Village Green Playground, Greenham Street, Dartmoor

A wonderfully whimsical playground area with three carvings from tree stumps. One is a huge nursery rhyme tree featuring over 20 fairy-tale characters. Another carved tree stump has native Australian animals and the other features three horses drinking from a trough. Even the fence posts have native animals carved into them.
A truly unique feature of the playground is a pond with a "spiky monster" which surfaces and produces scary noises if you insert a $1 coin. It's well worth a $1 contribution.
The playground structure has a wave slide, chain ladder, tunnel, shop front, clock, walkway, tic-tac-toe, inclined climber with half circles, abacus and monkey rungs. Also swings, small rocker, train springer, balance beam, stand-on spinner and a plastic basketball "ring".
There is a shelter with BBQ, shelter with tables, unshaded tables and grassy area.
118 Greenham Street, Dartmoor 3304 Map
Web Links
→ Dartmoor - Avenue of Honour and Fairytale Tree Carvings