Watsonia Baseball Club (Bundoora)

Founded in 1974, the Watsonia Baseball Club competes in the Melbourne Winter Baseball League and is one of Australia's biggest winter baseball clubs.
We cater for all ages from 7 to 50+ boys, girls, men and women and novice to the experienced. Known as 'The Family Club' Watsonia still has many of the original families involved in the running of the club. Watsonia has a long and successful history in Junior, Men's and Women's baseball and specialise in developing young baseballers into representative teams which includes Major League Organisations, US College Baseball programs, State teams and Australian teams.
The club fields six senior teams and junior teams across the Under 13, 15 and 17 age levels. The club also has an U/11 rookie ball program, and tee ball program where players over the age of six can learn the basics of the game in a fun and safe environment on a Saturday morning.
The club is based at Loyola Reserve in Bundoora.
88 Gleeson Drive, Bundoora 3083 Map
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ watsoniabaseballclub.com.au
→ Watsonia Baseball Club on Facebook