Waverley and District Anglers (Mount Waverley)

Waverley and District Anglers was founded in 1991 to foster the sharing of knowledge and information between interested members relating to both salt water and fresh water angling.
Our aims and benefits are:
- Promotion of the involvement of individual members and families in fishing and social activities.
- Sharing of knowledge and experience in a non-competitive environment - with access to latest catch information and GPS Marks.
- Encouragement of the conservation of natural resources and preservation of fish stocks.
- Provision of a safe, friendly and secure environment - there is no alcohol at monthly meetings or on boats during scheduled club events.
- Organised schedule of club activities each month, fishing different environments - there is no competition between members.
Our monthly meeting agenda includes feedback from delegates who attend the MAA and VRFISH meetings, reports from the latest club trips, details and arrangements for upcoming club trips and events, members fishing reports from the floor, tea break with biscuits and/or cakes, raffle and Guest speaker - as / when organised.
52 Wadham Parade, Mount Waverley 3149 Map
✆ 0419 334 828
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ waverleyanglers.com.au