Yarrambat Casting Pool (Northern Suburbs Fly Fishing Club)

Yarrambat Casting Pool is home to the Northern Suburbs Fly Fishing Club. The Casting pool has been specifically built to competition standards and is only 50m from their clubrooms and toilet facilities.
The lake is regularly stocked with rainbow trout as part of the small waters stocking program by Fisheries Victoria. A license is required to fish the lake.
A floodlight has now been installed and provides night time access to the fly casting pond, enabling keen fly fishers to practice their skills after the sun goes down.
The club also hosts regular 'Come and Try' days which introduce hundreds of interested kids to fly fishing.
Good sized lake which has a shelter with BBQ, table and water tap on the north side.
722 Yan Yean Road, Yarrambat 3091 Map
Web Links
→ Northern Suburbs Fly Fishing Club