Wattle Park Playground, Riversdale Road, Surrey Hills

The playground has been famous for its iconic trams. The new playground stays true to the theme with a Wattle Park tram themed play structure. Steps lead up to an elevated platform with a metal tunnel slide (which is very fast and spits you out at the bottom) and a steep metal straight slide. Before sliding down, you can have a quick game of 'Line Up 4'. In the body of the tram is a steering wheel panel and a little ladder leading up to a small metal slide.

Off to the side is a climbing area of logs, nests and and thick ropes to traverse across.

The rest of the playground is nature play based with three igloo shaped wire frames to cover with branches to make cubbies, spinning disk, birds nest swing, log and rock stepper circuit, lots of wooden carvings (such a wombat, possum and owl), big sandpit, two standard swings and waterplay area with duplicate hand pumps and metal water channels allowing water to flow into a gently sloping concrete channel and down a drain.

There are many tables (some shaded), shelters with BBQs, water tap and grassy areas dotted with trees. There are two trams in poor condition which are getting refurbished and access is currently blocked off.
Overall it's a nice playground but there's not a lot of equipment to keep the kids there for long time.
1013 Riversdale Road, Surrey Hills 3127 Map