Williamstown Croquet Club

Williamstown Croquet Club was founded in 1926 and opened for play in 1928. The beautiful, historic sports pavilion was opened in 1929 and is a real feature of the Club. The wide verandah is ideal for enjoying those long summer evenings. Inside is a large air-conditioned social room, fully equipped kitchen, locker room and separate male and female toilets.
We welcome all visitors and people wishing to pursue croquet as a sport or social activity and cater for all levels. Both Association Croquet and Golf Croquet are played at our Club.
We have enough space for two full-size or four half-size lawns which can accommodate up to 32 players at a time. We also have mallets available for the use of new members, visitors and guests.
We have regular open sessions where you can come down and try the game and get more information about the Club.
104 Victoria Street, Williamstown 3016 Map
✆ 0401 999 975
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ croquetvic.asn.au/clubpage.php?clubnameclicked=Williamstown
→ Williamstown Croquet Club on Facebook