Wingham Park Seniors Outdoor Gym (Frankston)

This exercise park for seniors features fitness equipment designed to improve balance, dexterity and agility. Located next to a playground and an outdoor gym.
The seniors gym has the following elements:
Balance Beam - Walk along the beam at your normal speed, using a hand for support as needed. This exercise improves your balance for walking safely on awkward surfaces such as uneven paths.
Sit to Stand - Sit down and stand up from the seat. Or stand then squat to touch the bench. This exercise strengthens your leg and back muscles.
Step Up - Step up on the platform, leading with the same leg up and down. Alternate with the opposite leg. Hold on to the rail for support if needed. This exercise strengthens the leg muscles and improves ability for using stairs.
Taps on Platform - Alternately raise your right and left foot to tap the platform, while bending at the knee. Hold on to the rail for support. This exercise raises your heart rate and strengthens the leg muscles.
Core Twister - While holding onto the bar, stand on the plate and slightly bend your knees. Twist your body side to side. This exercise improves the strength of core muscles and back mobility.
Snake Pipe Small Wave - Stand facing the snake pipe. Without moving your feet, move the ring from one end to the other without touching the bar. This exercise strengthens and mobilises the shoulders and back, and improves reaching skill and balance.
Pull-up Bar - Grip the bar and walk your feet forward to 10cm in front of the bar, pull your body towards the bar and then slowly lower back to the starting position. This exercise strengthens your arms, shoulders, back and core muscles.
Push-up Bar - Stand arm distance away from the bar and hold it with your hands apart. Slowly lower your body toward the bar and then push away to return to the starting position. This exercise strengthens your arms, shoulder, back and core muscles.
Walking Net - Step down either through the net or on to the ropes, using the rails for hand support if needed. This exercise helps with balance, strengthens the leg muscles and improves toe clearance.
Gangway - Walk slowly along the bridge using the support rails as needed. This exercise improves balance on uneven and unstable surfaces.
Balance Stool - Stand on the stool and hold the bar with two hands. Push down on the edges to rock the board side to side. This exercise improves balance, strengthens the hip and deep muscles that support the spine.
Seated Balance Stool - Sit on the stool and hold the bar with two hands. Push down on the edges to rock the board side to side. This exercise strengthens deep back muscles and mobilises the spine.
There are unshaded seats and a water tap next to the playground.
101R Ashleigh Avenue, Frankston 3199 Map