Aintree Reserve Playground, Aintree Boulevard, Aintree

Aintree Reserve Playground, Aintree Boulevard, Aintree

A four level viewing tower with internal steps stretches high above the playground. Unfortunately someone forgot to attach a slide to the tower - that would have been truly epic.

The area of the playground is almost as massive as that tower! There is a fantastic elevated obstacle course which stretches almost 50 m with rope tunnels, planks, rope nets and big thick ropes. On the sides are slides and ladders.

Aintree Reserve Playground, Aintree Boulevard, Aintree

There are lots of swings with a thick rope swing, expression swing where the carer and child sit opposite each other, two birds nest swings and three standard swings.

There is a big sandpit with lots of sand play equipment, water play area with water pumps, channels and sluice gates before the water eventually runs into the sandpit.

Aintree Reserve Playground, Aintree Boulevard, Aintree

On the side are dual flying foxes, mound with slide and an obstacle course with a huge jumble of logs, log balance, monkey bars and net climbing area. In the middle is another log balance area, vertical logs with climbing holds and three in-ground trampolines.

Aintree Reserve Playground, Aintree Boulevard, Aintree

A shelter with three tables and seating plus two unshaded tables, BBQs, water tap and outdoor gym.

Next to the playground is a fenced area with the jumping pillow which has a shade sail over part of the pillow. It is open from 10 am to 4:30 pm.

Aintree Reserve Playground, Aintree Boulevard, Aintree

Close by is a cafe which is open from 8am to 3pm. There is a toilet beside the cafe. Note: This cafe has now closed and we're not sure if the toilets are still available.



25 Aintree Boulevard,  Aintree 3336 Map

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100 Free Water Play Spaces in Melbourne and Regional Victoria

Aintree Reserve Playground, Aintree Boulevard, Aintree25 Aintree Boulevard,, Aintree, Victoria, 3336