Waverley Hockey Club (Ashwood)

Waverley Hockey Club caters for players of all ages and ability within a passionate and friendly club environment. Teams include Minkey, Juniors, Seniors and Masters, for girls, boys, men and women.
Waverley has Premier League men and women, and A grades at all levels of Juniors, along with various grades for all players of various ability and social competitions.
Since its humble beginnings in 1958, Waverley has risen to prominence in Hockey Victoria. The club has produced 15 Australian Representatives and countless Victorian Representatives. Waverley has won numerous State League 1 / Premier League titles in men's and women's competitions and at various intervals, the club has dominated hockey in Victoria over several consecutive years.
Waverley's social environment is strong and encourages member participation off the field. Members interact between all levels and grades, where a close-knit family of 'Panthers' strive for success and enjoyment in their hockey.
Whether you are new to hockey, looking for a new club or an old member looking to take part in the club again please contact us!
Cnr Winbirra Parade and High Street Road, Ashwood 3147 Map
✆ (03) 9807 7805
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ waverleyhc.org.au
→ Waverley Hockey Club on Facebook