Toora Wind Farm (Toora)

Toora Wind Farm is a wind power station at Toora in South Gippsland. The wind farm is on a ridge overlooking the small town of Toora about 2km along Silcock's Hill Road.
There are 12 wind turbines each standing 67metres high. The blades are mounted on the tubular towers and have a diameter of 66 metres. The turbines rotate at 10 to 21 revolutions per minute, with power produced at wind speeds of between 3.5 and 25 metres per second. The electricity produced by the wind turbines is fed into the 66-kilovolt distribution network via a 22-kilovolt underground collection cable system to each tower.
The Toora Wind Farm produces enough energy to supply more than 6,600 homes and will reduce Australia's greenhouse gas emissions by up to 48,000 tonnes of CO2.
Toora Wind Farm was one of the first commercial wind farms in Victoria. Vestas Wind Systems - a Danish company, and one of the world's largest turbine manufacturers - constructed the wind farm in 2001 and cost
$38 million.
At the Observation Area, not only can you get a close-up of the giant wind turbine whirring but possible close-ups of a herd of cows - science and animals together. There are some information panels about Wind Farms in general and this particular Wind Farm. It is located only 2km from the South Gippsland Highway.
Silcocks Hill Road, Toora 3962 Map