tim Neville Arboretum, Dorset Road, Ferntree Gully
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A fully fenced adventure playground which is well worth visiting Knight or day since it includes a castle themed area with stocks (especially for bad parents who won't take their kids to great playgrounds) and a rock where you try and extract Excalibur's sword. There are lots of other interesting elements and the area is interspersed with concrete paths and the play areas have a soft base.
On one side are two long zip lines with ski lift type disk seats, Loch Ness monster writhing in and out of the ground for climbing, three small metal slides on the side of a small hill, four swings (one with a big plastic seat), interesting carousel with seating and standing room, birds nest swing, hammock, large rope pyramid climbing frame, distorting mirror, lots of stepping stones, square area of suspended disks which you can step across, big sandpit area and two stand on spinners. There is a trail of alphabet signs with sign language weaving through the playground.
There are various shaded and unshaded seats. Outside the fenced area are toilets, BBQs, unshaded tables, grassy areas and a pond with elevated walkway and ducks not far away.
Eltham North Reserve Playground, Wattletree Road, Eltham North
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The playground was burnt down in December, 2017 but has risen again from the ashes to be even better than the previous version. It has stayed true to the style of the previous playground by retaining a huge roofed structure as the centrepiece of the play space. This large area under cover makes it ideal for times of poor weather (which you are guaranteed in Melbourne). The main building has a tunnel slide which can be reached by a big slanting rope net or steps, climbing and scrambling walls on the sides, a big green tractor embedded into the floor with two steering wheels, a wave slide and fireman's pole. Overhead, there is a corridor with rope net and saggy bridge to negotiate past. There are a few creepy crawlies in the barn - can you find them high up on the walls?
Outside there are two flying foxes, one with a disk seat and the other with a harness, metal pipes to hit a clanger against to make either noise or music (depending on whether your family has the music gene or not), Liberty swing (for wheelchairs), drums, standard swings, birds nest swing, spinning donut, hammock, swing with harness, dry creek bed which you can either cross via a bridge or a log which has fallen across the creek (depending on how daring you are), a town centre comprised of a number of colourful shops with blackboards to write the specials for the day, a big sandpit which is partly shaded which has a digger and a water trough with a tap.
There are some smallish grassy areas where parents get together and chat, a row of shelters with tables and BBQs plus water taps and toilets. Next door is a fenced oval which is a Magical Park augmented reality location.
Olinda Play Space, Olinda-Monbulk Road, Olinda
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A fantastic regional play space nestled in a lovely location with great views across to Silvan Reservoir and bordered by trees and huge grassy areas.
There is a large shelter with four tables sitting in an elevated position in the centre of the playground which provides a vantage point across the whole playground. The huge play space has a large sandpit, surrounding paths and a number of areas with a soft, colourful base which makes it easy to recreate the feeling of Neil Armstrong walking on the moon.
The huge sandpit has two water play areas with a water pump and balancing beam. The dry creek bed meanders down under a bridge to a massively sized frog. Don't forget to explore under the bridge to find some colourful creatures. Speaking of massively sized creatures, there's a huge gecko lolling around next to the sandpit. Let's hope little kids don't get mistaken for a juicy fly by the gecko, or you may go home with one less offspring.
There are a range of different swings spread across the playground - take your pick from tyre swings, swings with a harness seat or some more traditional style swings. The perfect compliment to a swing is a slide and the playground has two nice tunnel slides at the end of a long ramp.
There is a large area with a rope climbing obstacles. There is so much rope here that Houdini might have trouble extricating himself from this area.
Other fun areas include two flying foxes with disk seats, large spinning carousel, three in-ground trampolines, metal slide on the side of a little hill and two beautiful cubbies surrounded by toadstools.
Throughout the area there are wonderful carvings of native animals and birds and other interesting artwork. Our favourites were the owls and cute wombats.
There are a number of unshaded tables and seats scattered about the playground and near the carpark (which can be muddy when the weather is unfavourable) there are toilets and a shelter with BBQs but without tables.
Ringwood Lake Playground, Whitehorse Road, Ringwood
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The playground has the advantage of a lovely setting amongst the trees next to Ringwood Lake and has some real excitement factor.
A tall tower, which is accessible from the platform below by steps, stands high among the tree tops with a big straight tunnel slide dropping down to earth. At a lower level are two more, less heart thumping, tunnel slides curving down to the ground. The platform which the tower sits on has access via a ramp, steps, rope bridge and a rigid frame ladder - having so many choices may not be ideal for kids who can't make up their mind.
Around the base is a little flying fox, fireman's pole, area of suspended ropes with wobbly rubber steps, stand on carousel, poles with sculptures of an owl, ladybugs and frog, sit-in spinning cup and wooden carvings of a duck, fish, pelican and kangaroo on the ground.
Across the path is a climbing cube with climbing wall, ladders and rope net roof.
Close to this area are two shelters with BBQs, two tables, water tap and two circular unshaded tables. At the bottom end of the playground there are toilets.
Further up the hill is a climbing area with poles with climbing holds, stand on spinner and monkey bars. Fall down here and you'll come face to face with a giant gecko.
Across the path is an even bigger lizard which has a water tap with hand wheel to pump water which travels down the back of the lizard, through a sluice gate into a large sandpit which is surrounded by more giant lizards, snakes and worm. Keep an eye open for precious gems along the path of the water. Have a time out and play a tune on the large metal turtle drum. I'm sure the parents will enjoy the melodious tunes.
Go a little higher up the hill to find six swings in a row including one with a harness and another face-to-face swing for parent and child. There is also a Liberty Swing for those in a wheelchair, see-saw and fun musical instrument.
The only negative is that it is so close to Ringwood Lake and the busy Maroondah Highway so you need to be very vigilant.
North West
Isabella Williams Memorial Reserve, Opie Road, Deer ParkPhoto Slideshow

Good news. You don't need to pay for an expensive trip to Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius to experience the history of volcanic eruptions. This playground design references Melbourne's western plains past volcanic activities. Tall climbing walls, nets and three long slides, including a yellow-covered twisted slide, emerge out of the volcano. Colourful play surfaces 'ooze' like lava down the sides of the volcano and around the sand pit. Other children's play equipment includes a large red ride-on tractor, a bird's nest swing and a bright-blue spinning 'super nova'. There is also a fitness circuit with outdoor gym equipment.
The playground has shade shelters, barbeques and display gardens featuring indigenous flora.
Tenterfield Park, Tenterfield Drive, Burnside Heights
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Forget shopping at Chadstone, Highpoint or Southland. Take the kids to Tenterfield Park and the visit the lovely little shops including a florist, bakery, hair-dresser, green grocer and service station.
A super playground with a "town" theme stacked full of interesting, colourful elements. The main structure is a big ramp with different fun panels on the sides, tunnel slide, curved slide, tunnel, cubby area, spiral ladder, climbing wall, musical instruments, steep wide wave slide, escape chute down to the ground and shop fronts.
There are also bird houses on top of poles, see-saw, swings, wooden carvings of cars and trucks with steering wheels, cups to sit in and spin around, two bike springers and a wooden structure with walkway.
A shelter with table, unshaded seats, BBQs and water tap. The playground has lovely murals. Located next to a long lake with plenty of water birds.
Navan Park, Centenary Avenue, Melton
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The playground was upgraded to include a spectacular high tower with two massive tunnel slides and a high fireman's pole. Other additions included a huge hammock and funky carousel where kids can sit down and let the parents or older kids swing it around.
The best and most original part is a large sandpit with a castle and lots of equipment for handling the sand such as scoops and conveyors. The remainder of the large playground includes a very good range of equipment. In one corner of the playground is a "Sky Surfer" for teenagers (stand up and surf on the suspended surfboard and with practice a circular loop can be achieved), circular bar which twists and turns around, "Mountain Trek" (sit on or climb across hanging disks - it is harder than it looks), sit on spinner and "Trick Skate" (revolving skate board rockers).
There is an extensive structure which has the bow of a ship with panels and a ramp leading to the structure from a bank. It has a tunnel slide, scrambling wall, high balance beam, chain bridge, flexible fireman's pole, monkey rungs, hanging disks, flying fox, climbing wall, alphabet panel, steps, fireman's pole, steering wheel and shop front.
Another structure has a tunnel and wave slide, steps, walkway, tunnel, chain bridges, chain traverse, spiral ladder, inclined climbing mat and fireman's pole. There is a little toddler area with a shop front complete with calculator, tunnel, abacus and tic-tac-toe and another hut with panels and drive through counter.
The playground area has toilets, a shelter with BBQ and table plus another shelter with tables. Plenty of grassy areas for ball games. 100m away is a big lake with more shelters, water tap and BBQ.
Brimbank Park Play Space, Brimbank Road, Keilor East
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A beautifully crafted Play Space with natural elements most suited for younger kids with a few exciting elements for the older kids. At the top of the hill overlooking the playground area is a huge artificial hollow tree stump which you can climb up inside and emerge out via a broken egg shell to survey the playground below. Keep your eyes open and spot all the abundant mini-beasts on the stump (conveniently high enough to stop little kids grabbing them off the stump and taking them home for their bug collection).
The main part of the Play Space is a maze of pebbled paths which lead to round areas with interesting mosaics - the most interesting being one with a bird theme and a sculpture of three cawing crows. This area has boards showing sign language for each letter of the alphabet. In the middle of the maze area is a shady tree with rock seats underneath and a fun black and white cow (it seems like a Friesian to me but cow fanciers may be able to correct me if I am wrong). Look out for the giant cheese, pea and tomatoes - kids could easily re-enact a scene from the classic film "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes".
Across the path is a HUGE birds nest swing (if you can convince Andre the Giant to push the kids, it will be a ride to remember. Although, I'm sure, in a pinch, Uncle Bob could do an adequate job of pushing). There is a vertical circle which kids can lay inside and be spun around. Forward and back flips are the order of the day here (as well as dizzy kids staggering around). There is also a stand-on spinner, hammock (surely Mum and Dad deserve a rest after finding this Play Space for the kids), huge bee springer for two people, smallish rope cone which spins around and four swings including one with a harness. There are soft paths leading to all the play areas.
Across a road is a giant platypus (so big that it could easily eat all the worms in the nearby Maribyrnong River in one breakfast sitting), a V-shaped play hut with branches for walls, a beautifully crafted frog, a musical instrument which makes various sounds when you turn a handle and a big elevated sandpit reached by steps.
There are various unshaded seats scattered about the Play Space area and a water tap. The landscaping has been done beautifully with many natural features. Located next to the Leaping Lizard cafe which has toilets. Plenty of shelters, BBQs, tables and water taps nearby plus a big grassy area.
Gisborne Adventure Playground, Brantome Street, Gisborne
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A big adventure playground with a number of different areas. The main structure has a series of ramps leading to flat sections with dual wave slides, tunnel slide, small curved slide, variety of panels, various ladders, scrambling wall and climbing wall.
There is a shaded fenced area with safety gate which has a CFA structure with a Fire Brigade theme - complete with puzzle panels, inclined walkways, small slide, disks on a vertical pole, fireman's pole and fire truck. Also round tables and seats with nature carvings on the surface, tea-cup with hand wheel, stepping stones, various panels, see-saw, two springers and long soft crocodile and platypus lying on the ground.
There is also a see-saw, birds nest swing, springer and stand-on spinners. An area with three flying foxes set at different heights (great idea), five swings, rope pyramid climbing frame and another climbing frame with hanging plastic circles, monkey rungs and horizontal bars.
Unshaded and shaded tables and seats, unusual fun water tap nearby and a big grassy area with shelter and BBQ.
Frontier Park Playground, Frontier Avenue, Rockbank
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Rockbank has become the playground capital of Melbourne and playground is a fantastic centrepiece with huge slides, a range of fun and engaging areas, water play area, basketball court and small skate park.
Some big towers set in a landscape of soft colourful mounds provide the launch place for three huge tunnel slides. For dare-devils there is also a rope tunnel stretching between the towers high above the ground. There are a number of ways of reaching the slides depending on how daring you are - either an easy set of twisting stairs, a vertical rope tunnel or a traverse across some scary bridges. For those who prefer their slides closer to the ground there is a smaller wave slide on the side of a mound.
Another area which is fun but quite close to the ground is a long balance traverse with a variety of logs and bridges. There is a nice sized sandpit with a water pump and beside this is a big carousel where kids can stand and spin around until they reach their desired level of dizziness. A huge birds nest swing towers above this.
A water play area comprising a shallow concrete channel lined by water sprays and passing through rock barriers and chutes which kids can raise or lower and eventually ends in a drain. The water play operating hours are October to March from 8am to 8pm. The water features can activate without notice at any time.
There is a pentagonal frame with five swings (only one has a safety chain and is suitable to younger kids). Next to the playground is a basketball court with baskets at both ends and a small skate park with ramps, quarter, rail and fun box in the middle.
On the side is a shelter with three tables and BBQ, toilets and some unshaded tables and seats are scattered about.
Outer East
Ray Bastin Reserve, Norfolk Drive, Narre WarrenPhoto Slideshow

Fly me to the moon - well as least to the Ray Bastin Reserve in Narre Warren. A great playground with a rocket theme and you don't need to be a budding rocket scientist to enjoy it.
The central area includes a large rocket on a launching pad with very twisty tunnel slide as an emergency escape route. On the side is a rocket launching site with huge control panel - Why go to Kazakhstan when you can launch rockets from the Ray Bastin Reserve? There is a large moon buggy, extra-terrestrial creature writhing in and out of the ground, colourful stepping stones sprouting like (space) mushrooms and large sandpit.
The playground is next to a Skate Park and BMX track. There is also a sensory trail which highlights different eco-systems, BBQs, plenty of shaded tables and seats under trees, shelters, shade sails and toilets.
Cardinia Community Adventure Playground, John Street, Pakenham
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The playground has had a great upgrade but still retains the original wooden adventure structure which has plenty of bridges, ladders, pathways and nooks and crannies to explore.
A huge tower has been added which has three slides - a massive, twisting orange and yellow monster tunnel slide, a steep tunnel slide and a smaller tunnel slide. There is also a climbing wall on the side of the structure. For younger kids there is a boat shaped structure with wave slide, steps, wavy bridge, tic-tac-toe, abacus, tunnel and steering wheel.
In addition there is an area with four standard swings and two in-ground trampolines plus another area with bird's nest swing, seat swing and standard swing.
There is a great bike track for younger kids on trikes or bikes on the side of the playground with road signs and buildings such as a bank, supermarket and ice-cream van.
There is a shelter with BBQs, unshaded tables and water tap. Nearby is a skate park and outdoor gym.
Outer North
Golden Sun Moth Park, Grand Boulevard, CraigieburnPhoto Slideshow

A brilliant playground which is a little out of the way for some people but well worth the trip. It has the theme of a Golden Sun Moth and there isn't a light big enough in the world to attract a moth this humungous in size.
The playground is divided into an area for 1-4 year olds and another adjacent more challenging area for 5 years and older.
The main area for older kids has a huge structure in the shape of a moth with moth leg steps, some great moth leg slides including a huge tunnel slide and open tunnel legs made from circles to climb up. There are two huge pyramid rope climbing frames, huge birds nest swing, long flying fox with disk seat, dizzy spinner cup, spinning cocoon, standard swings, stand-on spinner and whizzy spinner.
The area for younger kids has a wooden structure with slides, walkway and ladder plus lovely features like a cocoon to climb on and ladybug springer.
The playground has excellent All Abilities access since there are soft surfaces around all the equipment.
Facilities include unshaded seats scattered about the playground area, toilets and water tap. Next to the playground in a grassy area is a big shelter with four tables and BBQs and there are unshaded tables scattered about the surrounding grassy area. Next to a bike path.
The playground is in a newly developed area and may not be on some maps. It is located in the Malcolm Creek Park area. Follow Grand Boulevard westwards and cross Aitken Boulevard. Go past the shops and the playground is immediately on the left.
Community Bank Adventure Play Space, Hadfield Park, Queen Street, Wallan
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This wonderful play space has been designed for children of a wide range of ages and abilities and is centred around a five-story tower and a water splash park.
The tower has a dual wave slides from the lowest level, a straight tunnel slide from the mid-point and a very twisty slide from the very top of the tower. There are a few routes up to the very top of the tower of varying degrees of difficulty but anyone who can climb steps will be able to reach the top, although you might get nose bleeds from the altitude. The tower is topped by metal hats which look like they previously belonged to Merlin the Magician.
At the base of the tower is a family size see-saw, big red tractor, spinning cup with hand-wheel and a sandpit which is under a roof. The sandpit has a table for sand play and a cubby house. Hidden away as part of the tower is a clanger to hit against pipes (the distinctive sound rings across the playground almost continuously), shop front, disks on a vertical pole and abacus.
Around the outside of the playground area are flying foxes (one with a harness seat and one with a disk seat), two birds nest swings of different sizes and four standard swings.
The water splash park is located on the side of the playground area. It includes a water play table with pumps, troughs and water channels, a three ring water tunnel with squirting water jets, a tipping bucket, areas with water jets and a "creek" bed area with water jets.
Grassy areas dotted with shady gum trees surround the play space and shelters with tables are scattered about. There is also a shaded BBQ, water taps and toilets (with change room).
South East Melbourne
Bicentennial Park, Scotch Parade, ChelseaPhoto Slideshow

An absolutely delightful play space with lots of whimsical and fun elements for all ages. There are two big mound slides which are the centre piece of the playground - pick your slide depending on how much excitement you want.
Next to the slides is a Smurf village with a music hut, story hut and play hut complete with a mooing cow in the middle of the village.
Other elements include sculptural gardens, a shaded sand pit, Tinkerbelle sand pit, a giant basket swing, hammock, Mount Chelsea Express train, huge green grasshopper and bee springers,revolving lotus leaf with hand wheel and lots of other play equipment.
There are shelters with BBQs and tables, toilets, seats (including some wonderful curved seats) and water taps are spread around.
The area is surrounded by fences with child proof gates but it is so large that you may need a shepherd (and a few sheep dogs) to find your flock.
Markham Reserve, Markham Avenue, Ashburton
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The giant kookaburra sculptures which site beside the sandpit won't be laughing at your decision to come here. A super playground which is fully fenced and surrounded by a huge grassy area with a bike trail running past.
The playground area has a long ramp running along the length of the playground with various routes up and down including disks on vertical poles, rope ladders, dual slides, climbing wall, fireman's pole, set of horizontal circles to climb up, curved ladder and block steps.
Other play areas include an area with nine horizontal and vertical climbing nets, plastic basketball nets, family sized see-saw, forest of tree branches, flying fox, hanging disks, monkey bars, monkey rungs, lotus leaf with hand wheel to rotate it, birds nest swing, path of orange pipes, wooden carved seats, covered sandpit with mechanical digger, large carved wooden kookaburras, little rocker and see-saw, chalkboard, springer and hillock with various holds to get up and small slides to get down plus stand-on spinners. There are five swings including one with harness.
Shelters with tables, unshaded seats, lots of water taps, BBQs and toilets. The playground has good access to equipment via paths. A basketball court and a small skate park is next to the playground.
Burden Park, Cnr Heatherton Rd and Springvale Rd, Springvale South
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Sometimes the oldies are the goodies and that is certainly the case this time. This adventure playground was built by the community around 1994 and given a spruce up with a new lick of paint in 2013.
There is a huge fort like wooden structure with lots of swings, sand pit, traverses, wooden maze and scrambling/climbing opportunities. Plenty of shelters, tables and BBQs in a big grassy area.
Carrum Foreshore, Old Post Office Lane, Carrum
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A beautifully crafted beachside playground located next to the Carrum Surf Life Saving Club. The play area, which is a huge sandpit, has a seaside theme with a wharf protruding out from the decking. There is a lighthouse with a rigid frame ladder and rope ladder providing access to the top of the lighthouse where you can use the telescope to look across the bay. The Wave Rider speedboat on rockers has seats for two drivers and two potentially sea-sick passengers (depending on how heavy the sea is) as it speeds across the sandy expanse.
A smallish structure has a curved slide and plenty of scope to have fun scooping up sand with the buckets on a rope and then depositing them in a variety of sand dispensing machines. Two diggers also offer opportunities for future construction workers to practice (let's hope the minerals boom is still continuing when they grow up so they can move to WA and earn a fortune). There is also a big horizontal arrangement of disks connected by ropes (begging for a game of "Who is King of the Castle"), a birds nest swing, spinning cup with hand wheel, standard swing without safety chain, swing with harness and a beautiful simple labyrinth decorated with sea creatures where you can seek out the treasure trove.
The sandy playground area is surrounded by paths and decking, relaxing blue and white high backed deck chairs, bench seating, water taps, toilets and two open sided shelters with a BBQ and table each.
The playground has a lovely white picket fence along the street but there is open access to the beach via the Surf Life Saving Club area. I could imagine that parking would be difficult when it is busy.
St Kilda Adventure Playground, Neptune Street, St Kilda
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This is a real old fashioned playground which will set imaginations racing. Chock full of play areas including a big aeroplane, big wooden horse with saddle, trampolines, tree for climbing, go-kart path, big metal slide, chook house, ride on dinosaur, various swings and slides, flying fox (six years and older), cubby house, elephant, climbing frames, pirate ship, metal half-pipe, little basketball court, big tepee, big wooden castle with lots of nooks and crannies (like the House of Horrors at Luna Park without the horror) and great tunnel slide. Things come and go from the playground and so it will probably be different when you visit.
There are toilets and even tea and coffee is provided. One negative is the difficulty finding a parking place. The playground is staffed and has opening hours which can change without notice (you've been warned).
Murrumbeena Park, Kangaroo Road, Murrumbeena
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Huge playground with a range of interesting play and visual elements. Even though I was on Kangaroo Road, I couldn't find a kangaroo but that only caused a smidgen of disappointment considering that there are many other animals represented in the playground. The main wooden structure has a spiral slide, dual wave slides, scrambling wall, high rope bridge, hooped ladder, rope traverse, hanging disks, maze panel, clanger to hit against bars (capable of making a fearful din) and shop front. Another smaller, lower structure for younger kids has a curved walkway, steps, spiral ladder and small wave slide.
Other elements are a flying fox with disk seat, mound slide, birds nest swing, huge atom shaped rope climbing frame, labyrinth of poles with winding path which leads to a giant snail (the size that requires a truckload of Defender to keep away from the vegetable garden) and a musical instrument, bridge with lovely wooden carvings, see-saw, large springers, log stumps to jump across, seven swings of different types including some with a harness, huge pear swing (hang onto the enormous yellow fruit with your hands with as much tenacity as you can muster), small stand-on carousel, wooden cubby and wooden V shaped tent.
There are two shelters with tables, unshaded BBQs, water tap and toilets. There are ovals next to the playground.
Thomas Street South Reserve, Thomas Street, Hampton
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I would say "this is the mother of all wooden adventure playgrounds in Melbourne" because it's huge and possibly the original adventure playground in Melbourne. Time has not diminished its ability to provide a great play area.
Includes a huge array of levels, cubby holes, nooks, crannies, walkways (many of which unexpectedly move), slides, fireman's poles and monkey bars. There are four swings under shade cloth.
Facilities include BBQs, shaded tables and seats, toilets and water tap. Set amongst lovely native trees and there is a large area to play ball games in. Almost entirely fenced in with the main gate being child proof.
Rowville Adventure Playground, Fulham Rd, Rowville
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An adventure playground with a lots of fun and interesting elements. There are a number of structures with ramps and stairs. One structure has a vertical climbing net, very high fireman's pole, cubby, wave slide and speak and listen system. The other main structure has high climbing net, high climbing wall, fireman's pole, speak and listen, various music making equipment, monkey rungs underneath and bridges with walkways. There is also a sandpit under shade sails, two birds nest swings, swing with safety chain, swing with large plastic seat. Two springers, little slide, large see-saw, twisted sheet climbing frame, small flying fox, monkey bars, hanging disks, two nice metal slides, balance beam and two stand on spinners.
At a higher level with partial shade is a real flying fox/ zip line, three normal swings (one with safety chain), swing with big plastic seat, wooden platform on a rocker and a log with a frilled neck lizard carved into it. At this level are toilets and two shaded tables.
Around the lower part of the playground are BBQs, shaded tables, water tap and unshaded seats. There are plenty of nice touches scattered about such as wooden mushrooms and a lovely fish shaped water tap.
The playground is not fenced and very spread-out, including equipment on two levels. Therefore it can be difficult to keep track of the kids.
Alma Park East Adventure Playground, Alma Road, St Kilda East
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Wow. Wow ... and a couple more wows. A real adventure playground with a long flying fox, "tree-house", frame for five kids to swings at once and other unusual structures to explore. Lots of fun for the kids. Let the good times start...
There are picnic tables, BBQs, water tap and toilets.
Booran Reservoir Playspace, Booran Road, Glen Huntly
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The transformation from an urban reservoir to a beautifully crafted play space for the children of Melbourne to enjoy is now complete. After a long wait which resembled the gestation period of an elephant rather than that of a tadpole which frequented the reservoir in its past life, the play space is now open.
A huge 10m high double dome rope climbing net is the only way to reach the top of the slide (unless you are skilled in levitation) which towers above the playground. If you want to experience the thrill of the ride down then you'll have to experience a bit of terror to get up to the entrance of the slide. Firstly you need to get across and up the rope net which hangs high above the ground and then squeeze your way up a vertical enclosure which has protruding sections to make you crawl and twist up like a caterpillar. You then escape up into the enclosed dome where you can take in the expansive views around the playground or head straight for the slide. The slide is straight and fast and then makes an abrupt turn near the ground where you come to a screeching halt. Be prepared for a few scraped elbows. I think the council should be providing a box of tissues for this area because there was a lot of crying happening. Once you cross the first tricky section of net and fear suddenly strikes, then you have a difficult decision to make - come back to terra firma (where there is less terror and more firmer) via the net section or continue on to the top and come down the slide.
Access to the net for the slide is via an oversized concrete water pipe tunnel and large climbing mounds. Water blue coloured soft base material flows around the huge water pipe. There are various routes to the top of the pipe including a path of soft dots, a series of ledges, an area of rock climbing holds, rocks to clamber up and a scrambling rope. To get down there is a choice of a curved metal slide or for adventurous there is a set of curvy parallel bars.
There is a large semi-circular elevated sandpit with a sand digger. On one side of the sandpit is a play area with a small wide metal slide descending from the sandpit, an oversized mouse wheel (why should mice have all the fun), pentagonal frame with five swings of various types including one with a harness, a ball on springs, a cup to sit in and spin around until you are a dizzy mess, a Dutch Disc spinner to sit on (let Dad spend all his energy spinning it around) and stepping stones for balance feats. A long concrete pipe is crossed by a wobbly bridge. Rock steps lead to a little private clump of pine trees with some more stepping stones and a pipe crown or cage (depending on what Fairy Story you are currently reading).
On one side of the sand pit there an integrated water course featuring water pumps, channels, an Archimedes screw, weirs and water gates flowing into a rock lined trickle stream with giant frog sculpture. Next to here is a water ripple pole maze. Look out for the sculptures highlighting the lifecycle of that huge frog. How could a tadpole grow to that size?
This area also has a giant birds nest swing and some on-ground trampolines.
On the east side of the playground along the wall are two flying foxes (one with a harness and the other with a disk seat) and the active sports area. Beside the colourful wall with sporting motifs is a good sized basketball court in a semi-circular shape and another area which has some opportunities for cricket, tennis, netball, futsal (5 a side football) and four square. These sports are facilitated by some cricket stumps, soccer net and tennis net painted on the wall.
The water splash area is at the other end of the playground and is composed of areas of water sprays from the ground. There is a round area laid with rocks which has a large circle of sprays and three smaller circles of sprays beside it. There is also a line of sprays around the edge. The water splash area slopes away and passes through a series of concrete lily pads before reaching the drain. The water play area is quite simple and there are no added elements such as pipe sprays or tipping water buckets. There is a lot of seating around the spray area and five of the seating areas have shade from an umbrella (if the sun is in the right position). This area is going to be fun on a warm day but lacks the excitement factor of some other water play parks. We couldn't work out how to activate the water but we'll leave the answer to that question for someone smarter than myself.
The water play feature operates the following times: October to March - 9am to 7.30pm, April to September - 9am to 5pm
There are plenty of grassy areas (not big enough to kick a football) but nice to lay down a picnic blanket. There are two boat shaped shelters in different areas of the playground which have two rectangular tables, two BBQs, three round tables and some extra seating along the side. There is a water tap and two toilets next to each of the shelters.
Some parts of the original reservoir have been retained which is a nice aspect. The imposing main entrance gates were constructed from a sluice gate and there are old pumps prominently displayed. Along two walls there are boards with photos and information about the history of the site plus displays on flora and fauna.
Rain gardens which take the form of rocky watercourses line the side of the playground area along Booran Road. At the corner of Booran Road and Glen Huntly Road there is an Audio-Visual display which highlights events happening in the space.
Just went you think you've seen everything, you'll spot a new engaging element such as quizzes and fun games like tic-tac-toe embedded into the seats. The play space is truly immersive.
The whole playground is already nicely landscaped and visually stunning.
The play space caters to a broad range of ages and abilities and everyone should be able to find something of interest here.
A car park for about 35 cars has been built in Alamar Avenue at the north end of the reserve which is accessible off Booran Road. There is also all-day car parking available at nearby Glen Huntly Reserve (about 250 metres away to the north along Booran Road). Parking restrictions apply in local streets and so you need to be careful to observe the signs. It is also in a good proximity to public transport.
Even if you have spent $10.8 million on the playground there are going to be some issues. The playground is not fenced, there isn't a lot of parking available in the area and the amount of play equipment is a little limited considering the huge number of visitors this playground is likely to attract. However, this place will be a destination playground for people all across Melbourne for years to come.
Packer Park, Leila Road, Carnegie
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The playground has been designed around the lifecycle of a frog theme. There is a vast expanse of colourful ramps joined by walkways, chain bridges and various ladders. Scattered amongst the structure are climbing mats, fireman's pole, cubbies, tunnels, mirrors, variety of games, tunnel slide, steps, scrambling walls, disks on vertical poles and curved slides. There are also colourful tables and mushroom seats, huge gecko to scramble over, family size see-saw (unless you happen to have quintuplets), swings and a huge rope structure which supports three large metals disks and large wooden snake which makes sounds as you wall along it.
Next to the playground is a wetland areas with ponds to explore. Some shade is afforded by a large gum tree in the middle of the playground. BBQs, tables under shelter, water tap, rubbish bins and toilets are provided. Also basketball ring, tennis practice wall, synthetic surfaced velodrome and golf practice net (birdie cages) in the general area.
South West Melbourne
Crocodile Park Playground, Saltwater Promenade, Point CookPhoto Slideshow

A a beautifully crafted Play Space decked out in the nautical themed colours of blue and white. The design of the playground drew on the Roald Dahl children's story 'The Enormous Crocodile' where a crocodile lives in a playground pretending to be a friendly see-saw before quickly gobbling children for dinner. It is worth being cautious just in case the 'Saltwater Crocodile' has read this story.
There is a wide soft blue path crossing through large areas of sand throughout the playground. Lying in the centre is a large metal crocodile obligingly spouting out a stream of water into an elevated shallow trough which overflows into a wide channel with large stepping stones to jump across (assuming you want to stay dry). The 50m long channel meanders down a slight slope to a circular pad with water spouts of varying heights which presents another enticement to get wet.
Overlooking all the water mayhem are two large embankments with slithery tunnel slides - one a straight tunnel slide for the speed demons and the other a curved tunnel slide for those wanting a (slightly) more sedate ride down. Set amongst the sand are Chomp Towers which are elevated platforms reached by either a steep rope ladder, sloping monkey bars or ladders. Once up, you can move between the towers via a rope net bridge or balance beam bridge. A fireman's pole is a fun way to get down. Underneath is a shady hammock and 16 bells with a rope attached to each bell. You can make more music than the Point Cook Symphonic Orchestra.
At one end of the playground is another long sandy section with two birds nest swings and a sea-themed see-saw (or is that a sea-saw?). For the adventurous (or fool hardy) there is another elevated platform reached by a ladder but exited by a single rope using a reverse scrambling wall technique. If the exit goes wrong take solace in the fact that the sand is nice and soft.
The whole area is very nicely landscaped with areas of grass and set along the wetlands with multiple bridges crossing the water. Set at one end is a shelter with two tables and a BBQ. About 100m along the water is a shelter with a shaded table and BBQ with an unshaded table and three person springer in a sandpit. There is a toilet about 100m away.
Buckingham Reserve, Buckingham Crescent, Sunshine West
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Bravo to Brimbank! A super playground with some great elements. The highlight is a huge tower with high twisting tunnel slide and a long chain bridge on the side which leads to a steep metal slide. There is a huge horizontal rope climbing frame, stand-on carousel, huge grasshopper springer, two person bee springer, birds nest swing, two long flying foxes with disk seats, large sandpit with some shade and a lovely water play area with pumps, water channels, reservoirs and an augur.
Big shelter with huge communal table and BBQs plus unshaded tables and seats. Water taps, toilets and big grassy area.
Braybrook Park Aeroplane Playground, Churchill Avenue, Braybrook
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The iconic aeroplane playground which was destroyed by a fire in December 2015 has been magnificently reborn. The new rope frame aeroplane now thunders down the runway overlooked by a tall control tower stationed at the end of the runway.
The fuselage of the plane is divided into two sections, with different heights which cater for the differing ages of budding pilots. Emergency evacuations couldn't be easier with metal slides conveniently located for a fast exit. If you need to find the closest exit just ask one of the friendly attendants. The wings of the plane are also a fun zone with lots of swings of various types hanging from both wings.
The control tower has steps for the air traffic controller to reach the top of the tower for a view across the airfield. For the more energetic air traffic controllers, there is a wooden climbing wall, rope net climbing wall, dual wave slides, fireman's pole and a huge red twisting tunnel slide on the side of the control tower. Beside the tower are two four-square courts (which every good airport should have but sadly Tullamarine airport doesn't), two see-saws, two stand on spinners and two flying foxes with disk seats. This place seems cut out for twins considering there is two of everything.
On the other side of the plane is a wind direction indicator on a pole (if the wind flag is there then the weather is fine for playing but if the flag has been torn off then it is too windy to play). There are also musical bridges, carousel with seats, fun cup to sit in and spin around and three super cute aeroplane springers.
There are two shelters with a total of three shaded tables, four BBQs and water tap with bowl. To the back is a grassy area for ball games.
Maddingley Park, Taverner Street, Maddingley (Bacchus Marsh)
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This super adventure playground which is surrounded by a fence with a couple of places for entry/exit is far from the madding Melbourne crowd. You can enter via the "Avenue of Honour" and immerse yourself in a tangled mix of towers, nine swings, see-saw, wooden train and carriage, tunnels, lots of levels, nooks and crannies, huts, rubber walkways, monkey rungs, chain traverses, three tunnel slides, hidden cubbies, balance beam, chain ladders, scrambling wall and bow of a boat.
There are unshaded bench seats inside the playground area. Outside the fenced area is a big sandpit and a modern structure with slide. Also a shelter with seats, unshaded tables, water tap and toilets.
The area has tables and seats, toilets and water tap plus a huge grassy area with gardens. The playground is very well protected from the road by a fence and gardens.
Presidents Park, McGrath Rd, Wyndham Vale
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Fantastic adventure playground with a huge amount of play equipment including three wave slides, tunnel slide, straight slide, lots of climbing walls, chain bridges and traverses, stepping stones, tunnels, ladders, crocodile, large Bertie the Beatle springer, music making activities, balance beams, walkways, steps, fireman's pole, monkey bars, twelve swings of different varieties, ride on bull made from suspended tyres, wooden train, large cubby house and disks on a vertical pole.
There are toilets, water tap plus BBQs and sheltered tables scattered about. It is next to a very good Skate Park and in an area with ten softball and hockey fields, three baseball diamonds, a large lake and plenty of open space. There is even a dog obedience area next door which you could potentially send your kids to if they misbehave.
Wyndham Park Playground, Comben Drive, Werribee
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A fantastic new play complex has been created at Wyndham Park along the Werribee River. It includes an adventure playground, nature play area, multiple outdoor gyms, small skatepark, central lawn, display garden, toilets and lots of picnic facilities. Access to the park is provided by two impressive bridges spanning the Werribee river - Wyndham Bridge leading from the Wedge Street Plaza and Bicentennial Bridge from the parking area on Comden Drive. The Riverbank parking area on Comden Drive has 3 hour parking (9am - 5:30pm Mon - Fri).
At the west end of the park is the adventure playground which is dominated by a 12 metre high tower which has a fast twisting metal tunnel slide. Getting up to the top of the slide is an adventure in itself. Getting to the first level is easy using some steps. At this point there are two vertical rope tunnels. If you just want to get to the next level and no further, then take the right hand tunnel which leads to the second level which has some hanging swing seats. The left hand rope tunnel continues past this level and goes to the top most third level which has some seats, telescopes and most importantly, the entrance to the slide. These rope tunnels are quite a squeeze for larger kids.
The whole playground is set on soft colourful surfaces with multiple levels. Next to the tower is a giant green rope climbing frame and a smaller climbing tower with metal slide for those who don't dare take on the bigger one.
At this level there is also a flying fox with two lanes (one with a disk seat and the other was missing when we visited). The level above has a range of play equipment including a hamster wheel which a person curls up in and gets spun around, which is a good simulation of being hurled into space - those less than 120cm tall shouldn't ride in case they get flung out. Other equipment is a spinning stand-on carousel, stepping stone area, course sand pit with play table, mound with little slide, four person rocker and swings.
Just down the hill are some more swings with long chains (put some effort into the swinging and it's like flying to the moon), birds nest swing and a massively wide metal slide for mass sliding.
A shelter with two tables, two unshaded tables, water tap and BBQs sits above the playground area and on the west side are more unshaded tables and BBQs.
At the east end of the park, about 250m away from the Adventure Playground, is the nature play area which is water play heaven.
There are six water pumps scattered about which are used to bring up water from belong to let it run down through water troughs, water tables and channels with barriers which can be rotated, raised or lowered to change the flow of water. There is even a water augur to bring up water from below. It's your choice whether you want to get wet with all this water flowing or alternatively try crossing the balance beams above the water and leave your degree of dryness to your balance skills.
The centre of the play area has a big soft mound with rock steps, scrambling rope, little wave slide and bridge leading to an elevated cubby. This cubby can be reached by steps, rope net, wooden ladder, climbing wall or scrambling wall. The area also has some wooden tepees, coarse sandpit with digger, xylophone, another sandpit with water play features i.e. wet sand pit, forest of metal trees and a lovely path with segments formed from materials of various textures and patterns. There are some shaded and unshaded seats in this area.
Note: If you want to find more playgrounds in a particular area or with certain facilities such as secure fencing, BBQs, picnic tables or a shelter then you can use the Enhanced Search