Yarra Ranges Athletics (Mount Evelyn)

Yarra Ranges Athletics is a Local Athletics club affiliated with Little Athletics Victoria and Athletics Victoria, catering for ages 5 to 99.
Yarra Ranges has four clubs: Comets, Jaguars, Mustangs and Redbacks. These clubs do not have separate Committees. They are entities within the Yarra Ranges Athletics Centre.
Yarra Ranges Athletics mission is to support the Australian Little Athletics philosophy 'To develop children of all abilities by promoting positive attitudes and a healthy lifestyle through family and community involvement in athletics activities.' With our recent upgrade to an all weather synthetic track the centre offers an open and welcoming atmosphere to all, while offering the highest standard of facilities. With our recent acceptance into the 'Inclusion: Game on' program through the Shire of Yarra Ranges and the YMCA supporting our endeavours to provide athletic opportunities for people with a disability and those from diverse cultural backgrounds. The Centre is also expanding to offer a Seniors athletic club, offering even for involvement for people aged five to ninety-nine.
Located at Morrison Reserve, Mt Evelyn.
Mikado Road, Mount Evelyn 3796 Map
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ www.yarrarangesathletics.org.au
→ Yarra Ranges Athletics on Facebook
→ Yarra Ranges Little Athletics (Little Athletics Victoria)