Willison Park Tennis Club (Camberwell)

Willison Park Tennis Club (Camberwell)

Willison Park Tennis Club is a family centred tennis club located in the heart of Camberwell with around 400 members. Willison Park Tennis Club provides facilities for both social and competitive players, competing in mid-week and weekend tennis associations all year round.

The club has six European clay courts - the courts are clay, rather than the standard coarser en-tout-cas courts generally in use at other clubs. The clay courts were installed in conjunction with Tennis Australia, as part of a program to familiarise promising Australian juniors with European clay playing conditions. Lights are available on all 6 courts. Club members may use lights until 10pm everyday of the week.

Competition includes Senior Eastern Region Tennis (ERT), Eastern Region Tennis - Juniors, Midweek Eastern Metropolitan Region Ladies' Tennis Association (MEMRLTA), Eastern Districts Women's Tennis Association (EDWTA), Waverley & District Tennis Association (WDTA) and Blackburn & District Night Tennis Association.

Every Wednesday morning Willison Park has social tennis for women members and their guests.

Kanga Tennis Coaching offers a variety of tennis programs at Willison Park Tennis Club. Coaching Programs include:
  • Tennis Australia's Hot Shots Program for players aged 4-13
  • ANZ Hot Shots Fixtures Red Ball, Orange Ball & Green Ball programs
  • Junior Red Ball and Orange Ball Competitions
  • Group Lessons
  • Development and Performance Squads
  • Private Lessons
  • Adult Social Tennis
  • Ladies Tennis
  • Cardio Tennis and more.....


Murdoch Street,  Camberwell 3124 Map

(03) 9889 1001

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Willison Park Tennis Club (Camberwell)Murdoch Street,, Camberwell, Victoria, 3124