Viri Virtual Reality Experience (Central Melbourne)

Virtual Reality Immersion - we provide an avenue for you to live out your imagination in a virtual experience that is so immersive, it is second only to the real thing.
The Viri Experience will engage your senses through an 50 minute virtual reality immersion with your friends.
Experiences include:
Walk the plank - Tackle the dizzying heights in this plank experience that transports you into a different altitude!
Archery - Go on a conquest armed with your bow and arrow and challenge your target shooting skills!
The Horror Experience
The Flight Simulator
Racing - Burn some virtual rubber and experience the thrill of the circuit.

Private Booth - Share the surreal experiences with friends and family in the comfort of your own space.
Opening Hours:
Opening Times
555 Flinders Lane, Melbourne 3000 Map
✆ (03) 9080 5745
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Viri VR on Facebook
→ Viri VR (@viriaus) on Instagram