Unusual Playgrounds around the World

Melbourne is blessed with some great playgrounds but there are plenty of imaginative playgrounds around the world. We sent the sniffer dogs out in search of those playgrounds. Apart from finding a few caches of illegal substances, they sniffed out some fantastic playgrounds. We are going to progressively explore these playgrounds and a new playground will be added each week.
National Arboretum Playground, Canberra, Australia

The pod playground features banksia cubby houses and acorn-shaped pods connected by rope tunnels and tube slides, discovery trails and climbing nets. Customised play items include portholes with insects, thunder sound panels, rain and hail tubes, wind chimes, kaleidoscopes and boulder climbing walls.
Tadpole Playground in Boston, USA

The highlight of this playground are the whimsical bronze frogs created by local artist David Phillips.
Miners playground in Chuquicamata, Chile

These surreal, industrial inspired play structures are in the former mining town of Chuquicamata in northern Chile.
More photos of the playground
Seward Street Slides, San Francisco

Grab some cardboard, hang on to your hat and go for it. These slides are built into the hillside of one of San Francisco's steepest hills and it's a hair-raising ride down to the bottom. The slides were the result of a playground design competition won by a 14 year old girl and have been terrifying locals and visitors alike since 1973.
Parc de la Villette, Paris, France

The park has ten thematic gardens such as the dragon garden, mirror garden and bamboo garden. There are also 35 "follies" - buildings designed strictly as ornaments. The highlight for kids though is the Dragon slide with a 26m long tongue slide.
"Mifletzet" (Monster) Park in Jerusalem

The "Mifletzet" (Monster) Park in Jerusalem has existed since 1972. The "Monster" is a black and white concrete structure with slides. You climb a dark internal stair case and emerge at the top of the Monster's three long red tongues.
Fantasy Playground in Hoenderloo, The Netherlands

Fantasy playground which looks like it came straight from the pages of a Fairy Tale.
More photos and information about the playground
Playground in a Cemetery, Rhinebeck, USA

Space must be at a premium in Rhinebeck where a playground has been built in the local cemetery.
Octopus Playgrounds in Japan

There are a large number of these giant cement octopi playgrounds in Japan. They were constructed by Maeda Environmental Art Co and apparently each one is a unique design.
More photos of the octopi playgrounds
Playground at Khmelnitsky, Ukraine

Bizarre and colourful playground in Ukraine which even has a touch of menace about it.
Zodiac Playground, Russia

Delightful playground sculptures representing the signs of the zodiac.
Ornithopter Playground, Germany

Ornithopter at Children's playground in Germany which can even flap its wings!
Nashville Zoo Playground, USA

The Nashville Zoo features the largest community built playground in the United States and includes a snake tunnel.
Tom Luckey Climbers

These climbers which are designed by Tom Luckey are typically located in Children's Museums across America. They seem so dangerous but are actually safe for kids to clamber up and down but anyone with a fear of heights would be well-advised to stay clear.
Breakfast Playground at Cherry Creek Shopping Centre in Denver

The indoor playground, designed around a breakfast theme, features slides that resemble bacon strips alongside enormous plastic eggs and other food items.
Lighthouse Slide at Wellington, New Zealand

Fantastic lighthouse slide at Frank Kitts Park on the Wellington waterfront.
Saber Jet Playground, California, USA

The F-86 Sabre was the first swept-wing jet fighter and carried a single pilot. This jet fighter is spending its retirement years in Palm View Park Playground in West Covina, California.
More information about the Palm View Park Sabre Jet
Monstrum Playgrounds, Denmark

Monstrum, a Danish company, design absolutely brilliantly imaginative playgrounds. I want to visit every one of them!
Noguchi Playscape, Atlanta, USA

The Noguchi Playscape was designed by world-renowned artist and sculptor Isamu Noguchi. Completed in 1976, Playscapes is the only Noguchi-designed playground completed in his lifetime in the US. This Playscape familiarises children with shapes, colors and textures.
Giant Robot Playground, Benbrook, Texas, USA

Fun playground which includes a giant robot with slides for arms and some classic equipment such as a giant bug eyed beetle.
More information about the Giant Robot Playground
City Museum, St Louis, USA

This may be a museum but it is also an unbelievable playground for kids (and adults). Includes two Saber 40 aircraft fuselages, school bus, fire engine, castle turret, cupola, indoor ball pit, wrought-iron slinkies, slides, mazes and heaps more!
St Louis City Museum Website
Takino Hillside Park, Japan

The basic theme of the playground is nests of living things and includes a huge anthill with slide, Rainbow Nest Dome, maze, huge cushion and more.
Diana, Princess of Wales, Memorial Playground, London, UK

A huge wooden pirate ship with a crows nest in a sea of sand is the amazing centrepiece of this playground which was constructed in memory of Princess Diana. There is also a sensory trail, teepees and various play sculptures.
Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco, USA

This playground is located on the rooftop of a building and includes a hedge maze, huge slides and 100-year-old hand carved carousel.
Clemyjontri Park, Fairfax County, Virginia, USA

A two acre playground where children with and without disabilities can easily play side-by-side. Includes four outdoor "rooms" - The Rainbow room, The Schoolhouse & Maze, The Movin and Groovin Transportation Area and Fitness & Fun. The name Clemyjontri is made up from the initials of the playground benefactor's children.
Gulliver's Park, Valencia, Spain

An enormous sprawling figure of Gulliver which forms an a wonderfully imaginative playground of climbing frames and slides. It is so large that kids really do look like Lilliputians as they scramble over Gulliver.
Google Map View of the Park
Laguna de San Gabriel (Monster Park), California, USA

The playground has large cement sea creatures which form slides, climbing structures and other fun play elements. The playground was built in 1965 and is called "Monster Park" by the locals. Thankfully the "Friends of La Laguna" group have managed to avoid demolition of the playground.
Nishi-Rokugo Tyre Park, Tokyo, Japan

More than 3000 recycled tyres have been used to make an array of fun play equipment - robots, dragons, bridges, swings, slides, tunnels and mountains are all constructed from tyres. It's certainly hard to imagine a more fun use for old tyres.
Kowhai Park, Wanganui, New Zealand

A playground full of giant animals and fairy tale creatures with quirky equipment like a writhing green octopus, slide inside a shoe, snow capped mountains, castle, pirate ship, pumpkin shelter, whale and Antarctica with penguins. Some (but not me) might argue that New Zealand has weather like Antarctica and so why not the wildlife.
The Fruit and Scent Playground, Liljeholmen, Sweden

The playground can be enjoyed by kids irrespective of whether they like fruit or not. The fruit bowl includes a banana slide, an orange segment see-saw, cherry swings, strawberry spinners and a watermelon jungle gym. Thankfully there isn't a durian spinner! The playground is located in the south of Stockholm.
Tom Otterness Designed Playgrounds

My favourite playground equipment is the huge bronze sculpture which was designed by Tom Otterness. The brass sculpture, named 'Playground' is in a park in a luxury residential development in New York City on West 42nd Street between 11th and 12th Avenues. This sculpture is the fourth in a series of six. The others are in the homes of art collectors who are obviously very rich and have a big back yard. One installation in a private residence in Cape Cod, Massachusetts has two water slides being formed by the legs. I even have this sculpture as my Google background image!
Blog article on Manhattan's Bronze Guy
Repurposed Airplane Slide, Ukraine

This slide makes use of an old Tupolev Tu-124. Let's hope it's not a target for the Russians.
Cheese Grater Slide

A Cheese Grater Slide in Kaasstad, Holland (close to Photoshop Land). Very handy if you have a block of cheese in your back pocket and want some cheese sandwiches for lunch!