Bridgefield Town Park Playground, Bridgefield Parkway, Rockbank

Bridgefield Town Park Playground, Bridgefield Parkway, Rockbank

A fun playground with two tall towers. One tower has a wave slide, climbing wall, arched ladder and shop front. The other tower has ladders leading up to the highest level but no slide.

Also a big sandpit, large rope tunnel climbing frame, swings, frog and horse springers, log steppers and lots of wooden animal and bird sculptures dot the playground.

There's a basketball court, shelter with two tables, BBQs, water tap and a big grassy area circled by a gravel path.



10 Bridgefield Parkway,  Rockbank 3335 Map

Bridgefield Town Park Playground, Bridgefield Parkway, Rockbank10 Bridgefield Parkway,, Rockbank, Victoria, 3335