Yan Yean Tennis Club

Yan Yean Tennis Club offers a mix of social and competition tennis. The Club which is located at T.H. Hurrey Reserve in Yan Yean, has new state of the art facilities with a multi purpose clubhouse and 6 courts all under lights (4 x synthetic grass Courts and 2 x Rebound Ace hard courts).
Yan Yean Tennis Club is part of both the DVTA & NEJTA. We currently have both Junior and Senior teams playing in the following competitions:
Monday night - Mens & Ladies Mixed Doubles
Tuesday night - Mens Doubles
Wednesday night - Ladies Doubles
Thursday day - Ladies Doubles
Thursday night -Mens Doubles
Friday twilight - DVTA Junior Singles
Saturday morning - NEJTA Junior Singles & Doubles
High quality coaching is offered by Show Court Tennis. Show Court Tennis offer a comprehensive tennis coaching program after school from Monday through to Thursday.
1935 Plenty Road, Yan Yean 3755 Map
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ play.tennis.com.au/YanYeanTennisClub
→ showcourttennis.com
→ Show Court Tennis on Facebook