Wangandary - Pine Gully Nature Trail

An enticing Warby - Ovens National Park 2.35km circuit walk through a rocky eucalypt and native pine forest to a handsome ephemeral waterfall site.
As the name suggests, the locality is noted for its native Cypress Pines. This walk is best tackled in a clockwise direction. Most of the walk is easy, but there are some steep and rocky sections and it can be slippery.
The creek and falls are ephemeral. In drier periods water goes underground and may return to pools on the surface. Winter and spring are the best times to catch the creek and water fall working well. Late winter and spring see wildflowers aplenty.
The site offers amenities and a loop trail that make it great for a family day visit. There are informative plaques all the way along that identify and discuss interesting local features. Plenty of car parking, picnic tables, fire pit, good signage, a viewing platform and a clean drop toilet facilitate a comfortable visit.
Access is along the Wangaratta - Devenish Road. Turn sharp left not far past the sign indicating that you have now driven into the Benalla Rural City municipality. There is a picnic area about 500 metres from the main road.
Map of Route

Interactive Map
Key Points of Interest
1. Informative signage
Throughout the nature trail informative local features are identified, described and discussed.
2. Car Park
There is clear signage on Wangandary Road to the Nature Trail. A couple of hundred metres downhill from the bitumen, there is plenty of room.
4. Rocky stairway.
There are some short steep inclines. This one is made easier and more stable by a rocky stairway.
5. Track surface
Much of the walk is a smooth dirt come granitic sand. Easy to see and navigate, but can be eroded and slippery in places whether wet or dry.
7. Red Box Forest
The distinctive ovoid leaves and gnarly trunks of the Red Box create interwoven intricacies that please the eye.
9. Grass Tree (Xanthorrhoea australis)
Ancient and unique, this tall species is threatened by Cinnamon fungus. Please keep to the track to avoid spread of the infection.
11. Step carefully
This location is probably the most unstable. A short steep decline across a shallow rocky face. Loose stones are a risk.
13. Top of the falls
The rocky creek bed above forms into interlinked pools that top the falls.
14. Viewing platform
Cross the top of the falls to a well placed viewing platform looking across the falls to nearby hills. Take care on the rocks, they can be unexpectedly slippery.
15. Amongst the escarpment boulders
There are plenty of nooks and crannies to explore.
17. Maturing Blakley's Red Gum
At the bottom of this stage of the falls is a single Blakley's Red Gum that already looks exquisite for its tall, lean shape and forming canopy. Imagine it in a century or two!
18. The creek above the falls
Water above the falls flows underground and overground according to the seasonal conditions.
19. Many mature trees have been lost
Due to wood cutting for firewood, fencing and grazing, much of the mature Warby Range woodland has been ravaged by woodcutters. Enough sizeable specimens remain to be seen.
20. Picnic tables.
By the carpark are picnic tables and plenty of space for picnic rugs. Families can set up to use the fire pit for cooking or their own BBQ devices.
21. History, art and culture
This carved stone tells the story of indigenous habitation of the region by Yorta Yorta people.
22. Long drop toilets
These were clean and well maintained, but take your own paper!
Wangandary Road, Wangandary 3678 Map
Web Links
→ Warby-Ovens National Park (Parks Victoria)
→ Warby-Ovens National Park - Park note (PDF)
→ Warby-Ovens National Park - Visitor Guide (PDF)
→ Pine Gully Nature Trail (Walking Maps)
→ Pine Gully Nature Trail (Warby-Ovens National Park) (Parksw Victoria)