Greenvale Gardens Playground, Greenvale Gardens Boulevard, Greenvale

Greenvale Gardens Playground, Greenvale Gardens Boulevard, Greenvale

On the north side of a large reserve is a playground which has a simple skatepark, basketball half court with basketball and netball rings, shelter with two tables, water tap, toilets, outdoor gym, unshaded seats and big grassy area with AFL goal posts and metal soccer goals.

Greenvale Gardens Playground, Greenvale Gardens Boulevard, Greenvale

The main structure is long and thin (like a giraffe's neck) with a high, steep wave slide, shopfront, various ladders, abacus, walkway, tunnel, rope net bridge, fireman's pole and steps. A row of log and stump steppers lead from one end to the other end of the structure. There is also a four person seesaw, standalone, monkey bars, birds nest swing and three standard swings.



65 Greenvale Gardens Boulevard,  Greenvale 3059 Map

Greenvale Gardens Playground, Greenvale Gardens Boulevard, Greenvale65 Greenvale Gardens Boulevard,, Greenvale, Victoria, 3059