Wiltja Dog Obedience Club (Bundoora)

Wiltja Dog Obedience Club (Bundoora)

Wiltja Dog Obedience Club aims at educating and training the dog handlers how to train their dog for everyday situations. They are taught in both people and dog socialisation skills so that the handler can confidently enjoy the company of their dog in the home, street and park. The level of training you achieve is entirely up to you (the handler), whether you are content with just basic obedience or want to reach trial standard, we can help you achieve it.

The club is a non-profit organisation conducted entirely by our voluntary committee and instructors, giving freely of their time and knowledge to assist you. For this reason, all members have certain obligations to fulfil in fairness to these people who expect nothing in return other than, your full co-operation in a genuine dedicated effort to succeed and your appreciation of the time and effort which they are devoting to you.

Opening Hours:

Training is held from 9.00am each Sunday.


Membership Fees

Training is held at Grasslands Road, (Bundoora Park), Bundoora.


Grasslands Road,  Bundoora 3083 Map

(03) 9308 2466 / 0424 452 366

Email Enquiry

Web Links


Wiltja Dog Obedience Club on Facebook

Wiltja Dog Obedience Club (Bundoora)Grasslands Road,, Bundoora, Victoria, 3083