Whitehorse Chevaliers Fencing Club (Nunawading)

Whitehorse Chevaliers aim to provide the opportunity for community members in outer eastern Melbourne to learn and participate in the sport of fencing.
We can be found training in the stadium at the Nunawading Community Centre on Saturdays from 9am-1pm. We train most weeks of the year, except for long weekends and a Christmas break from mid-December to mid-January. Typically, classes include warm-up, physical conditioning, footwork and group drills, followed by fencing on the electric pistes.
During school terms, we have classes in sabre for ages 7+, and epee for ages 11+. Individual lessons and free-bouting practice can generally take place alongside classes.
Saturdays are our busiest session, so please note we can only accommodate new beginners during school holidays and the first 2 weeks of term. After this, you can still join a beginner class at one of the other training sessions, then join a Saturday group once you have mastered the basics.
This is a family friendly session. There is plenty of seating for non-fencers, and a carpeted annex and kitchenette available. For fencing parents of young children, there is an informal arrangement to share child-minding to enable parents to fence. If both parents and kids are fencing, the junior class for ages U12 runs alongside the older fencing classes, and kids with sufficient experience can free-fence on the electric pistes.
Classes are also held at other locations:
St John's Hall, 494 Whitehorse Road, Mitcham (Tuesday nights and After-School class on Thursday afternoons during school terms)
Olinda Community Hall, 69 Olinda-Monbulk Road, Olinda (A junior epee class on Thursday evenings during school terms and an open class and training session later in the evening)
16-20 Silver Grove, Nunawading 3131 Map
✆ 0450 556 330
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ whitehorsechevaliers.org.au
→ Whitehorse Chevaliers Fencing Club on Facebook