Tongala Street Art

Tongala Street Art

Tongala has over 50 street murals painted on buildings and fences around the town centre.

Tongala has had murals for 15 years , time to add a new experience for visitors to not only tell our unique history and character, but add a little humour and intrigue. The Lions Club obtained a grant from Tongala Community Bank for the materials for a Street Art project with local artists volunteering their skills and time.

There are many different paintings, some have written explanations, others will require a little imagination. Many of the paintings are designed as backdrops for personal photos, like the Angel wings, or go back in time to the F.J. Holden garage, a trip to the Mighty Murray River.

Discover the history and culture of the town as you meander around the murals. It is suggested you start near the tennis courts at Doug Nicholls Drive, drive along the purple trail on the map, park your vehicle under the shade, then follow the red trail to view the individual art on buildings along the main shopping area. Don't forget the challenge to find the hidden dunnies in our paintings to add a little mystique.

Street Art Map

Tongala Street Art
Note: The brochure with latest map can be found at a number of locations in Tongala plus surrounding towns such as Kyabram and Echuca Visitor Information Centre.


Milk Factory, 50 Henderson Road by Murray Ross

Tongala Street Art

These paintings tell the story of changes in the dairy industry using the Tongala district and Nestle' Tongala Factory as the model, but similar practices have taken place throughout Victoria.

Getting the Cows
The life of a dairy farmer always started before sunrise and very often finished after the sun was set. Rain, hail or shine, mud or dust, the first task is to round up the cows for morning milking,

The first scene is just that, however the numbers of cows were not the same as those required to make a viable farm today. The acreage required to sustain the large cattle numbers is also much greater.

Our farmer is seen walking with his trusty friend to fetch his ten cows. Today farmers use a motorbike to get their herd usually between 100 and 1000 cows. The distance is much further to the paddock but in the most cases the trusty friend still helps, in fact in some cases the dog is trained to bring the cows to the dairy on his own after the farmer has opened the gate.

Tongala Street Art

The dairy itself has also seen radical changes over the years to cope with the increase in the number of cows and to allow for increased product quality.

Most children had to milk cows before school often on a frosty winter's morning, and with flies, a flicking wet cow tail or a pesky cat wanting its share of the milk.

Darkness was broken by a flickering lamp, which the howling wind would often blow out. Electricity came later together with milking machines, refrigerators and lamps that didn't blow out with the wind.

Today's rotary dairies milk up to 100 cows at once, as one cow gets off the platform another gets on. Dairy cattle are very manageable and can be quickly trained to walk into the stall and walk out after being milked, of course, being enticed by a feeding bail. Today's dairies are kept very clean as consumers expect the very highest quality and standards of hygiene.

Transporting Milk to the Factory
Milk is chilled at the farm and stored in refrigerated vats below 5 degrees before being taken to the factory. This ensures it is as fresh as possible before processing.

In the days before motorised transport, the milk was separated by hand on the farm. The skim milk was fed to the pigs, and the cream was tipped into cream cans. These were either left by the roadside to be collected by the cream cart, or the farmer loaded them onto his own cart and delivered them personally to the butter factory. At no time during this process was the milk refrigerated. The trip to the factory was used as a special gathering with farmers catching up on and sharing local news at the milk receival depot.

Tongala Street Art

Testing the Farmers Milk
A sample of each farmer's milk is taken from the milk vat at each farm and tested for fat and protein levels in the factory laboratory. The farmer is paid according to the volume of milk, the fat and protein content as well as the overall quality of the milk.

Today milk is tested on high volume rapid test instruments but in times gone by the Babcock "Fair" Tester was used. In this test, a measure of milk was poured into a special flask and treated with sulphuric acid to release the fat. By use of centrifugal action and the addition of hot water, the fat was driven into the graduated neck of the flask where the volume was measured.

Farmers were paid according to the measure, which was generally heralded as the "Fair" measure of the value of milk.

The process of roller drying depicted here was used as early as the 1930's to produce milk powders. Typically, these roller dryers produced one tonne of milk powder per day.

Milk entered the roller dryer as a liquid and was then dried in a thin film on a steam heated rotating drum. The dried milk was then removed from the exterior of the drum by a doctor blade and transferred to a hammer mill where it was pulverised and sieved prior to being packaged and moved to market.

Large-scale powder operations now dominate the manufacturing of milk powder. Advances in equipment design; technology and innovation have increased manufacturing capacity 100 fold from the roller dryer technology.

Typically in powder manufacturing, operations will consist of evaporators that remove some of the water from the milk and spray dryers that remove most of the remaining water then cool the powder prior to packaging.

Packaging of milk products has always played a big part in the overall manufacturing process.

The scene depicted in the mural is from the early 1900's and shows the labour intensive nature of the packing lines in those days were everything was done manually.

Over time automation has changed the roles in milk packing departments where today the production is almost fully automated reflecting the ever-increasing demand for more competitive cost of production and quality of product.

Packaging materials have changed from simple wooden boxes and glass bottles to the use of many and varied types of materials and containers including cans, plastic bottles, laminated plastic "soft packs", plasticised paper and even squeezable tubes.

How we purchase milk products has also changed significantly from the early days when milk was delivered to the door by a horse drawn cart. On the back of the cart would be a milk churn that you dipped a ladle into and filled your own jug. This was superseded by the general store, which sold milk in glass bottles and proved a personalised service.

Today in Australia most milk is sold in supermarkets in 2 litre plastic bottles. However, the vast majority of Australian Milk is exported throughout the world as milk powder, mostly to countries that do not produce sufficient milk of their own. From its modest beginning 200 years ago, the dairy industry has grown to become one of Australia's key exporters.

McConnell Bus Depot, 13-15 Mangan Street
The Downunder Dunny
Tongala Street Art

Between Tongala and Echuca on the Murray Valley Highway is the Falcon Hotel, at one time the site of an exciting proposed tourist attraction for the region, as the pub was to be turned into an "upside down pub". Imagine standing on your head drinking beer.

The Tongala Lions Club decided to support the proposal and constructed their "Upside Down Dunny Wishing Well" giving an ideal photo opportunity for overseas and interstate visitors.

The dunny features in many traveller's photo albums and was voted one of the top ten unique tourist attraction by a well known Sydney radio station. So next time you need to spend a penny, make a wish at 'The same time'.

Transport Over the Years
Tongala Street Art

The way of getting from A to B has changed over the years in Tongala and district, quicker, safer and in more comfort we hope.

For those who remember the conditions of the roads, such as they were, as in most cases two simple wheel racks in dry weather, and in the wet, a series of bogholes, travel became an adventure.

The butcher transported the meat around the district in his cart and you can imagine the conditions when he lost a wheel on a hot day, flies were just as annoying then.

Getting stock across the Goulburn river as well as supplies at Yambuna was done by punt, a yell and a ring on an old separator summoned the punt from the other side. It is rumoured that Ned Kelly crossed here on his way to Jerilderie.

Dances, meetings and other social functions were usually arranged on a full moon to offer light for night driving. Group transport was usually in the back of the lorry, the moon also assisted the horses to take the rider home safely.

Higher education was available in Echuca. Over the years trains were not the only means of transport but the opportunity for social education and pranks like unhooking the trailer which was the girls carriage or all up the back of the train so it stalled going up an incline. On many occasions walking was faster than the train.

Buses are still used to deliver school children from the outer regions into the Tongala and Echuca schools. Today coaches, rather than buses are used, with up to seventy students per coach. Train travel was the way to Melbourne and many other places for stock and produce on their way to markets. Passenger travel on trains started in Tongala in 1887. Nowadays it is all coaches, trucks and private cars and only freight trains pass through the town.

The Tongala Railway Station
Tongala Street Art

They came in their trainloads to celebrate 100 years of Tongala's rail link. But V/Line got there one week before and without prior notice demolished it in one day. Talk about bad timing by V/Line. So a few locals got together ana erected a wooden structure and Rossy painted a station on black plastic. The celebrations went ahead with Tongala's new "Clayton Station" .

Home Timber & Hardware GTS Farm Supplies, 7-11 Mangan Street
Capt. Payne Sheep Dog Trials
Tongala Street Art

It has been said 'a good dog is worth two workmen.'

In 1927 the Victorian Working Sheep Dog Association was formed by those who saw the need to foster the working and breeding of better sheep dogs - to improve their quality. The working sheep dog is a most important part of our primary industry.

As a result there sprang up in many places around Victoria Sheep Dog Trials. In 1930 there were 14 members in the Association and a few Trials, but over the years great interest has been shown and today there are close to 400 members and approximately 30 trials held annually in this state.

Some trials are arranged by local Agricultural Societies and held on Show Grounds. Other Arena Trials are arranged by various Clubs. These Societies/Clubs are affiliated with the VWSDA Inc. and comply with the Rules of the Association for the running of each Trial.

Captain Payne (Field Trial) which has been competed for since 1931 Field Trials are conducted in an open paddock situation and have a very long cast for the dog to pick up sheep. Some variations in obstacles are used.

It is named atter Capt. A.E T. Payne the first chair of the V.W.S.D.A. And is held each year throughout the state. Tongala was host for some 29 years, recently the site was out at Jimmy Hodgson's property at Kanyapella.

These Field Trials and Utility/Station Dog Trials are a good test for a working sheep dog and have done much to improve the quality and type of dog for general farm use in Victoria.

There are many local / legends of both workers and dogs that are worth recalling including Tongala locals Harry Tennant and his dog "Kurrangi Russ", Roy O'Neil and "Bonny Doon Belle", Jim Nivett ""Kyneton-Willie".

Farming Practices by Murray Ross (2009)
Tongala Street Art

Farming practices have changed over the years due to many reasons, invention has helped with the solutions to many problems. Greater productivity using an efficient cost structure has been the main driving force.

Our mural depicts a number of changes we have seen that have played some of the scenarios in our region.

The first scene depicts the change in sowing seed, the seed was sown by hand broadcasting. Here we see a hopper being filled with seed which in turn feeds a fine tube depositing the seed In the opened soil just behind the plough sheet which lays the soil on top of the seed, a more efficient use of seed and placing the seed in the perfect position for germination.

Below is culling and stooking of oats to dry, very labour intensive, the whole family participated as did the neighbour, but compared lo cutting with a scythe by hand, the crop was handled quicker with less weather problems and a greater production was ensured.

Hand milking was another time consuming activity. We all know of the great advancements achieved in the dairy industry some created in Tongala. Note also the feed system "a bag a cow".

The bush telegraph was the means of discovering new techniques and commodity prices along with the local print media, also used as a social exchange between farmers.

Black-smithing created many inventive skills. The site of GTS, the site of the town Blacksmith J.K Byrnes shop, his skills manufactured and repaired many farm implements as well as looking atter the feet of the tractor of the day "the horse".

Implements of farmers and townsfolk have also altered.

One innovative change has been the use of PVC pipes and fittings instead of steel pipes and fittings, especially in our irrigation region.

Irrigation, well it bought wealth and stability to our region. Times are changing, the drought conditions have seen a change in colour of our surroundings, and many farms have been forced to change production avenues. The future will be a challenge for our area.

Veterinary care of stock has become more intense and clever, with large stock numbers, animal health is a key factor to achieve a successful herd or flock.

Power supply was a big influence on farming practices, computers are on the same history course.

One of the main factors in farm management and innovative learning practices is the computer, its uses range from driving the tractor to herd records, financial management to resource location. Unlimited capabilities are the future.

Remember the first scene of sowing seed, well the next scene depicts the high tech seeding of today, assisted by computer seed delivery ensuring the correct depth and rate of seed. The speciality seeds that are trial tested and innoculated offering the best available strike rate and production benefit for the farmer.

Over the past decade, innovative change has been the success at farming in our region. What an exciting time ahead, innovation will still be our key to survival. Encourage innovation by using it.

Tongala Street Art

Tongala Street Art

Tongala Street Art

Ross Nevett Automotive, 41 Mangan Street
Tongala Street Art

St Patrick's School, 32 Mangan Street
Tongala Street Art

Tongala Town Square, 48 Mangan Street
Tongala Street Art

The Goulburn River - our river of life by Murray Ross, Jill Conway and Teena Savage
Tongala Street Art

The Goulburn River and her network of tributaries are the life blood of the north central Victoria agricultural industry.

At the same time, the rivers have more recently evolved into tourism magnets for fishers, boaties and people making tree changes from the confines of the state's big cities.

Today the Goulburn and her daughter rivers are pivotal in generating incredible wealth through vast farm land and burgeoning numbers of tourists; with canoeing, sightseeing, camping, swimming and fishing (chasing the legendary Murray Cod as well as Golden Perch and, in her lower reaches, the Spiny Freshwater Crayfish).

Irrigation is the sustainable future of the regional produce including dairy, livestock, horticulture and broadacre; which not only provides farm employment and boosts local economies, it also supports extensive infrastructure investment.

The Goulburn rises below Corn Hill on the south-eastern side of the Victorian Alps, near the town of Woods Point in the Mansfield Shire. From where generally zigzags north and west, passing through or close by Alexandra, Seymour, Nagambie, Murchison and Shepparton - Mooroopna before reaching its confluence with the Murray River near Echuca.

The Goulburn has an amazing 41 tributaries including the Black, Jamieson, Howqua, Delatite, Big River, Rubicon, Acheron, Yea, and Broken rivers, and the Seven Creeks.

In its journey to to Murray, the Goulburn descends 1100m along its 654-kilometre course. In addition to being Victoria's longest river; the Goulburn also has the highest discharge and highest annual flow of any river in the state; ensuring its modern incarnation as the pulse of the irrigation connections across thousands of farms.

The Goulburn - along with the Upper Murray and the Murrumbidgee - accounts for 45 per cent of the Murray Darling Basin's total runoff. By contrast, the Darling basin contributes just 31.7 per cent.

In 1992 it was declared the Goulburn Heritage River; in recognition of its trademark natural, recreational, scenic and cultural values.

Then in June 2010, the Victorian Government created the Lower Goulburn National Park project to enhance the state's River Rod Gum Forests - many of which flank the Goulburn in a seemingly endless sprawl; with these majestic giants reaching as high as 45m into the sky and can live five centuries.

In her upper reaches, there are also extensive forests of very tall Mountain Ash, their seeds carried by floodwaters into the high country, where they are left to germinate and establish before the next flood reaches them. High country where pristine streams are the dream country for trout fishers.

And even in death, the forests give life, with hollows and broken branches providing nesting for galahs, cockatoos, cockatiels and various parrots; while fallen branches provide a secure habitat for other animals; endlessly increasing the diversity and the delights of its catchment area.

Tongala Street Art

Tongala Street Art

The Wash House, 54 Mangan Street
Tongala Street Art

Sam McLeod Automotive, 58 Mangan Street
Tongala Street Art

Tongala Community Op Shop, 64 Mangan Street
Tongala Street Art

Tongala Street Art

Tongala RSL, 21 Mangan Street
Vietnam War
Tongala Street Art

Tongala Street Art

The Vietnam War is Australia's longest major conflict involving over 60,000 Australians.

In 1962, 30 Australian military advisors were sent to Vietnam to support the US in containing the spread of communism which resulted in an agreed alliance between the two countries. Selection conscription for Australian the military service was introduced in 1964, and all national servicemen were liable for "special overseas service", including combat duties in Vietnam from 1965. This grew to include an infantry battalion 1965 and a two-battalion task force in 1967. Sizable numbers from the RAN and RAAF also served in Vietnam. Additionally, approximately 1,000 Australian women volunteered to serve in Vietnam, as entertainers, typists, consular staff and nurses. The 43 Army nurses who volunteered to serve as nursing sisters were caring and sympathetic towards the soldiers. Their motto was "To Preserve the Fighting Strength".

Vietnam combat meant more than exposure to enemy mortar, rocket and small arms fire. Men could also be killed by underground land mines and booby traps. The fighting involved enemy skilled in gorilla and jungle warfare. Australians became accustomed to constant patrolling, laying ambush and enemy pursuit.

One of the largest and most complex tunnel systems lay in South Vietnam in the Cu Chi district, 40 kilometres from the capital, Saigon. The heavily defended Viet Cong stronghold was used as a base for attacks on Saigon. The tunnels concealed living quarters, storage depots, factories, hospitals and headquarters, enabling people to wage war for years at a time.

The Tunnel Rats were American, Australian, New Zealanders and South Vietnamese soldiers who performed underground search and destroy missions. Their motto was the tongue-in-cheek Latin phrase Non Gratum Anus Rodentum - "Not worth a rat's arse!"

Tunnels were often booby trapped with hand grenades, anti-personnel mines, and punji sticks. The VC would even use venomous snakes, placed as booby traps. Rats, spiders and scorpions posed threats to the Tunnel Rats. Tunnel construction occasionally included anti-intruder features such as U bends that could be flooded quickly to trap and drown the Tunnel Rats. Sometimes poisonous gases were used. Tunnel Rats were generally men of smaller stature -165 cms (or 5 ' 5" and under), who were able to manoeuvre more comfortably in the narrow tunnels.

The Battle of Long Tan was fought in 1966 when the 6th Battalion of the Royal Australian Regiment was engaged in one of Australia's heaviest actions of the war. In a rubber plantation, near Long Tan, 108 soldiers of D Company 6RAR held off an enemy attack, estimated at more than 2,000, for 3 hours, in the midst of a tropical downpour. A timely resupply of ammunition by RAAF helicopters, artillery fire support, and the arrival of reinforcement in armoured personnel carriers, as night fell, prevented the company from being overrun.

Joint Australian and New Zealand forces were involved in the heaviest action at the Battle of Coral/Balmoral in 1968 where the North Vietnamese launched four major attacks, in an attempt to drive the Australians out of this important area. The troops also initiated fighting during their many patrols outside bases.

The Tet Offensive began in 1968, resulting in a significant escalation in the war's scale and intensity. The Tet Offensive coincided with the Lunar New Year holiday, known as "Tet"-usually a time of truce. However, the communists' targets were cities, towns, and military installations throughout Vietnam.

In May 1972, anti-war protesters staged the first moratorium marches in Australia. Opposition to conscription was growing, as more and more Australians began to believe the Vietnam War could not be won. However, today, Vietnam Vets are remembered with respect by our community, although there was a time when recognition was not forth coming. The National Service Scheme was finally abolished on December 5th, 1972. Australia's involvement ended in 1973.

Overall, 523 Australians were killed and approximately 2,400 were wounded during the years 1962-1972.

Healing is important, so while reading this, take a moment, in silence, to remember those who gave selfless service, and especially those who made the extreme sacrifice.

Tongala Street Art

Tongala Street Art

Tongala Street Art

Tongala Street Art

68 Mangan Street (Cnr St James Street)
Tongala Street Art

Motive Power on the Land
Tongala Street Art

In days long gone, man relied very much on the horse to ease his workload around the farm. The horse pulled the plough and at harvest time pulled the cart filled with the produce.

Then came steam and with it the steam roller to help with making our roads better. By adding a belt to the flywheel of a steam tractor, threshing could be carried out in the fraction of the time men and women could do it by hand.

With the aid of two steam tractors, ploughing could also be undertaken by each tractor in turn pulling the plough back when it reached the end of the row, due to the small turning circle of the tractors. Finally came the internal combustion engine and it did not take long for companies to see what a boon this would be for the farmer. The early tractors had all metal wheels but before long pneumatic tyres and a sprung seat added to the comfort of the driver.

The Fordson tractor illustrated sold (in 1952) for 844 pounds which is roughly $2500. Compare that price with the modern machine of today which sells for $70,000 to $100,000 plus.

Tongala Street Art

Tongala Hotel, 72 Mangan Street
Pig and Lady Day
Tongala Street Art

This event was held every Monday when pigs and produce were brought into town and folk dressed up, socialised and caught up with all the latest news and gossip. The scene depicted is not of any one particular year but a collage of time to show a variety of activities taking place.

Tongala Street Art

Tongala Street Art

Tongala Street Art

Tongala Street Art

Embrace Church, 80 Mangan Street
Tongala Street Art

Potts Village Green Toilets, 29 Mangan Street
Tongala Street Art

IGA Supermarket, 31 Mangan Street
Tongala Street Art

In 1982Tongala celebrated the connection of sewerage and to farewell the old dinkum dunnies in the town, with a festival that not only raised a huge donation for the Anti Cancer Foundation but created publicity nationally and overseas.

Activities included the longest Dunny Dash 20 km from Kyabram, children dressed as red back spiders, the plumbers handicap provided the spectacle of particular arrangements of pipes and fittings, a Dunny Cram of over 15 in the loo at the same time, performances by the "Dunny Can Band " all made for an enjoyable day.

Men and women with dunny cans slung over their shoulders thundered down and over an obstacle course in the Dunny Can race urged on by the crowd's screams of laughter. In between the games and races singers, dancers and comedians entertained. Al! set in amongst a fine selection of outside loos gathered from around the town.

Publication of a booklet with toilet humour supplied by famous sporting folk, artists and other special people was produced. As the sun was setting Petty Officer Peter Thomsen, RAN, played the Last Post as the last dunny was set alight. The crowd stood in silence with many sad, embarrassing and happy memories floating towards the night sky.

"Illah is going to give Grandpa a surprise. How many of his friends can you find who are wailing for Grandpa to rush out of the dunny"

Tongala Street Art

Tongala Street Art

Bendigo Bank, 35 Mangan Street
Tongala Street Art

Tongala Bakery, 90 Mangan Street
Edward Micklewaite Curr 1820-1889
Tongala Street Art

At a very young age Edward was sent by his father Edward Curr Snr. to be educated in England on board the ship "Lady Rowena " in 1829.

On the voyage the ship was chased by a pirate, a small vessel with many hands. The ships four cannons were loaded and the crew issued with arms, for it was well known, death awaited them on capture. However a strong wind sprang up and the larger ship was able to escape.

In 1840 Edward's father purchased a sheep station, sight unseen, named "Wolf's Crag" at Heathcote.

In 1841 Edward was sent to manage the station, however he was to find that the property was not what it was claimed. Grass for 2100 sheep was very hard to find.

Not long after, six bullocks wandered off. Edward got word the bullocks had been seen 80 miles away on the Goulburn River, It was here that Edward found both the cattle and good grazing land. After droving the sheep across the plains he set up "Tongala station".

Edward befriended the local aboriginals and is renowned for his writings, used by many students of all ages to understand life at the time of European settlement and in particular the natural vegetation and wildlife in the area as well as aboriginal lifestyle and customs.

The copy of a letter sent to Edward by his father is ironical as Edward's legend is in his writings today. His book "A Recollection of Squatting in Victoria" is available through the Shire of Campaspe. The history of Edward M. Curr would make an excellent mini series for television.

Canvas Sewing & Leadlight, 100 Mangan Street
Tongala Street Art

Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake,
baker's man.
Bake me a cake, as fast
as you can.
Pat it and prick it,
mark it with B.
Put it in the oven for
baby and me.

Tonny Takeaway, 108 Mangan Street
Tongala Street Art

Sound Shell, Cnr Mangan Street and Henderson Road
Tent Town festival
Tongala Street Art

In 1978 Tongala held its first Tent Town Art and Craft Festival which became one of the regions well known annual events attracting artists and craftspeople from all over Australia. It gave not only visitors to the town but many of the local community the opportunity to learn skills and an appreciation of the arts. In many cases the learners became the exhibitors in later years.

Many guest celebrities, bands and entertainers provided family entertainment and participation which created a real festive atmosphere during the Labour Day weekend in March each year. Children were taught theatre and circus skills and were enthralled with story telling. The Tongala Lions Club ran the fancy dress parade with some very original ideas being created.

Ice carving was one of the many skills demonstrated and with our warm climate the children sat as close as possible to cop the ice spray as it was chiselled from the block.

The town ran 15 festivals creating the opportunity for local charity organisations to build up their funds and at the same time making Tongala one of the regions renowned art and craft centres.

Tongala Street Art

Alfred Deakin 1856 - 1919
Played an important role in the Constitution for the proposed Federation of Australia. He was elected Prime Minister of Australia three times 1903-1904, 1905-1908 and 1909-1910 in the first ten years of Federation. Alfred was part of the team that chose the site for Canberra Australia capital.

Alfred Deakin investigated irrigation in America ultimately instigating irrigation in the Murray Valley which has made our region sustainable and prosperous. The main picture shows construction of the Waranga Basin.

Deakin also introduced laws that improved conditions for workers in factories including safety issues, safety guards in particular.

Handsome, intelligent and his courteous manner earned his nickname "Affable Alfred'.

Tongala was the centre of the Shire of Deakin which was created in 1893 an area of 371 sq ml and a population of 5,800, it became a very successful shire. In 1994 the Shire of Deakin was abolished, and along with the City of Echuca, Town of Kyabram, Shire of Rochester and other surrounding towns were merged into the newly created Shire of Campaspe.

120 Mangan Street
Smile, Laugh or Frown

Note: The mural is currently missing.

  • Some time ago milk was delivered to the factory in cans. This picture depicts the receival depot at lunchtime. Local "night cart" operator , Ray Gay, was often an unwelcome visitor!
  • While the local Iceman was delivering ice, two young boys threaded rope through the front wheels of his truck effectively stopping the Iceman from moving off.
  • The young city wool classer came up from Melbourne for experience at Hacon's shearing shed. An old-timer was telling how good the local shearer was and took bets to the gun shearer, shear a sheep while blindfolded. The old-timer won by blindfolding the sheep.
  • Another city bloke challenged a local lad to a race with his flash MG sports car. " No worries" was the reply with a wry smile. Up here the roads are very dusty. As the large car was slower through the gears it was given an agreed start over the MG. With a swerve or two the red MG could not see to pass and lost the race.
  • Jack Pola the local cop, organised working "B's" to dig out the Tongala swimming pool. Lads that had misbehaved during the week formed an eager team, not wanting charges laid or parents notified of their misdemeanors.
  • The cattle sale. A big black bull jumped the fence and joined the crowd, causing utter confusion for a while.
  • The lad with the lady had stolen too many dances with the girlfriend of the lad in the shadow of the doorway. So shadow hitched the rival's horse on one side of the fence and the cart on the other side.
  • Students travelled to Echuca for higher education, over the years by train, this picture shows the boys who travelled in the front carriage of the old rail motor un-hooked the girls carriage at Koyuga siding and left the girls stranded.

39 Henderson Road
Tongala Street Art

2 St James Street
Tongala Street Art

St James's Anglican Church, 7 St James Street
Tongala Street Art

Tongala Street Art

Tongala Street Art

Tongala Street Art

Tongala Street Art

Tongala Street Art

Tongala Primary School, 28 Miller Street
Tongala Street Art



Mangan Street,  Tongala 3621 Map

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Tongala Street ArtMangan Street,, Tongala, Victoria, 3621