Venus Bay - Anderson Inlet Walk

Anderson Inlet Walk is a short walk past coastal vegetation, tidal mudflats and mangroves along the Anderson Inlet in the Cape Liptrap Coastal Park.
The Anderson Inlet Walk begins near the Point Smythe Walk but travels in an easterly direction to Doyles Road.
Distance: The walk is 2.5km in length and takes approximately 40 minutes (one-way) to complete. Some sites and maps specify a one-way length of 1.4-2.0 km. It is significantly longer than this.
Terrain: 2.5km gravel track with undulating surface.
Directions: From Melbourne, when entering Venus Bay take a right hand turn into Canterbury Road, this will then merge into Lees Road. Anderson Inlet Walk begins at the end of Lees Rd.

Access for Dogs:
Dogs are not allowed on this track.
The starting point for this walk is the same as for the Point Smythe Nature Walk. After about 150m from the car park, the Anderson Inlet walk track leads off to the right through thick banksias and tea trees towards the water. The track branches to the right where there's a pole with red arrow and follows the line of the water. The narrow track is overgrown on the sides with bushes and trees and initially a lot of the walk involves bending down to pass through tunnels of tea trees crossing the path.

The track leads past a little sandy beach and then a blue-tipped pole indicates a grassy track which leads away from the beach and goes past more little beaches until you reach Doyles Road. There is a table beside a small sandy beach and a seat.
You can either retrace your steps or follow Doyles Road up to quiet Lees Road and then back to the car park.
There are no facilities such as toilets.
825 Lees Road, Venus Bay 3956 Map
Web Links
→ Cape Liptrap Coastal Park