Wye River and Kennett River Walks and Drives

Enjoy the bush and observe the myriad of native animals, birdlife and sea creatures on these walks and drives in the Wye River and Kennett River areas.
Local native fauna is mainly echidnas, wallabies, koalas, kangaroos, possums, bats, glow worms, whales (in winter), dolphins and seals. The best way to see these animals is to keep your eyes open, be patient and be as quiet as possible.
There are many bird varieties including King parrots, Gang Gang cockatoos, rosellas, currawongs, wattle birds, magpies, grey shrike thrushes, blue fairy wrens, yellow and red robins, fi re tail fi nches, yellow rumped thorn bills, bower birds, bristle birds including the rare rufous, kookaburras, sacred king fi shers, goshawks, black shoulder kites, pardalotes, New Holland honeyeaters, eastern spine bills, tree martins, sulphur-crested and black cockatoos, many sea and water birds, mainly pacifi c gulls and white-faced herons.
Beach walks
Wye to Kennett coast walk - 2 hours
One way along the beach and rocks
Short walks along beach and rocks each way from Wye River & Separation Creek. Enjoy beautiful rock pools with star fish and crabs.
Kennett River Beach - 20 mins on sand
Walk along beach from Pt Howden towards Wye River.
Important Note: Check tides before beach walks.
Easy inland walks
Paddy's Path - 20 mins one way
Start next to Wye CFA, finish at Stanway Drive, Separation Creek. Path follows old timber tramway.
Wye River walk - 30 mins one way
Start in playground next to general store. Follow river bank upstream. Please keep within 2mt of bank only. No dogs.
Wye River Heritage walk - 90 mins
View all historic sights including Paddy's Path (detailed brochure available at general store, pub and information centres in Lorne & Apollo Bay)
Kennett River walk - 25 mins one way
At wetlands near the shop, follow river upstream.
Grey River Lookout walk - 30 mins one way
Drive 6kms up Grey River Rd, at Kennett River, looking for koalas to Grey River Reserve - beautiful unspoilt fern walk in almost pristine forest.
Carisbrook Falls - 15 mins one way
View part of the tallest waterfall in the Otways.
Medium level inland walks
Wye River Circuit - 2.5 hours circular
Follow Morley Ave up behind Wye Pub. Just after it becomes unsealed, go through DSE gates and follow Kennett Wye Track UP several steep ridges. Stay on this well defined track until 'Y' intersection. Turn south towards ocean (Birds Track), after approx 8min spectacular coastal views of Pt Hawdon & Kennett Beach clearly visible. Stay on this well defined track as it decends through the bush until Grean Ocean Rd. Return
along road or take a small track to beach and return on beach and rocks.
Separation Creek to Wye River Rd round trip
1.5 hours. At Separation Creek, walk up Harrington St, turn into Dollar Track, when track meets Wye River Rd, turn right to Great Ocean Rd, then right for beach walk back to town. Beach access is just past first bend.
Jamieson River Track - 4kms walking through beautiful bush with great views Drive 7km up Wye River Road (seasonal closures) to the signed Jamieson Track on your right. Walk through beautiful Great Otway National Park to Jamieson River, or take Godfrey Track (20 min walk in from Wye Rd) to Great Ocean Road. Great if you car shuttle or wish all day walk.
Pack a Picnic
Free electric BBQs are in the playground next to Wye River General Store and near the public toilets at the south end of Wye Beach.
Harrington Park Wye River - great place to sit, picnic, stroll and enjoy the wildlife and views.
A family picnic area is on the banks of the Kennett River wetlands over the bridge. Toilets are in the caravan park.
Picnic spot at Grey River Reserve. 6kms up Grey River Rd from Great Ocean Road. Tables and fire places available.
Take a Drive
Most dirt roads from Great Ocean Road join the Benwerrin-Mt Sabine Rd creating wonderful circular drives. These roads are often seasonally closed so take note. (Grey River Rd is open all year).
Great Ocean Road is a breathtaking coastal drive. It was constructed with no machinery, drilled by hand & pick axes, dynamited with the rubble removed by horse and drag. The road was built as a memorial to Victorian soldiers who fought in WW1. It also provided work for returned soldiers, then for unemployed during the Great Depression of 1930s. Lorne to Wye River was the last section to be completed (1932).
Lookouts at Mt Defiance (towards Lorne) and at Cape Patton (towards Apollo Bay) are both individually spectacular and well worth stopping.
Great Ocean Road, Wye River 3221 Map
Web Links
→ Wye River and Kennett River Walks Brochure (PDF)