Warrandyte Historic Town Walk (Warrandyte)

This 2.3 km walk is an easy wander along Warrandyte's Yarra Street while stepping back in time to the beginnings and growth of this picturesque riverside village. Meet colourful characters, hear tall tales and delight in the small town hospitality.
In the 1840s, prospectors were finding small amounts of gold in isolated pockets of Victoria and New South Wales. These hinted to a great field of gold somewhere yet unknown. A reward was offered to anyone who could find it. Melbourne publican, Louis Michel had despaired as his clientele disappeared in search of those elusive nuggets and had decided to join them. Incredibly it was he who uncovered a large nugget near Andersons Creek, Warrandyte. The find, along with another near the Central Victorian town of Clunes were officially proclaimed as the first gold finds in Victoria and led to the gold rush that made nineteenth century Melbourne one of the wealthiest cities in the world.
Facilities are toilets, playground, picnic shelters, barbecue, drinking fountain and cafes.
The walk starts at Yarra Street carpark near the corner of the Warrandyte Bridge, Warrandyte.
Map of Route

Route Description
The walk begins at the riverbank just near Yarra Street carpark and the Warrandyte Bridge.
Walk to the river and turn right. Find the cairn.
1. The Gold Crusher
This was the site of the water powered Government Stamping Battery built in 1897. A battery was a large mechanical crusher that broke the quartz up to reveal the gold within. It would have been a noisy but exciting sound for it heralded possible riches. Timber footings are still visible at low water.
2. The Warrandyte Punt
A barge guided by ropes was the only way for locals to cross the river for many years. The punt operated from here from 1856 until the bridge was completed in 1863.
Keep walking along the river for about 500 metres to the back of the Old Post Office Museum. Turn towards the water.
3. Coffer Dam and Grant's Battery
Remnants of a Coffer Dam built in the 1850s can be seen at the river's edge, just behind the museum. Look for planks poking up from the water. A Coffer Dam was created by driving wooden piles upright into the river to form a wall to keep the water out so the riverbed could be washed for gold. Upstream was Grant's Battery built in 1869. Like the State Battery it was also powered by a waterwheel, but was the first of its kind.
Retrace your steps and take the first ramp to Yarra Street. Turn right and walk to the Gospel Hall.
4. Gospel Hall
This small chapel is the second one on this site. Like much of the town, the original Presbyterian Church was lost to the 1939 fires. The chapel was built in the 1950s, when building supplies were in short supply, so it remained simple. Note the open belfry above the gable. Take a peek inside to see the historic coloured lead light windows.
5. Museum and Historic Post Office
The Historic Post Office is now home to the Historical Society's museum. Originally built in 1876 it has endured flooding in 1934, bushfire in 1939 and a deliberately lit fire in 1982. Inside you can learn about Warrandyte's gold heritage. Hear local stories at the listening post, including one about a determined postal worker who, after saving the post office from fire, continued to keep it open despite her own shock and exhaustion.
Stay on this side of the street for the next few historic places.
6. The Diary Tree
A cute reminder of days gone by is this very old Monterey Cypress Tree. There was once a letterbox here for locals to submit entries for the community newsletter, thus leading to its nickname, 'The Diary Tree'. The tree can be seen in historic photos on display at the museum.
7. The Grandest of Hotels
Originally the site of the Anderson Hotel, the Grand Hotel was opened in 1896 and was kept in the Tresize family for more than 60 years. It was a site for the popular theatre restaurant craze in the 1970s and 1980s. Hear about Yarra Street's other hotels at the Mechanics' Institute's listening post.
8. Sloan family butchers, 158 Yarra Street
Look across the street towards a shop with two matching gabled roofs behind the parapet. The shop was assembled from two separate buildings in 1901. The left hand part was brought down from Kangaroo Ground and was the butcher's shop for the next 93 years. Under the building's corrugated iron sheeting are the original bush poles and roof shingles.
Cross Yarra Street using the pedestrian walkway. There is a listening post on the corner of the Warandyte Community Centre with stories about Wurundjeri heritage and local artists.
9. Mechanics' Institute
Historically the term 'mechanic' referred to 'working man' or 'skilled craftsman'. Mechanics' institutes supported workers to increase their knowledge by offering libraries, lectures on a wide variety of subjects and demonstrations using small models of the latest inventions in mining and engineering. There were more than a 1,000 Mechanics' institutes in Victoria by the mid 1800s. They still remain 'for the community by the community'. There is a soundpost here with stories of dances and hotels.
10. Warrandyte War Memorial
The memorial was constructed in 1922 to commemorate those who fought in the First World War. The terraced gardens, radiating stone pathways and the obelisk centrepiece feature the local sandstone and random rubble that gave Warrandyte a distinctive architectural character.
11. Folk Art Shop
Before heading back across Yarra Street, take a peek in the Folk Art Shop. It began life as a wine saloon in 1890. In the 1920s it was converted into a sweet shop with adjacent tearooms - and what a lovely spot to enjoy tea and sweets.
Cross Yarra Street at the pedestrian walkway. You are now heading back up Yarra Street but on the opposite side of the street.
12. Ill fated Taffy
Ruins of a concrete building will appear on your right. They tell the story of the ill fated Kia Ora Cafe and the determination of owner Taffy Jones who fought one disaster after another then died when his home was only partially built. Find out more by reading the interpretation at the ruins.
13. Federation Playground
Time to let the children play. The Warrandyte Federation Playspace was inspired by the town's gold mining history and features a mine shaft, miners hut and gold wagon. There is a soundpost just next to the miner's hut with some great sound effects on it - enjoyable for young and old.
14. The Bakery
The historic bakery has existed here since the 1880s. The heritage oven still bakes bread as it has for more than 100 years (apart from a few years as a leather and wood-stove shop).
This finishes your walk. Time to relax and plan your next adventure.
225 Yarra Street, Warrandyte 3113 Map
Web Links
→ Warrandyte Historic Town Walk Guide and Map (PDF)