Wycheproof - Mount Wycheproof

Mount Wycheproof is a hill located in the small town of Wycheproof which stands at 43 metres (141 ft) above the surrounding terrain.
It is only a few minutes drive from the town to the top of Mount Wycheproof. At the top search for the small caves (not underground - but caves formed by rock piles). Take a walk through the enclosure and see the kangaroos and emus. Look out for the unique rock in this area, Wycheproofite.
How about climbing Mount Wycheproof, which is the smallest registered mountain in the world, and get bragging rights. Answer this question once you get to the top. Towards which direction/s can a long straight road be viewed from the top of the Mount? Go to the Post Office or Mt Wycheproof Cafe (A/H: Mt Wycheproof Motor Inn) and answer the question and obtain your free certificate stating that you have climbed the smallest mountain in the world.
Each year locals race each other to the top carrying a 60-kg bag of wheat without the help of straps or other artificial aids.
Mount Street, Wycheproof 3527 Map