Urban Climb Blackburn

Urban Climb Blackburn has the following facilities:
- 2800 square metres of climbing
- Rope climbing open to climbers of all ages
- Rope gym with 17m lead wall
- Bouldering for 13 yrs and older
- Bouldering hall and training space
- Speed Climbing
- Yoga Studio
- Communal Work Space
Kids Bouldering & Climbing
Kids must be 13+ yrs for bouldering.
Under 13 yrs are able to rope climb at Urban Climb Blackburn. Often rope climbing can be more accessible for the young kids (under 5yrs). Children under the age of 13 must be actively supervised at all times under a supervision ratio of 1 adult to 2 children.
Opening Hours:
Open Times
Casual, Multi-pass and Membership Prices
33 Alfred Street, Blackburn 3130 Map
✆ 1300 001 203
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ urbanclimb.com.au/locations/blackburn
→ Urban Climb Collingwood on Facebook