Upwey South Tennis Club (Upwey)

Upwey South Tennis Club is situated in the beautiful Dandenong Ranges nestled in native bushland at the Upwey South Recreation Reserve. The club boasts 6 flood lit synthetic grass courts, club house with change rooms, kitchen and gas BBQ.
It is a family orientated club with netball and basketball courts next door. There is also a playground for younger children to enjoy.
Upwey South Tennis Club provides members with access to a wide range of competition tennis formats and standards. Upwey South Tennis Club is able to cater for players of all ages and standards. The list below identifies the days each competition is available.
Juniors: Saturday morning (Upwey South Tennis Club is affiliated with Eastern Region Tennis and has teams entered in the Eastern Region Juniors Weekend Competition. Saturday morning competition is available with Girls, Boys and Mixed formats available. There are two seasons conducted each year, the Summer Season running from October-March and the Winter Season running from April-August)
Seniors: Saturday afternoon (Sunday afternoon available during Summer)
Midweek Ladies: Tuesday & Thursday morning (teams are entered in the Ferntree Gully & Districts Tennis Association)
Veterans: Thursday morning
Pennant: Saturday & Sunday
Night Tennis: Monday to Thursday evenings (Upwey South Tennis Club is a member of Knox District Night Tennis Association and teams are entered in that competition)
Private and group coaching is available at all levels, Senior and Junior. Our resident professional coaches are from Extreme Tennis - Stuart & Diana Sutterby. They can also supply a complete range of Prince sporting equipment including demo racquets.
Court Hire
Courts can be hired at certain times during the day. All bookings for court hire can be made through the President David Leslie on 0488 777 776
Upwey South Tennis Club Members are entitled to involve guests in social tennis at a cost of $5 per person per session. Members are also entitled to obtain a court key for a deposit of $5, which enables private use of the courts when not in use for competition, coaching or organised Social Play.
Court Hire Details & Costs
9 Eloera Street, Upwey 3158 Map
✆ 0488 777 776
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ play.tennis.com.au/upweysouthtennisclub
→ www.extremetennis.com.au