Top 10 Victorian Country Playgrounds

Regional Victoria has a number of fantastic playgrounds which rival those in Melbourne. These are our favourites spread across the state. Click on the link to each playground for more information such as facilities list, full review and location map. Each playground also has a link to a slideshow of photos of the playground.
Central Region
Livvis Place Playground (Ballarat)Photo Slideshow

A super play space which provides all abilities access to all the play equipment with a wide range of play elements including a water play space. The playground is fully fenced and there is one entry point on Oak Avenue. The entry point is not a safety gate but the double heavy swing doors are an impediment to all but the strongest or ingenious kids.
The play elements are centred around an oval grassy area with shelters containing tables and BBQs on the edge. Near the entrance are toilets and water taps.
On a side near the entrance is a large sandy area with five swings including a birds nest swing, fun rope cone on a spinning disk, lotus leaf spinner with hand wheel, large family sized see-saw, spinning stand-up carousel, vertical logs with climbing holds, logs of different heights to jump across, digger, surfboard springer, sand play equipment and an elevated sandpit. This whole area, except for the swings, has poles ready for installation of shade sails when we visited.
The path winds down to a huge striking wooden structure set in sand with an array of ways to get up and down apart from the gravel path including a wave slide, tunnel slide, spiral slide, dual wave slides (all the slides have a nice soft landing zone), a ladder which leads up into a cylinder protruding above the platform and a rope ladder. This structure also has a speak and listen system, shop front, big colourful abacus, tic-tac-toe, clock and some musical instruments to make music or noise (depending on the family music genes).
Beside the fence is a wonderful area with enough whimsical musical instruments to form a band. There are drums, xylophone, cymbals, bells and other delightful instruments. Some of the sticks were missing (must have been worn down by continual use) and you may want to find a little branch to use as a drumstick before coming in.
In the far corner, in another patch of sand, is a play structure which was recycled from the previous playground at Victoria Park. Recycling at its finest. It has a tunnel slide, climbing walls, wave slide, spiral ladder, tunnel, balance beam bridge, chain bridge, hanging disk traverse and monkey bars. This area also has four swings and a birds nest swing. This area would be a nice playground just by itself.
Beside the fence is a flying fox with a disk seat and another with a harness seat. There is a big soft platform at the starting end to make it easy to get onto the seats.
If you still fancy getting sand between your toes, there is a standalone oval sandpit with a sand play table. In the corner is a water play area with water spray, some water play tables with various metal taps, sprays and valves and a large concrete area cut with channels which the water flows along. There are little metal flappers which can be used to control the channels which the water flows down.
There are more shelters with tables and BBQs in the huge grassy park outside the fenced area. The playground is located between Sturt Street Oak Avenue with parking and the only access gate being on Oak Avenue.
West Gippsland
Newman Park Playground (Traralgon)Photo Slideshow

Fantastic playground with a huge range of play equipment. There is a large castle structure with lots of levels, steps, walkways and ramps plus spiral, curved and straight slides, triple slide and spiral ladder. Next to this is a large sandpit with mechanical scoop, swings, real flying fox (zip line) and four person pommel bounce. Also a large purple and green climbing structure with lots of obstacles and two surfboard springers. Colourful maze with lots of fun and interesting panels with games.
Another large area with the theme "Newman Park Station" which seems to be a combination of a train station and a cattle station! It includes ramps, ladders, climbing wall, dual slides, straight slides, various panels with games, devices which say "Tickets please" and other train related noises and sayings, train and carriages with traversing possibilities. Fair amount of roofs in this area which provide some shade.
Shelter with BBQ and table. Plenty of unshaded tables and seats. Toilets including baby changing room and water tap. There is an area with two shelters, BBQ and tables. Liberty swing. Grassy areas.
To top it off the playground is next to a miniature train track. Trains run in the afternoon on the fourth Sunday of the month.
Lions Park Playground (Moe)
Photo Slideshow

Breaktaking. An extensive array of play structures set over a large area. One section is a fantastic All Abilities area which is a series of ramps and steps with slides, rope climbing frames, net traverse, train engine with two steering wheels, large sand pit under shade sails with two mechanical scoops and a fun "production line", curved ladder, scrambling wall, curved mirror and other fun things. In the same area there are also climbing structures, balance beam, moving bridge, flying fox, horizontal bars, three large cubby houses, large wooden statues of horses, wooden dray, various music making equipment, unusual swings, twisted sheets climbing structure, huge spiral slide, "arc slide", "hapi-sound cylinder", two horse springers and separate wave slide.
There are BBQs, shelter, shaded and unshaded tables and seats in this area. Water taps. Absolutely brilliant!
Another area close by has a big metal slide down the side of a big hill, real flying fox (zip line) and four swings (one with safety chain) and a structure with curved slide, scrambling wall, ladder, steering wheel, shop front, tunnel, chain traverse, log roll and small flying fox. Shaded table.
Apex Park Playground (Heyfield)
Photo Slideshow

Super playground in a nice setting. The high wooden main structure has a very high wave slide, dual slides, scrambling wall, various ladders, fireman's pole, shop front, flying fox, monkey rungs, chain ladder, steering wheel, various types of walkways, small wave slide and steps.
There is a birds nest swing, standard swings, horizontal square web of suspended disks to walk across, see-saw, two stand-on spinners, standard swings, goanna and wombat wood carvings, stepping blocks, lotus leaf spinner with hand wheel, multi-sided climbing structure with climbing wall and ladders, jalopy on springs (with two steering wheels), pipe flower garden, big sand pit, horse and bike springers and a roof-shaped climbing structure.
Toilets, huge shelter with four tables and BBQs, shelter with one table and water tap, basketball court, shaded and unshaded seats and tables and a huge nine person rock table.
East Gippsland
Howitt Park Playground (Bairnsdale)Photo Slideshow

Some super elements including the Wormtastic slide and huge flying fox. The playground has equipment in different areas. One area has a small structure comprising a slide, abacus, steering wheel, ladder and shop front. Another area has a structure with scrambling wall, ladder, hanging ladder, walkway, vertical web shaped chain climbing frame, climber and monkey bars. Another smaller structure has a spiral ladder, sloping parallel bars, chain bridge and flying fox. Also a large pyramid climbing frame with lots of climbing possibilities. A separate two person pommel bounce. There is a very long flying fox (more than 50m long) and a huge worm tunnel slide down a big hill. Thankfully the horizontal sections of the slide slow you down a bit or else it would spit you out on the highway. The slide has clear plastic port holes along its length which enables you to see the look of terror (or joy) on the faces of the kids.
At the top of the hill is a BBQ and three tables under a shelter. Toilets. Located on the left side as you exit Bairnsdale towards Lakes Entrance (immediately after the Mitchell River bridge).
South West
Lake Pertobe Adventure Playground (Warrnambool)Photo Slideshow

Unbelievable. I read somewhere that one family comes to Warrnambool every Easter just for the playground. I was having a hard time swallowing that until I saw this playground - now I would be willing to come back at Easter, Christmas, Queens Birthday holiday, Anzac Day .....
There are a series of fantastic play areas running along the side of the lake. The area closest to the town has a big sandy area with a boat structure which has a tunnel slide, tic-tac-toe, ramps, steps, scrambling walls and ladders. Next to this is a wooden structure with a launching platform for two huge flying foxes (zip lines). One starts at a low level and has a curved seat made from a tyre which is easy for younger kids. This flying fox is restricted to kids aged up to 12 years. The ride is not too fast and has a gentle ending (provided Dad doesn't fling you down the hill). It is fun and addictive but you won't hear too many screams from this one. The other flying fox (for those older than 12) starts at the top of the structure and has a ski lift type disk for a seat and some metal handles. There is a kick at the end when the flying fox reaches the tyres. You can expect to hear some screaming on this one. The structure also has dual wave slides, fireman's pole and spiral ladder.
Close by is a sandpit with two swings and a shelter with tables. There is a large maze with wooden walls which presents some level of difficulty but isn't so hard that you are likely to end up a quivering frustrated mess before reaching the centre and finding your way out again. Next to the maze is a rocky waterfall with water tumbling down into a pond. A little river meanders from the pond to the lake. Next to the pond is a shelter with table and water tap. This leads to a pile of truck tyres for climbing over and a standalone flying fox.
The next major area is a huge sandpit enclosed within wooden walls. This encloses a wooden boat shaped structure leading to ramps, walkways, horizontal climber with rings, climbing wall, long wave slide, shop front, sloping parallel bars, chain ladder, rigid ladders, steering wheel, tic-tac-toe, tunnel and small steep slide. Four nautical themed springers, rowing boat, pair stand-on skateboard springers, two mechanical sand diggers, four person pommel bounce and four swings. There is also a toddlers area next to the sandpit with clock, music making equipment, various panels, mirror, abacus and tic-tac-toe with animal shapes. Big shelter with BBQs, tables and seats. Also some unshaded seats. Water tap and toilets.
You then come to an area where motor fun boats, canoes, paddle boats and water bikes can be hired. A motor boat (which holds 2 adults and 1 child or 1 adult and 2 children) costs $11 for 15 minutes. This is great fun and even the kids can steer the boats. The other aquatic transportation options cost around $10 for 15 minutes.
Opposite this area is a big grassy area with a cricket pitch. Get together a team and try and beat the Warrnambool Whalers at 20/20.
After that a hill rises about the area which has a structure on top with three slides - a long straight metal slide, a fast bumpy metal slide and a tight twisty tunnel slide. The structure also has a scrambling wall, ladder and steps.
Nearby is another large sandpit with a huge metal spiral slide, five person stand-up carousel (although it seemed like there were more like 25 people standing on it and almost that number getting trampled on the ground), spinning tyre swing, springer and wooden structure with dual slides, monkey bars, ladder, walkway, steps, disks on a vertical pole, climbing wall, steering wall and shop front.
At the end of the park is another big sandpit with a wooden structure which has parallel slides, tunnel, climbing mat, ramps, walkway, tic-tac-toe, steps and steering wheel. Also swings and pelican springer.
This is next to a rocky fountain and small pond which drains back to the lake. Also a large shelter with BBQs, tables and water tap. A very wobbly suspension bridge leads out across the edges of the lakes where there are plenty of water birds to see.
As an added bonus there is a cafe across the street which has great ice-creams.
The playground is next to lake and you need to be vigilant although the lake is fairly shallow around the edges.
North East
Rocket Playground (Benalla)Photo Slideshow

The fantastic rocket is now home to a lovely nature based adventure playground. The rocket has multiple ladders leading up to the cone of the rocket. If you are brave enough to climb this high then the reward will be great views around the surrounding gardens. At the second level there is a metal slide for those wanting a quick and exhilarating ride down.
Nearby is an extensive ropes course (not too high off the ground which makes it suitable for a wide range of ages) which has lots of traversing opportunities and a birds nest swing.
A path runs beside this area bordered with lots of logs and rocks (rock hoppers will be in heaven). On the side is a big sandpit with three caves and a creek runs from this area. There are buttons to press to make a gurgling fountain of water which runs along the creek bed and is crossed by a bridge.
Another area is surrounded by a wooden fence (safety gate installation was in progress when we visited) with a wooden climbing structure with scrambling walls and a metal slide, swings (one with harness) and a sandpit with water tap to provide water for making sand cakes. At the end is a hammock.
There is a huge shelter with two BBQs and two tables and around this area four more tables are scattered. There are toilets, rose gardens and lots of grassy area for play.
The whole Benalla Lake area including the playground is a great place to spend a few hours.
The Information Centre is close by in Mair Street. Pick up a brochure titled "Benalla Lake Walk". There are three walks of varying lengths possible along the lake shores because there is a bridge traversing the middle of the lake. The total distance around the lake is 4.25 km (45-90 minute duration) and there is a scenic short option (start at the Ceramic Mural and go to the right which is 1.85 km) or a Bushland Short option (start at the Ceramic Mural and go to the left which is 2.4 km).
Near the bridge is the Ceramic Mural, which is a beautiful artwork for the parents and a great play space for the kids.
As you move to the left around the lake there is an analemmatic sundial, some BBQs, tables scattered about, a BMX track and Skate Park. The track passes across Jaycee Island which has a few swings (without safety chain), an old-fashioned see-saw and shelter with BBQ and table. The walk through bushland is very pleasant and there are benches along the way for rest stops.
When you reach the bridge there is a free Art Gallery with a nice cafe with indoors and outdoors seating. Further along the lake is an Indigenous Community Garden and Fish Ladder. From the Art Gallery, you pass the Sir Edward "Weary" Dunlop Memorial ("When despair and death reached out to us Weary Dunlop stood fast, a lighthouse of sanity in a universe of madness and suffering") and the Benalla Botanical Gardens along Bridge Street before reaching the playground.
Northern Country
KidsTown Adventure Playground (Mooroopna)Photo Slideshow

KidsTown Adventure Playground is located is located on the Midland Highway between Mooroopna and Shepparton. The playground is Australia's biggest adventure playground and is open from dawn to dusk. Entry is by gold coin donation.
The playground has a number of areas/ features including:
KidsTown Miniature Train
The Kidstown Miniature Train runs every weekend, public holidays and Victorian School holidays. Tickets are available at the train station located next to the wheelchair swing (when it is busy) or else at the cafe. The train departs about every 15 minutes and costs $2.50 for a short lap.
Monkey bars and Flying Fox
There is a reasonably long flying fox and an area stacked full of monkey bars and monkey rungs all connected together.
Giant Slides
There is a hill with a very long wave slide and a giant straight slide. Children enjoyed these but they were very slow and it was necessary to keep pushing yourself forward in order to get any speed. If you are going to have a giant slide then make it fast and scare the living daylights out of the kids. For those preferring their slides in a shorter form there is also a normal size wave and straight slide.
Tree Houses
The Tree Houses have lots of ramps, levels, ladders, nooks and crannies to explore. It is just like a maze. There is also a talk-to-me system which the kids can use to talk to each other.
The Kidstown Amphitheatre is a huge shelter area that seats up to 230 people.
Fruit Bin and Dairy Mazes
The Kidstown Fruit Bin Maze has lots of steps and ladders to go up and down. There is also a Dairy maze which is large but easy to navigate - no need to take a backpack and compass. The dairy maze has some cow teats hanging from the roof for a spot of milking practice.
Shaded Area
There is an area under shade sails with BBQs, shaded tables, large sandpit with three mechanical diggers and wooden rowing boat.
Junior Area
There is a Junior area located next to the cafe which has a structure with three curving parallel slides, steps and straight slide, purple dinosaur which two people can ride on, wooden train and carriage, six swings and a brightly painted cubby house with table and seats.
Toddler Area
There is a fenced off area with safety gate for toddlers and babys which has a sandpit with devices for moving sand and scales, buggy, little slide, rocker and two little fibreglass cars. There are also seats in this area for parents.
Liberty Swing
There is a wheelchair (Liberty) swing located near the Train Station which is free to use.
Park for Play Playground (Mildura)Photo Slideshow

Super all abilities playground which has a soft base around all the play equipment, is huge and fully fenced. The main structure which is shaped like a yabby (if you have a touch of imagination) with blue and yellow roofs over the body and long zigzag ramps for the back legs. The ramps have a range of alphabet and number panels. The body has a tunnel slide, wave slides, dual wave slide front legs plus climbing walls, vertical chain climbing walls, chain ladders and scrambling walls. This structure also has mazes at each level, tic-tac-toe, various ladders and round space ships.
On one side of the playground is a row of eight swings (most under shade sails). In the corner next to the swings is a play area with wave slide, walkway, steps, tunnel, fireman's pole, steering wheel and monkey rungs plus two springers.
In the other corner under shade sails is a speed boat on springs with water skis and a merry-go-round which you sit in and spin around. In this area without shade sails is a structure named "Summit" with a high climbing wall, scrambling wall, vertical chain rope with foot holds, spinning circle you hold onto with your arms and a vertical chain climbing frame. Another structure which is low has a tunnel slide, little wave slide, shop front, tunnel, spin the boomerang panel, little bridge, walkway and "Shear the Sheep" panel. This area also has two stand-on spinners.
At one end of the playground is a large sandpit with shade sails. There is an extensive sandplay structure, tables and a digger in the sandpit. nearby is a path with some musical instruments.
Also a Liberty Swing, six tables under shade sails in one corner, BBQs, water taps and a shelter with a single table in the middle of the playground area. There are unshaded seats and limited grassy area in the fenced area (no ball games allowed). Outside the fenced area are toilets and ovals.
Steggall Park Playground (Swan Hill)
Photo Slideshow

A super All Abilities play space which is spacious and fully fenced. There are paths to all the equipment and some sections have shade sails (dual slides down a hillock, area which has a range of musical instruments on a wall and a big sandpit with a boat). Other items include a big pyramid rope climbing frame with plastic hammocks at the bottom, Super Sway seats, huge arch with rope squares, birds nest swing, huge paddle steamer with a Murray Cod on the bow, wind chimes, another sandpit with digger, swings (one with harness), wooden stumps to hop across, sit-on carousel, see-saw, water pump which runs into a rocky area for a stream and structure with two very steep slides, fireman's pole and spiral ladder.
There is a huge shelter with four tables and BBQs plus toilets outside the fenced area. There are water taps throughout and a big grassy area beside the fenced area. Overall, a super playground which has lovely landscaping throughout and sections of nice bright colours.