Balwyn NumberWorks'nWordsNumberWorks'nWords tutoring can help bring out the best in your child. Our proven after-school maths and English tuition classes target identified needs to improve achievement levels. We set goals for your child, monitor(03) 9888 4396
Brighton NumberWorks'nWordsNumberWorks'nWords tutoring can help bring out the best in your child. Our proven after-school maths and English tuition classes target identified needs to improve achievement levels. We set goals for your child, monitor(03) 9596 6399
Essendon NumberWorks'nWordsNumberWorks'nWords tutoring can help bring out the best in your child. Our proven after-school maths and English tuition classes target identified needs to improve achievement levels. We set goals for your child, monitor(03) 9331 0250
Glen Waverley NumberWorks'nWordsNumberWorks'nWords tutoring can help bring out the best in your child. Our proven after-school maths and English tuition classes target identified needs to improve achievement levels. We set goals for your child, monitor(03) 9574 9964
Heguru (Surrey Hills)Heguru Australia provides a unique and highly innovative method of education based on an exceptional quality of Right Brain and Whole Brain stimulation programs.
The Heguru Method is well known and recognised in Japan(03) 9808 9991
Love 2 Learn (Canterbury)Little Learners Love Literacy is a specially designed Australian literacy program aimed at getting children ready for a successful start at school. Little Learners Love Literacy is designed to give children the skills to0425 743 781
Love2Learn (Balwyn)Give your child a head start and get them ready for school with this multi-sensory approach to teaching literacy.
Is your child in pre-school? Does your child love talking, singing, craft activities, story-telling, r0425 743 781
Reading Bees (Newport)Learning to read has never been so easy or fun for children!
At Reading Bees we believe our program will provide ALL children with the foundation skills they need to achieve success in reading.
- Taught only by quali0424 413 775
Shichida Australia (Canterbury)The Shichida Method of Education is a weekly 50 minutes accelerated learning program based on fun activities that focus on stimulating the left and right brain, developing both EQ and IQ. It is intended for children bet(03) 9888 6886
Shichida Australia (Elsternwick)The Shichida Method of Education is a weekly 50 minutes accelerated learning program based on fun activities that focus on stimulating the left and right brain, developing both EQ and IQ. It is intended for children bet(03) 9888 6886
South Yarra NumberWorks'nWordsNumberWorks'nWords tutoring can help bring out the best in your child. Our proven after-school maths and English tuition classes target identified needs to improve achievement levels. We set goals for your child, monitor(03) 9820 1513