Wellmum Wellbaby (Melbourne)

Wellmum Wellbaby (Melbourne)

Come and learn the things they don't tell you about parenthood....

Wellmum Wellbaby 3 hour lecture based workshops explore how it feels caring for a new baby and caring for oneself.

Psychological and relationship issues are covered as well as baby health care concerns. Our objective is to build confidence for parenthood. A confident and self-aware mum and dad is a well mum and dad. Well mum,well dad, well baby.

Mums-to-be, mums, dads, partners, grandparents and aunties will all benefit from information about the psychological and relationship issues that commonly arise around the time of pregnancy and birth of a new baby.

Our workshop gives the tools and guidance to:
  • Understand the transition to parenthood
  • Cope with losses related to parenthood
  • Deal with 'Motherguilt'
  • Manage expectations versus reality of parentrhood
  • Be assertive as a new mum or dad
  • Manage negative, unhelpful thinking patterns
  • Create awareness around how family relationships change when baby arrives
  • Manage and optimize psychological health including postnatal depression
  • Discuss information regarding common baby ailments, what they are and how they present
Wellmum Wellbaby workshops educate on the health and wellbeing of mum, dad and baby in those first few weeks and months at home with a new baby. This aspect of care is largely missing from most other antenatal education programs.

Wellmum Wellbaby workshops allow the opportunity for participants to connect, swap contact details and reconnect as a source of support after the group has finished.

Do yourself a favour and be emotionally prepared..

Based in Elwood with seminars in various locations.

✆ 0412 667 520

Email Enquiry

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Wellmum Wellbaby Melanie Strang on Facebook

Wellmum Wellbaby (Melbourne), Melbourne, Victoria, 3000