WaterMarc Banyule (Greensborough)

The Aquatic Facilities which are all indoor include:
50 metre / 25 metre Pool - The shallow end of the pool (starting with 1.35m depth) is popular for learn to swim, free play and water exercise programs. The pool has a moveable boom that can create 16 x 25 metre lanes, allowing the flexibility around our programs and ensuring that our members and casuals have plenty of lap swimming space.

Learn to Swim Pool - Specifically catering for beginner and intermediate swimmers, this dedicated pool will allow tuition to all ages and abilities. Swimmers can enjoy separate change facilities and large groups are advantaged by separate entry facilities.

Toddler Pool and Leisure Pool - Fun. Fun. Fun. Water sprays, geysers and waterfalls - what could be more fun for toddlers and youngsters alike? And don't worry parents, we haven't forgotten about you. There are some great vantage points to enjoy watching and supervising your child/children as they enjoy all kinds of water activities that will keep them entertained whilst you have time to relax. Both pools have enticing beach entries and have maximum depths of 0.3m for the toddler pool and 0.9m for the leisure pool.

Warm Water Pool/Spa/Sauna/Steam Room - If the 50m/25m pool and learn to swim pool are not quite your pace, then imagine pure relaxation and indulgence in our warm water pool, spa and/or sauna and steam facilities. Here you can enjoy the specialist health benefits associated or simply 'chill out' in a most serene and beautiful aquatic environment. With an access ramp, stairs and slopes from a depth of 0.9m through to 1.4m, we know this particular facility will hold great attraction to older generations in particular, looking for a bit of 'me' time.
Active Water Spaces - Aquatic adrenaline rides are in high demand for active teens, family groups and youngsters. At our facility it's the absolute 'wow' factor at work, with a fantastic mix of interactive water activities, light and sound features and exciting water play spaces for younger children. And there is nothing more exciting at the entire complex than the Tantrum Alley waterslide - the only one in the whole of Australia! With its Pipeline partner we just know you'll be counting down to enjoy this thrilling ride - extreme fun for everyone, whether you're 6 or 60. Heights restrictions are:
Tantrum Alley - 122cm
The Pipeline - 107cm

Birthday Parties
Party Details and Costs
Learn to Swim
Learn to Swim options include Splish Splash Aqua Playgroup for babies six months and under, the GOswim program for children and adults in partnership with Swimming Australia to bring a new and effective swimming and water safety program, focused on experiential and activity-based learning. The GOswim Academy, which forms a part of the program, is designed for students aged between the ages of 8 and 14 years old and there is a school holiday program.
Opening Hours:
Operating Hours
The slides will be open between 4 and 8pm on weekdays and 9am-6pm on weekends, school holidays, public holidays and special event days.
Admission Prices
For a discount check out Small Ideas
The entry price is very expensive when you include the slides but it does have all the facilities you could want for a top notch Aquatic Centre - it is indoors, two water slides, water Play Park with slides and tipping bucket, toddlers pool, leisure pool and 50m pool.
The Pipeline Slide is a standard tunnel slide with some twists and a fairly gentle exit. There are one and two person rafts for this slide and the height requirement is lower for this slide. Tantrum Alley is a different matter all together. There are rafts for 2, 3 or 4 people and the ride is much wilder. There are two sections where the raft is thrust high up on the wall and you descend into a maelstrom of water. During the ride you get the sensation that you are going to fall out of the raft when it reaches the high point on the wall. The rafts for Tantrum Alley are heavy, especially the 3-4 person raft, and if you are lugging the raft up the stairs with minimal assistance from the kids, it is hard work and awkward - prepare yourself for the summer season with a month in the Weights Section of the gym (one floor above the pool area).
The Water Play Park has four slides, tipping bucket and water sprays. On the border is an area of big rings with water sprays and cannons. This area is next to the oval shaped toddlers which is 0 - 0.3m deep and borders the leisure pool which is divided so lessons can occur in part of the pool. This pool varies in depth from 0.5m to 1.0m. The 50m pool which is quite warm has areas for laps and play. It varies in depth from 1.35m to 2.1m. Hidden off to the side is a warm water pool for people aged 16 and above.
There is a cafe with quite an extensive range of food and drinks. Even though the Centre is not very old, there are signs of wear with sections of the soft surface in the Water Play Park eroded away and a significant proportion of the lockers being out of order. On a hot day the queues at reception and on the slides can be huge and it would be advisable to come earlier rather than later. Parking was tricky since most areas had a 3 hour time limit during the week (8am - 6pm) and on Saturdays (8am - 1pm).
1 Flintoff Street, Greensborough 3088 Map
✆ (03) 9422 6111
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ www.watermarcbanyule.com.au
→ WaterMarc on Facebook