Village Park Playground, Newmarket Road, Werribee

The playground caters for all age groups and is located beside a water play park and Skate Park. There is a long wooden structure with spiral slide, scrambling wall, tunnel, ladder, vertical square rope climbing frame, monkey rungs, stepping stones, hanging disks, balance beam with obstacles, clock, small climbing wall, walkway, curved slide, tic-tac-toe, cubby underneath, disks on a vertical pole, clanger to hit against pipes, steering wheel, speak and listen system, ladder with hooped steps and shop front.
The structure for younger kids has multiple levels and scoops for hauling up woodchips and putting them into pipes to fall back onto the ground - the ultimate recycling system. There is a digger and table to play with all the woodchips.
The playground also has a birds nest swing, swings without safety chains (the playground needs a swing with a seat with safety chain), lots of balance beams, soft access paths and a big circle which you spin around holding on with your hands. Be warned - if you let go you are likely to end up like a sack of spuds dumped on the ground.
The area around the play area is beautifully landscaped with natural elements and garden beds. There are two huge shelters with tables and BBQs, unshaded tables and seats, water taps, toilets and grassy areas (although there isn't a lot of room to kick a footy). In the same area is a plaza with shelters with seats and some water sprays, the water play park, basketball court and basic skate park.
The playground is located in a new development area in Werribee and Newmarket Street may not appear on all maps. Newmarket Street is a turnoff from the Princes Highway on the left as you head west from Werribee (just after New Farm Road).
Newmarket Street, Werribee 3030 Map
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