Silo and Water Tank Art Locations in Melbourne with Map

Regional Victoria is famous for its striking artwork on grain silos and water towers and tanks.
Within the Melbourne area there is also a painted grain silo in Brunswick and painted water towers/tanks at Arthurs Seat, Clarkefield, Delahey, Mickleham, Oaklands Junction, Werribee and Wildwood.
Map of Silo & Water Tower Art Locations:
Silos are shown in purple and water towers/tanks in orange colour.
Location of Silo and Water Tower/Tank Art Locations in Melbourne
Wyndham Street and Public Art
Wyndham council has a dynamic contemporary public art program. In addition to traditional art forms such as sculpture, murals and mosaics, the contemporary public art also includes ..
Brimbank Street and Public Art
Brimbank council aims to cultivate a vibrant and creative Brimbank, making arts and culture a vital part of the lives of the citizens of Brimbank. To achieve this they support and ..
Hume Street and Public Art
Hume has a vibrant arts and culture program which includes a range of sculptures and murals including water tank art. Local artists have been commissioned to create public artwork ..
Jacinda Ardern Silo Art (Brunswick)
On an old grain silo towering over the railway lines in the Melbourne suburb of Brunswick is a large mural of New Zealand's former prime minister Jacinda Ardern. The mural was pain ..
OT Dam Circuit Walk (Arthurs Seat)
The OT Dam Circuit Walk is a 3km, 2 hours return walk which offers views of the OT Dam. The dam is most easily accessed from the car park at 527 Arthurs Seat Road near Main Cre ..
Web Links
→ Silo Art Locations in Victoria with Map
→ Water Tower Art Locations in Victoria with Map
→ Silo and Water Tank Art Locations in Melbourne with Map