Brimbank Park Play Space, Brimbank Road, Keilor East

A beautifully crafted Play Space with natural elements most suited for younger kids with a few exciting elements for the older kids. At the top of the hill overlooking the playground area is a huge artificial hollow tree stump which you can climb up inside and emerge out via a broken egg shell to survey the playground below. Keep your eyes open and spot all the abundant mini-beasts on the stump (conveniently high enough to stop little kids grabbing them off the stump and taking them home for their bug collection).
The main part of the Play Space is a maze of pebbled paths which lead to round areas with interesting mosaics - the most interesting being one with a bird theme and a sculpture of three cawing crows. This area has boards showing sign language for each letter of the alphabet. In the middle of the maze area is a shady tree with rock seats underneath and a fun black and white cow (it seems like a Friesian to me but cow fanciers may be able to correct me if I am wrong). Look out for the giant cheese, pea and tomatoes - kids could easily re-enact a scene from the classic film "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes".
Across the path is a HUGE birds nest swing (if you can convince Andre the Giant to push the kids, it will be a ride to remember. Although, I'm sure, in a pinch, Uncle Bob could do an adequate job of pushing). There is a vertical circle which kids can lay inside and be spun around. Forward and back flips are the order of the day here (as well as dizzy kids staggering around). There is also a stand-on spinner, hammock (surely Mum and Dad deserve a rest after finding this Play Space for the kids), huge bee springer for two people, smallish rope cone which spins around and four swings including one with a harness. There are soft paths leading to all the play areas.
Across a road is a giant platypus (so big that it could easily eat all the worms in the nearby Maribyrnong River in one breakfast sitting), a V-shaped play hut with branches for walls, a beautifully crafted frog, a musical instrument which makes various sounds when you turn a handle and a big elevated sandpit reached by steps.
There are various unshaded seats scattered about the Play Space area and a water tap. The landscaping has been done beautifully with many natural features. Located next to the Lambar & Co restaurant which has toilets. Plenty of shelters, BBQs, tables and water taps nearby plus a big grassy area.
22 Keilor Park Dr, Keilor East 3033 Map