Victorian Seekers Prospecting Club (Mulgrave)

Seeking hidden treasures! Victorian Seekers Prospecting Club is a family oriented organisation located in Melbourne. The club's objectives are to promote friendship, cooperation and exchange of ideas among people interested in gold prospecting and metal detecting.
To realize these aims, we have meetings, lectures, discussions and practical demonstrations to help members acquire the skills required to make prospecting and metal detecting an enjoyable and rewarding pastime. We arrange outings to the goldfields and other prospecting sites, beaches, camps, ghost towns etc, to search for gold, nuggets, coins, relics, gemstones and other natural and man made objects of value and / or of interest. In addition, we also have functions to foster social contacts among members.
Our conduct is governed by a strict code of ethics including avoiding trespassing on private property or damaging the natural environment.
Membership is open to adult persons and their minor children.
Victorian Seekers Club has general meetings on the first Wednesday of each month (except January) at Mulgrave Community Centre and a field trip each month. We also have some occasional day outings, social outings such as film or theatre nights and other prospecting related activities.
355 Wellington Road, Mulgrave 3170 Map
✆ 0409 144 682
Web Links
→ Victorian Seekers Prospecting Club on Facebook