The top games to play in the car when travelling

Let's face it - travelling with kids in the car can be a trial. How many times can you answer the question "How long it is it before we get there?" without exploding like Mount Krakatoa?
Here are some resources to help the time pass in a fun and interesting way.
101 Car Travel Games & Road Trip Games for Kids from Moms Minivan
Some suggestions from our Facebook page:
Lisa - For my 3 year old, we play an easier version of I spy... I spy something that is red... blue... yellow etc. This will keep him amused for some time.
Louise - Find the letters of the alphabet in order. The first one to 'z' wins.
Alana - We do a couple of variations of the alphabet game - by theme such as animals, place names, friends names or Star Wars. So each person in the car has to think of an animal beginning with A, then each person says an animal beginning with B, a...nd so on. Littlies get clues to help them (and get to go first so that they can guess elephant while the bigger kids are stuck with emu and echidna). And yes, for those Star Wars geeks: Anakin, Alderaan, Asokha, A-wing, etc.
We also play license plate games - we look for the lowest and highest number and the lowest and highest set of letters.
And we play on-the-fly bingo, in which the parents choose random things the kids have to spot - usually slightly uncommon things like a motorbike, a boat on a trailer, an orange car, or something you have a fairly good chance of seeing up ahead on that stretch of road (a horse in a field, an airplane, a red sign, a Maccas).
We also play a word association game which is actually a secret speech therapy game for Mr 7 who has difficulty with word recall. You just go around in turns and each person says a word that is associated with the last. Eg: black - night - stars - moon - round - pancake - breakfast - milk - cow - pig - pink - flower - etc etc. There's no wrong answers and the only rule we use is you can't use a word that's already been used.
Louise - I have a list of things, ie; bird, someone on a bicycle, postbox etc. The first person to find them wins a point. First to 10 points wins the game.
Rebecca - We play a word game with number plates. EG: TRT = Totally Radical Turtles OR even Tasty Red Tomatoes. What ever comes into your head first. We always end up laughing :)