Walking Club of Victoria

Walking Club of Victoria is a Melbourne based bushwalking club catering for men, women and families of all ages.
The club conducts activities 52 weeks of the year consisting of bush walks, suburban walks, base camp walks and overnight pack carries. These activities are supplemented by cycling and other active and social pursuits. Interstate excursions and occasional overseas trips extend the walking horizons. Membership is small enough to avoid being impersonal, resulting in close and on-going companionship.
Walks are scheduled for every Sunday of the year. These typically take place in National Parks or other suitable bushlands within easy reach of Melbourne. Wednesday walks are less strenuous and provide a pleasant mid-week social atmosphere. These walks take place in the suburban green areas or in the nearby hills with the occasional trip further afield using V-Line. Base camps and other walking trips are organised on a less frequent basis but are essentially an extension of the Sunday bush walks.
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About us
The Walking Club of Victoria (WCV) (founded in 1947) is a Melbourne based bushwalking club catering for men, women, and families. Club members come from all parts of Melbourne. The club conducts activities 52 weeks of the year consisting of bush walks, suburban walks and base camps. These activities are supplemented by cycling and other active and social pursuits. Interstate excursions and occasional overseas trips extend the walking horizons. Membership is small enough to avoid being impersonal, resulting in close and on-going companionship.
Walks are scheduled for every Sunday of the year. These typically take place in National Parks or other suitable bushlands within easy reach of Melbourne. Wednesday walks are less strenuous and provide a pleasant mid-week social atmosphere. These walks take place in the suburban green areas or in the nearby hills with the occasional trip further afield using V-Line. Base camps and other walking trips are organised on a less frequent basis but are essentially an extension of the Sunday bush walks. For more details on walks click here.
The club meets on the first Thursday of each month (except January) to discuss the forthcoming events. Meetings include guest speakers or some other form of entertainment. The clubhouse is currently located in Mount Waverley in Melbourne's east. The club also produces two quarterly publications for all financial members.
✆ 0417 038 343
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Web Links
→ walkingclubvic.org.au
→ Walking Club of Victoria on Facebook