Whitehorse Orchestra (Box Hill)

The Whitehorse Orchestra is a community orchestra centred on the Box Hill area which rehearses on Saturday mornings throughout the year. It has over 80 playing members. The orchestra provides an excellent and enjoyable musical experience for musicians of all ages, and performs regularly in public.
There is a waiting list for all instruments due to the current size of the orchestra, and lack of rehearsal space. There are no age limits and we do not audition. Due to the steadily improving standard of the orchestra and the choice of music for our performances, it would be necessary to be of at least 4th grade (AMEB) standard to be able to manage the repertoire.
The orchestra compensates for its non-audition policy by an atmosphere of friendship and mutual support amongst the members, and by carefully selecting its musical director. This has resulted in a continuously improving performance standard which compares favourably with other amateur orchestras.
Orchestral rehearsals take place each Saturday between 9am and 12pm at the Box Hill Community Arts Centre, Box Hill.
470 Station Street, Box Hill 3128 Map
✆ (03) 9459 2670 / (03) 9725 3321
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ www.whitehorseorchestra.org.au
→ Whitehorse Orchestra on Facebook