The Top Family Activities and Playgrounds in the Horsham Rural City Region

The Horsham Rural City region is three and a half hours drive north-west of Melbourne and includes the main town of Horsham plus some smaller towns.
Some of the highlights of the region, which borders the Grampians National Park, are Mount Arapiles-Tooan State Park which has massive rock formations with climbing and hiking, Horsham Botanic Gardens, Stone Forest Adventure Mini Golf in Horsham and The Giant Koala at Dadswells Bridge.
A map of the region is:

The best playgrounds in this region are:
Botanic Gardens Playground, Horsham

The main play area is under shade sails. The structure has a high wave slide, rope spiders web climbing frame, monkey rungs, high inclined rope bridge, little wave slide and a lower end with an abacus, shop front and metal pipes to hit a clanger against. A highlight is a lovely tractor with steering wheel and instrument panel. There is also a stand on spinner, cute sheep dog springer and equally cute sheep springer. Outside the shaded area is a four person pommel bounce, kangaroo springer, bike springer, horse springer, small standalone wave slide, speed boat on rocker and a huge sculpted sugar gum named Bunyip.
Under another shade sail is a birds nest swing and two standard swings. Lovely grassy lawns with shaded BBQs, water tap, toilets and shaded and unshaded tables.
Horsham Apex Island Park Playground, Horsham

Walk across a wooden bridge to the island. A huge metal slide awaits you. Down the hill on the other side is a fun play structure with spiral slide, tunnel slide, climbing wall, bridge from a mesh of rubber covered chain, hanging disk traverse, climbing wall with proper climbing holds, monkey bars, spiral ladder, little tunnel, shop front, steps and scrambling wall. An old structure also with metal slide, log roll, chain met climbing frame, monkey rungs, flying fox, steps and swing. Also train springer, swing with four suspended tyres which revolves around, standard swings and a fun stand on carousel.
Shelter with seats, shaded BBQs, unshaded tables and seats. Huge log to climb on. No toilets. Surrounded by the river on all sides so needs care with non swimmers.
The skate parks in this region are:
Horsham Skatepark (There is a fairly simple street plaza which includes a quarter pipe, stairs with manny pad and rails. This leads to a large bowl, shaped like a curvy rectangle, which has a vertical wall at one end and hips, extensions and blocks. The bowl has a shallow end which is about 6 foot and a deep end which is about 8 foot.)

Horsham Bowl (The bowl is a little shallower and more suitable for the younger or inexperienced users that the other more modern skate park in Horsham. The bowl is in two sections with a spine in between and a roll-in. The surface and lines are not very good and it shows its age)

Natimuk Skatepark (A metal street course which has elements from the old Horsham skatepark before it got upgraded. It includes quite a few quarters (one goes to vert without a platform) and banks in a small area plus a fun box and rail)

The BMX tracks in this region are:
Horsham BMX Track (The BMX track is divided into two parts separated by a mound with flat concrete area on top with concrete ramp down to each side. One side has four big jumps and a banked turn and the other side has three smaller jumps on a banked curve. The easier side has a gravel surface with a lot of little stones while the harder side doesn't have the stones. Next to a skate park, water tap and shaded seating)

Natimuk BMX Track (A rough and ready track in a waste disposal area - aka recycling centre. About twelve rough jumps of various heights on rough ground. Overall a very rough experience. Maybe prepare for a ride here by finishing a Tough Mudder course while running backwards)

Reviews of all playgrounds, skate parks and BMX Tracks in the Horsham Rural City council region are here:
Family activities in the Horsham Rural City region include:


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