Willmott Drive - Derrimut Road D1 Drainage Reserve Dog Off Leash Area (Hoppers Crossing)

The drainage reserve between Derrimut Road and Willmott Drive is off leash except from 8-9.30am and 3-4.30pm Monday to Friday.
To the south of AquaPulse is a long wide strip of grass which reaches to Willmott Drive. Further east past Willmott Drive is a huge grassy area which is on leash area. The off leash area is about 70m wide and 550m long. There is a row of trees on both sides of the grassy area and a shared use trail runs along the southern side. The western end near AquaPulse has a lot of reeds and could be a place with snakes.
43 Willmott Drive, Hoppers Crossing 3029 Map