Warner Reserve Playground, Warner Avenue, Ashburton

Warner Reserve Playground, Warner Avenue, Ashburton

The small playground has been upgraded to include plenty of thrills and spills. Choose your choice of flying - Fly down a steep tunnel slide after either climbing up a tall climbing / scrambling wall or chain ladder. Alternatively, take a flight on a blue jet plane which has a chain traverse, small slide and monkey bars. You'll have to be patient though - another plane is on the runway ready for take-off.

There are also standard swings, birds nest swing and plenty of up-ended logs to jump across.

There is an unshaded table and water tap. Next to grassy fields used for soccer.



31 Warner Avenue,  Ashburton 3147 Map

Warner Reserve Playground, Warner Avenue, Ashburton31 Warner Avenue,, Ashburton, Victoria, 3147