Williamstown Scout Group (3rd)

3rd Williamstown Scout Group has a Cub scout pack (age range: 8-10), Scout troop (age range: 11-14) and Rover Crew (age range: 18-25).
Scouts Australia's age-related progressive program is unique - no other organisation offers such a diverse variety of activities and experiences across such a broad age-range.
Children and young adults aged from 6 to 25 can join at any stage of Scouting and participate in a program that encourages them to grow through adventure by experiencing new challenges, making new friends, building confidence, taking responsibility for themselves, and being provided with opportunities to explore their own abilities and interests. Perhaps the most important thing, however, is that Scouts have fun!
12 Thompson Street, Williamstown 3016 Map
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ 3rd Williamstown Scout Group Flyer