Werribee River Park Walk (Cocoroc)

A 6km walk in the vicinity of the Werribee River which has stunning escarpment views, an historic bluestone ford and red gum bushland.
This walk explores a quieter section of the Werribee River. The walk starts at Werribee River Park carpark in the Cocoroc area. Cocoroc means 'frog' in the language of the Wathaurung people, the traditional owners of the land.
The first stop is a viewing platform which has great views of the Werribee River, golf course and zoo plus farmland.
A ramp leads down into the escarpment which has been carved by the river over time. Take the first path to the left through a riparian woodland area. The wide gravel path runs between the river (on the right) and the Werribee Open Range Zoo fence (on the left). Keep an eye open for an African animals.
At the river, a fishway has been built to aid the migration of fish up and down river. The rocks have not been designed as stepping stones for pedestrians so do not cross here. The Bluestone Ford was built in c. 1835 and was the original crossing of the Werribee River on the old Geelong to Melbourne Road. Head back the way you came towards the pedestrian bridge.
Go over the pedestrian bridge, take the boardwalk path past ancient river redgums. Keep an eye open for birdlife and maybe a wallaby or platypus in this area.
Follow the signs towards Werribee Mansion park and wander around the bluestone heritage buildings that serviced the mansion in its heyday. Follow the signs to the heritage orchard and then take the track to the river.
Head back over the river across the pedestrian bridge. The final leg of the walk makes a loop along the river towards the K Road Cliffs and river estuary. This is a great spot for watching waterbirds and birds of prey. Look out for snakes in warm weather.
There are no toilets or drinking water available within Werribee River Park.
Map of Route

Access for Dogs:
No dogs allowed. The area is important for the conservation of ground-nesting and endangered bird species.
Main Drive, Cocoroc 3030 Map
Web Links
→ Werribee River Park (Parks Victoria)
→ Werribee River Park - Visitor Guide (PDF)
→ Werribee River Park - Map (PDF)
→ Werribee River Park, Cocoroc (Walking Maps)