Westcoast Adult Riding Club (Lara)

Westcoast Adult Riding Club was established in 1981 and is affiliated with the HRCAV (Horse Riding Clubs Association of Victoria). We currently have 60+ members and are always looking for new faces to join our friendly and diverse group of riders with horses in all shapes, sizes, breeds and personalities!
Our rallies and competitions are held at Elcho Park Equestrian Centre which is a well-known and established equestrian facility in Lara which include a modern club room, 7 surfaced dressage arenas, 2 sand jumping arenas, wash bays and steel holdings yards.
Our rallies are the second Sunday of every month. Our lessons vary from Dressage, Show Jumping and Cross Country (including a water jump!). All levels and abilities of horse and rider are accommodated for. We employee a range of knowledgeable riding instructors and run additional clinics throughout the year for specific disciplines.
If you're looking for a friendly and supportive club, look no further then Westcoast Adult Riding Club!
185 Elcho Road, Lara 3213 Map
✆ 0438 419 792
Email Enquiry
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→ Westcoast ARC on Facebook