Yambuk - Codrington Wind Farm Tour

The Codrington wind farm was Australia's first commercial wind farm.
Located near Port Fairy in southwest Victoria, the Codrington site was close to perfect with strong prevailing winds blowing off the Southern Ocean. When it was officially opened by the Victorian Premier Steve Bracks in July 2001 it was also the largest wind farm in Australia.
The project comprises 14 AN Bonus 1.3 wind turbine generators, rated at 1.3MW each, providing a total installed capacity of 18.2MW. The turbines have a hub height of 50m and blade tip height of 81m.
The wind farm now generates enough electricity each year to supply the equivalent of 10,000 Victorian homes and each year avoids the emission of 49,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions - the equivalent of taking more than 17,000 cars off the roads.
Wind farm tours are available year-round. Please contact Tim on tcb3284@gmail.com or 0419 188 715 for prices and availability.
Princes Highway, Yambuk 3285 Map
✆ 0419 188 715
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ www.pacificblue.com.au/our-energy-production/operating-sites/codrington-wind-farm