Yackandandah Walks

There are a number of walks in the area of Yackandandah including the Gorge Walk (High Street - Gorge, 1.5 hr return), Gorge Walk Mini Circuit (20 min), Walk in High Street (1 hour, brochure available at Yackandandah Visitor Information Centre) and Lions Walk (20 minutes).
The Gorge Scenic Walk
The historic Gorge was begun in 1859, by Messrs Edwards and party, as a tail race to sluice gravel and sand from up stream.
Cutting through this granite was a remarkable achievement in the early pick, shovel and blasting powder days. During the 1880's, it was deepened and lengthened using dynamite. Nearby you can see the dam wall that was built across the original water course of the Yackandandah Creek, prior to the Gorge's construction.
This 5 km scenic walk is idyllic, with views of cascading waterfalls reaching through rugged countryside, as the pathway twists and turns through magnificent native bush land. Maple trees hug the banks of the Yackandandah Creek creating a beautiful landscape and picturesque setting for you to sit awhile, and watch the splendid bird and wild life. If you are quiet you may see wombats, echidnas, possums, koalas, trout and even crayfish!
Web Links
→ www.exploreyackandandah.com.au/walks