Wurundjeri Walk (Blackburn South)

Wurundjeri Walk is a linear park of 20 hectares extending between Middleborough and Blackburn Roads in Blackburn South.
The park is made up of the following parks and reserves:
Orchard Grove Reserve - including a 'Rain Garden' or water quality biofilter
Wilkes Place Link
Hurter / Finch Street Links
The Wurunjeri Wetlands (on Fulton Reserve, corner of Indra and Fulton Roads).
Wurundjeri Walk is named after the Wurundjeri Clan, the Koori people who lived in this area prior to white settlement. The park is a major district park with a balance of recreation facilities in a natural setting.
The Wurundjeri Wetlands, completed in 2001, enhance the recreational values of the park with the creation of an attractive habitat for water birds. During 2008 another wetland feature was added - a Rain Garden or Biofilter - which is near the corner of Fulton Road and Samuel Street. The Rain Garden treats local storm water by filtering water through a porous sand medium planted with wetland plants.
There are walking paths, seats and viewing points from which the visitor can overlook the wetlands, observe the birds and admire the indigenous trees e.g. Red Stringybark, Yellow Box, Long-leaf Box, Swamp Gum, Sweet Bursaria and Swamp Paperbark plus many other grasses, tufties and shrubs indigenous to Whitehorse.
Bird species sighted in the wetlands include the White-faced Heron, Pied Cormorant, Straw-necked Ibis, Black Duck, Black-fronted Dotterell and Australian Wood Duck.
We started the walk at Wilkes Place in Blackburn South. The area you come across first has an extensive area of ponds with reedy banks and a range of bird life. The trail continues to the top of the hill until you reach a playground. Cross Indra Road to a gravel path which splits and crosses a creek via a bridge or continue straight ahead, cross a different bridge and come to big grassy areas. Down the hill is a circular pond with frogs and up the hill is a playground with water tap. South of the Orchard Grove Primary School is Mirrabooka Reserve. The track goes past the Wurundjeri Walk rain garden which has been constructed to help filter pollutants out of the stormwater before it enters the creek.
8 Wilkes Place, Blackburn South 3130 Map
Web Links
→ wurundjeriwalk.wordpress.com