Guide to Gold Fossicking / Prospecting / Panning Tours in Victoria

Since 1851 people have been heading to the Victorian goldfields to prospect for gold with hope of striking it rich. Those old-timers left plenty of gold in the ground and modern day prospectors can still experience the thrill of finding gold.
This map shows the location of goldfields in Victoria.

The most accessible region for gold fossicking is the Victorian Goldfields north west of Melbourne encompassing towns such as Steiglitz, Blackwood, Ballarat, Daylesford, Castlemaine and Maryborough. A little further away are Bendigo, Heathcote, Dunolly, Rushworth, Wedderburn, Ararat and Stawell.
If you've already successfully found a speck of gold while panning at Sovereign Hill, and want to find something more substantial, joining an organised gold prospecting tour will provide a fun day out and great insights into how to find some gold.
Individuals require a Miner's Right which is a a licence which gives you the right to search for gold in Victoria. A 10-year Miner's Right only costs $26 and can be purchased online.
Note: Children under 18 don't need a miner's right when they're with you, as long as you have yours. Gold prospecting tour companies generally have a Miner's Right which includes all their clients.
While prospecting for gold in Victoria you mustn't:
Gold Prospecting Tours
The following companies provide gold prospecting tours or metal detector training days.Bendigo - Gold Finger Historic Tours
Runs Goldfield tours and detecting workshops. Tours include: Eaglehawk Detecting Workshop Go out on the goldfields with an experienced prospector who will guide & show you how ..
Bendigo - The Prospectors Depot
Home to some of the largest gold nuggets in the world, Victoria's Golden Triangle can boast that six out of the top seven largest nuggets in Australia were discovered there. One of ..
Bendigo Miners Den
Miners Den Bendigo provides recreational prospecting and fossicking supplies. They also offer Minelab metal detector demo days and training days. As Australia's largest distribu ..
Creswick - Gold & Relics Gold Prospecting Adventures
Gold and Relics Gold Prospecting Adventures cater for those with no experience in gold prospecting right through to those who have been gold prospecting for years and want to hone ..
Dunolly - RawGold
RawGold offers a geology tutorial and gold prospecting field course. Gold is getting harder to find and the smarter you can be, the better your success. Whether you're a beginne ..
Inglewood - Gold Nugget Hunter
A personalised gold hunting tour operating in the central Victorian Goldfields where you learn how to use a metal detector and where to use it to find gold nuggets. Usually, the ..
Maryborough - Coiltek Gold Centre
Coiltek Gold Centre operates gold prospecting tours and sells and hires new and second hand gold prospecting equipment. We pride ourselves on being able to supply all your needs fo ..
Porepunkah - Adventure Guides Australia
Adventure Guides Australia offers the best, and safest, outdoor adventures. Our experienced team helps ordinary people achieve extraordinary things. Adventure Guides Australia r ..
Web Links
→ Where you can Prospect and Fossick (Earth Resources)
→ Guide to Recreational Prospecting in Victoria